by obeeey
Problem with reading files
[3 replies] Last: Help is still needed. I tried adding in function GetBodyPosition afte... (by obeeey)
by bretjoseph
Whats the difference between using -> and using . ?
[4 replies] Last: Thanks all (by bretjoseph)
by MikelLiew
Extract Numbers only from read File
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <ve... (by lastchance)
Array task - rand() issue |
[2 replies] Last: Neither swapping sequence is correct. On line 28 you declare a variab... (by lastchance)
by blackmamba
Different Neighours - An Interesting Matrix Problem
[17 replies] Last: I got 3 AC's can anyone help me with edge case, give me a hint if poss... (by closed account 17o30pDG)
by rozick1
Is this an appropriate use of std::function?
[1 reply] : It depends on whether F1() should know about F2() and F3(). That aside... (by helios)
by Mrsoap
no default constructor
[3 replies] Last: @Mrsoap Please don't start new topics about the same subject, just ke... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Ganado
Writing subset-of-C C++ code
[10 replies] Last: Yep, and Cubbi's example solidifies that absolutely, it looks like. I ... (by Ganado)
by blackmamba
Chef and Modulo Game Problem
[5 replies] Last: @Repo, If you don't understand then you should lose. Hence the word "c... (by dutch)
by N503838
Dereferenced pointer input to a function
[6 replies] Last: Thank you both for your time and input. The solution proposed by ne555... (by N503838)
by coder212
Need Help in Codechef Question
[4 replies] Last: This guy's not even asking a question. He's asking for a alliance with... (by dutch)
by Tduck
How to get active user input?
[3 replies] Last: Any third-party library do you support? ... (by salem c)
by Alin Stanciu
How to pause keyboard input in C++ (cin input)
[5 replies] Last: System("pause") is a bad practice. It's platform specific as well as... (by Tduck)
by Mrsoap
Using and ObjectManager to render and update subclasses in a list
[2 replies] Last: Do you know what the differences are between local, global and member ... (by coder777)
Structures - C++ Task |
[5 replies] Last: I agree with salem c , consider it might be you that is misinterpreti... (by TheIdeasMan)
by jacapiwsko
How to check "is cursor visible"?
[15 replies] Last: Yes, it spam "visible" when I dont see the physical cursor. So how ca... (by jacapiwsko)
by Grime
How do I get a single character from stdin?
[8 replies] Last: your standard c++ tools are waiters. That is, if you try to read fro... (by jonnin)
by faltu112
Shortest path from source to every other node with skip some(W) edges
[1 reply] : Have you already managed implementing the plain Dijkstra algorithm or ... (by nuderobmonkey)
Function changes values when part of a for loop. |
[7 replies] Last: Step through your code in a debugger. That will allow you to look at ... (by MikeyBoy)
by hellon
modulo question
[1 reply] : And? What is your question? What code have you written? What proble... (by MikeyBoy)