User: CakeByTheOcean

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User profile: CakeByTheOcean

User info
User name:CakeByTheOcean
Number of posts:81
Latest posts:

static pointer as class member leading to valgrind still reachable
Thank you dutch. delete foo::bar; this command doesn't work, since the bar is private Assume we wa...

static pointer as class member leading to valgrind still reachable
I have following code example. Class foo has a private member bar, which is a static string pointer....

SIMD: more generic shuffle function
I think the SIMD shuffle fucntion is not real shuffle for int32_t case the left and right part would...

SIMD: implement _mm256_i8gather, _mm256_i16gather
I want to ask a question about SIMD. Intel doesn't offer gather functions like: _mm256_i8gather_epi8...

warning: ignoring packed attribute because of unpacked non-POD field std::array
When I try to use __attribute__((packed)), the g++ would give me a warning about POD but the packing...

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