Could anyone suggest an introductory book on C++?

Hello, i'm completely a newbie in the realm of C++. I've been studying computer science in 12th at NIOS. As NIOS is a self-studied institution, I didn't have a tutor nor a mentor. So, I'm quite lost. I beseech anyone who would suggest me a good/simple introductory book on C++. Thanks!
Any of these:

Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (2nd Edition) - Stroustrup

Accelerated C++ - Koenig, Moo

C++ Primer (5th edition) - Lippman, Lajoie, Moo
I would suggest starting with Beginning Programming with C++ for Dummies. It is an excellent choice for people with little or no programming experience in C++.
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Thanks guys.
Maria96 wrote:
I would suggest starting with Beginning Programming with C++ for Dummies. It is an excellent choice for people with little or no programming experience in C++.

that book is written by Stephen R Davis in 2010.
an updated book by same writer is C++ For Dummies 7th ed. published in 2014. which covers C++11 and C++14.

The suggested ebook "C++ For Dummies 7th ed," seems to contain C++11/14. So, might it be too advanced for an absolute beginners like me?
> seems to contain C++11/14. So, might it be too advanced for an absolute beginners like me?

The learning curve for C++11 is less steep than that for legacy C++.

However, though I haven't read it, I'm quite sceptical about the quality of this 'for dummies' book. AFAIK, "C++ for dummies" is an oxymoron.
well, the best thing of the book is fast and easy language flow - a beginner can read the book like a novel! and finish the 477 page book in a month. expert level correctness can be ignored there in sake of speed. "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++" surely technically much more correct. but a beginner need a whole year(at least) to finish the book. IMO the extra 11months could be more economically spend in learning SFML/SDL/OpenGL/Qt etc.

i would have suggested "Accelerated C++" if that was published in 2014.

there is another dummies book: C++ All-in-One For Dummies®, 3rd Edition - by John Paul Mueller and Jeff Cogswell, 2014, page 868,
which is different flavor

There is a pretty big list on stack overflow:
You might notice... No C++ for Dummies in there.
Edit: Don't. Please don't buy that book. Buy 'Principles and Practice Using C++ (Second Edition)' or any other from that list (suiting your skill level) over that any day of your life.
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bugbyte wrote:
There is a pretty big list on stack overflow:
You might notice... No C++ for Dummies in there.
Edit: Don't. Please don't buy that book. Buy 'Principles and Practice Using C++ (Second Edition)' or any other from that list (suiting your skill level) over that any day of your life.

my links are free pdf. so no money needed.
the comments are from experienced programmers who were beginner in 80s or 90s , so they recommend the books they learnt from.
"Principles and Practice Using C++" is not a beginners book (as your link).
> "Principles and Practice Using C++" is not a beginners book

It is a beginner's book. And I'm not alone in saying that.
When choosing a book, look for one that presents Standard C++ and uses the standard library facilities in an integrated manner from the start.
For a gentle introduction suitable even for people who have never programmed before, a great book is Programming: Principles and Practice using C++
If you are new to programming (have never programmed before), consider Programming: Principles and Practice using C++. This is the book Bjarne Stroustrup wrote for a freshman (1st year university students) programming class and it has benefited from three years of classroom use.
Trust me. I looked into "C++ for Dummies" on google books. And even being not the most experienced programmer (kindly said), I could tell that the book is... well... not as good as others (kindly said). If you need free learning resources, there's always 'Thinking In C++'.
lets see an example:

Programming Principles And Practice Using C++ 2nd Ed
2.2 The classic first program

// This program outputs the message “Hello, World!” to the monitor
#include "std_lib_facilities.h"
int main() // C++ programs start by executing the function main
cout << "Hello, World!\n"; // output “Hello, World!”
return 0;

when a beginner will copy the code in his ide and try to comlpile+run
..... thanks for suggesting to a beginner.
I think that program is more beginner friendly and correct than this: (page 16)
I think it is not very hard to find the header:
google "std_lib_facilities.h". Pick the one which is revised most recently (see comment at top): (NOTE: this might be deprecated when you read this at a later time.)
Besides, I am sure the book explains how to get the header, too.

Obviously you are trolling. I hope so... I am done arguing here, I think OP has plenty of books to choose from.

Kind Regards
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i would liked more if you referenced from 7th ed(2014) rather than 6th ed(2009)

there i see author describes how to install an IDE, which a beginner's book must do.
on the other hand stroustroup's (might be misspelled ;) book doesn't focus on beginners. as the OP is complete newbie and studying on his own i suggest him to collect several books and see several online materials to see which suits him better.

* C++ How to Program - Deitel, 9th Ed
* C++ without fear 2nd ed.
* SAMS Teach Yourself C++ in on hour a day
* Starting Out with C++, 8th ed
Im using accelerated c++ by Andrew Koeing. Its really helping me a lot. You should use it's extremely helpful

Other then that I guess you can try the Youtube tutorials ,but some of them aren't so helpful. I know one of them confused the hell out of me with arrays. So I went online and got it instantly.
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