Beginners - January 2015 (Page 35)

Questions (1,2,3,4)
Hello, I'm new to programming(I'm 14), and there's my very first application... I've watched some tutorials on youtube(something like 30-40) and then i tried t...
[60 replies] Last: My questions is still available , don't hesitate to answer it..(It wou... (by SoLix99)
Shell Sorting a doubly linked list
I got this project to create a doubly linked list from a file and sort it via the Shell sorting method. I think I figure it out (the logic behind the algorithm ...
[2 replies] Last: Still waiting for backup. (by Cr1ms0nStraY)
Any easier way of averaging?
This is the code from the book I had bought today "Object Oriented Programming with C++ by E Balagurusamy": #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for clearing that up. "CLARITY." I should write that down. (by Francis Lalhmuakliana)
by beko
List of books - In which order to study?
Hello, I've set myself a goal which is to become as proefficient with C++ as I can become. I've already looked for recommendations, and I've found a couple o...
[6 replies] Last: If you want to read them one after the other, this is the order that I... (by JLBorges)
Undefined symbol error in Turbo C++ (1,2,3)
I want to create a GK Quiz project named Infinite Knowledge. In this I created a C++ Class 'Quiz' with the following members given. I haven't yet completed the ...
[58 replies] Last: Why? Still confused.. What if an answer file does not exist or is m... (by AbstractionAnon)
Where to start?
I started learning c++ from, learning about functions, classes, and constructors - up to pointers. I plan to continue learning this way, but I'...
[2 replies] Last: My personal recommendation: SFML Nice, C++ like API Simple Good Docume... (by bugbyte)
i have a working code thanks to EmailArchitect i took his code and we got it working in vs2013 u just need to download the easendmail and grab the files easendm...
[5 replies] Last: Just write your own code... You're not even trying. This example would... (by Avilius)
Need help with a random map maker
My code is kind of long and cant be repeated over and over again without closing the program. Can someone please help me shrink it. #include <iostream> #inc...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, this serves my purpose. I am also wondering if it is possib... (by Althalus)
The use of Pointers
I've just come across the pointer variable in a C++ book Im reading. The book shows you how to use them, how to declare them and all that stuff, but doesnt tell...
[1 reply] : This comes up all the time. Read this sequence of pages on pointers, ... (by kbw)
What are C++ Libraries?
Can someone explain to me what libraries are and how to find the functions to call them out and how do you find this library? Because I don't understand how pro...
[1 reply] : After you use something enough it will become second nature. Though we... (by giblit)
Turning the pieces of my program into a class
I would like to put parts of my file reading program into a class so that I can edit out certain characters and start totaling the contents of my file as well a...
[4 replies] Last: Ok I'm going to turn the menu you into a class and just kinda go with ... (by mightymeowth)
How Long to know basic c++ until jumping into...
How long do you gotta be good at basic c++ to jump into game programming. I think ive been learning c++ for about a good 2 weeks now (I think). I know all the b...
[1 reply] : I'm relatively new as well, but one thing I have read and discovered t... (by DarkLightHitomi)
fl_arc and fl_rect
I have a draggable canvas and the code below is executed on every drag. if(index == 10){ for(i = 1; i <= inote; i++){ ...
[3 replies] Last: Why not just have 2 separate coordinate pairs then? (by kevinkjt2000)
Where to start with programming and is it possible for me?
Hello, as the title says, I'm wondering where to start learning programming and also if I should learn several languages at once. I've played around in Java, an...
[3 replies] Last: your english is good enough to read in english. ** Learn C++ for Game... (by anup30)
by sambos
Encryption / decryption
Hi, Question 1. I understand how a 'key' or single ASCII character like the letter 'k' is used to encrypt text. For example, the binary code for: A: 01000...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your reply, kevinkjt2000. I'll have a look and go at what ... (by sambos)
Difference between while (guess) and while (!guess)
I am fresh to this forum and have been studying C++ on my own time after work. I had a question about while loops. I was going through my book and it shows a ...
[3 replies] Last: Hey giblit and bugbyte, Thanks for the insight. I appreciate the clar... (by closed account jh5jz8AR)
Could anyone suggest an introductory book on C++?
Hello, i'm completely a newbie in the realm of C++. I've been studying computer science in 12th at NIOS. As NIOS is a self-studied institution, I didn't have a...
[15 replies] Last: Im using accelerated c++ by Andrew Koeing. Its really helping me a lot... (by Blackhart98)
Need help with currency system
How do you make a currency system in a rpg like game. Like you buy you some food from your overall currency. Food is 30 Your currency is 100 30-100 *Then d...
[2 replies] Last: well say your currency is in dollars (just an example) int dollars... (by axtyax)
Tic Tac Toe AI
Hello. I´trying to write for my tic tac toe game, which makes some randoms moves. It hasn´t to reakt on my moves, but I my turn is done it should place he´s...
[no replies]
problems with shellexecute
Hellow. I need some help in this program i am doing some stuff and i have a little bug in using shellExecuteExecute it works normaly the calculator opens but ...
[no replies]
January 2015 Pages: 1... 3334353637... 39
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