Beginners - January 2019 (Page 13)

Card Numbers
I need to get the Ace to display as either 1 or 11, depending on the score. However I'm completely lost and don't know how to achieve this. I don't want to chan...
[9 replies] Last: Referring to your original post: Line 12 & 20: The order of QUEEN an... (by AbstractionAnon)
C++ Game Error
[3 replies] Last: @sf1237 I just compiled your code in MS Visual Studio 2012 Express, a... (by whitenite1)
operation "new"
What happens when run bellow code? // Example program #include <iostream> #include <string> void create() { for(;;){ int *a = new int; ...
[5 replies] Last: A new Foo does three operations: 1. Allocates memory from Free Store... (by keskiverto)
HELP ME - CHEF PIZZA PARTY I was asked to write a program to find out the maximum number of slices he can get following the constraints. ...
[1 reply] : So what is your question? We're not going to write the code for you. (by AbstractionAnon)
Help-Background color
Good day I just finished a new design and have a small problem. I want the background-color: 000; grows with the content and that without a fixed height. I re...
[2 replies] Last: Hello Lissandragaren3, I tried your code in an ".html" file and it wo... (by Handy Andy)
Code for Laplace Equations
Hello, Can some one please provide me the code for the Laplace equation.
[1 reply] : What have you done so far? Simplest way is to use Gauss-Seidel and so... (by lastchance)
Converting coordinates in text form to an array (or best way to process)
The .text file reads something as such: [1,10]-9-Lunamaria [7,12]-3-Decathalon [2,11]-3-Decathalon [13,9]-8-Magnaria Essentially, I want to learn to pl...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <s... (by lastchance)
Help Please-Lucky Number Game Problem
Can somebody help me in this question. Bob and Alice are playing a game with the following rules: Initially, they have an integer sequence A1,A2,…,AN; i...
[5 replies] Last: <vader> I sense a presence in the source, a feeling that I've seen thi... (by salem c)
Question Class Constructors, Setters, and Getters. (1,2)
I had a question about accepted practices for class structure. As an example I will create a vehicle class with a length and width that don't change, and x and ...
[22 replies] Last: The 3 character idea sounds like a good rule to use. I'll have to read... (by closed account Ezyq4iN6)
[1 reply] : ... (by Browni3141)
C++ Game with Random number Generator. HELP!!!
Here is a guess my number game program. I've been trying to change this program so that instead of telling the user if their number guess is too high or low, i...
[4 replies] Last: Ok, working on it. Thanks you guys! (by Eristato)
2d array row sum
I have 2d array 4x5. How can i find average value of each row, and then print out row numbers in decreasing order of their average values? #include "pch.h"...
[3 replies] Last: White cream, as a beginner it worth looking over the code and work out... (by Grunalin)
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class FirstClass{ public: private: FirstFunction(){ cout<<"Random text "<<endl; } }; int mai...
[7 replies] Last: You helped me so much. Thanks. (by Mister H)
by Rale
C++ task (prob for you very easy) I just need lift
Hello, I have one task that i can't solve. I know that it's not hard compared to other task posted on this forum. I'm currently learning just in school so if s...
[3 replies] Last: thank you very much helped me a lot cheers! (by Rale)
by Grime
Is there a library for emulating input?
What I mean by emulating input is that I can have a program move my cursor and click at locations and have the program simulate keystrokes. Is that kind of th...
[11 replies] Last: I want to click a button on a c++ program that will relay the button p... (by Grime)
for if loop
I dont understad why this code does not work, it doesnt go through loop, but just prints out 1111 all the time #include "pch.h" #include <iostream> using ...
[2 replies] Last: (x = a) should be (x == a) == is used for comparison whereas = is ... (by Grime)
Yet Another Problem About Sequences
For a set of positive integers S, let's define gcd(S) as the greatest integer which divides each element of S. If gcd(S)=1, the set S is called coprime. For exa...
[4 replies] Last: @dutch maxdaen is right. It will not work. Maximum value of a will re... (by honeybuzz)
by dangtu
What is a good rule to organize C++ code?
I wonder is there any rules to help organize our source code? For example, I'm having some header files and CPP files. Its structure looks like this: - main....
[3 replies] Last: This is of course a problem: #ifndef NAMED_NODE_MAP_H #define NAMED_NO... (by coder777)
by Grime
I use VS2017 on a 64-bit Windows 10 system. sizeof(*int) tells me 4bytes. But you need 8 bytes to address a 64-bit address. Then the pointer's size should al...
[3 replies] Last: int* foo; int bar; cout << sizeof(foo) << '\n' << ... (by Grime)
How to check in character?
Hi... This program check numbers that is palindrome or not in reverse order i want to make this program for characters checks palindrome or not like(MOM,MADAM)....
[7 replies] Last: Thanks Grime and honeybuzz (by Mehmood Umer)
January 2019 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 17
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