Beginners - February 2018 (Page 8)

Find Gold 2d array need suggestions
I'm sure the fix is super simple, but I am still really new to this and need some suggestions to fixing my problem. I have created a 2d array game where the gam...
[2 replies] Last: I can get it to print the array exposing where the pieces of gold and ... (by buhlakey)
by RanGH
Advice about C++
Hello. I have done some cource of c++ programing. I know what is class function and so on. Now I want to develope myself and make some project but i dont know w...
[1 reply] : Everything looks like a nail sometimes :) I usually code something w... (by jonnin)
How do you read the hex/binary OF a file?
Hello I am trying to figure out how to read and write the hex/binary of a file in order to edit it to my choosing but no matter what I search it's all how to re...
[11 replies] Last: I did not mean to assert or say that at all! You can open a text file ... (by jonnin)
by aa3685
Need help with menu/nested loop/switch?
For class we are supposed to make a Menu using a while loop and a switch statement. I have done the given code, but the output keeps giving me an extra menuT. H...
[no replies]
Money denomination code
Hi guys! I'm very new to coding (as in I can write the "Hello World!" program and a few other basic things.) For homework, we have to practice writing different...
[2 replies] Last: Generally start by mapping out on paper what you want to happen. In th... (by Manga)
by stpy98
Strange question about two equal values
Can (value+1) be equal to value? Find an algorithm that can verify it. Now, this question is quite vague. I assume that value is a int/float/double. The o...
[4 replies] Last: This is a spurious example: there is loss of information when value + ... (by JLBorges)
Parsing Strategy for an html files
Hi all! Sorry for my poor english. I've a html file like this : <tr class="from" id="n1" > <td> String Zero </td> <td>...
[2 replies] Last: About regex, please read: (by Ganado)
Check if two copy constructors are equal to eachother
I'm trying to see how I can set two fractions equal to eachother. With that, I have created a class called Fraction() that should be able to take two parameters...
[13 replies] Last: This won't work if you expect 1/2 to == 2/4 etc. that is why I sugge... (by jonnin)
Unexpected results when assigning calculated value to variable
Hi, I've been following a C++ tutorial, and I always try to play around with each one to get a better understanding. This program just takes a set of number...
[4 replies] Last: @helios thanks again, I appreciate the help! (by SkaMan814)
What is a good C++ example program that contains all or most basic concepts?
I know it may sound like a silly question, but where can I find a C++ program that contains all primitive data types (also with string and such), vectors, basic...
[1 reply] : I don't think you are going to find any one program that demonstrates ... (by Duthomhas)
by Zalkin
Program crashes when executing funktion through subclass.
Hi first of i want to say thank you for readying my problem and trying to help, i love you. I'm attending a programming class. And i have a projekt where i n...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for all the help. How to do i make the code not print out the n... (by Zalkin)
i am not able to print discount value ; is my program correct
#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; class customer { private : int customer_no; char customer_name ; int qty; ...
[1 reply] : (25/100) If you carry out an integer division, you get an integer.... (by Enoizat)
by iTrw
files and streams issue
hey there! I'm trying to do an assignment in files and stream I have a file with data looks like: x y A 1.2 3.6 B 1.8 2.9 C 3.6 5.7 D 9...
[2 replies] Last: I fixed it thank you, it should be like that: char x, y; // new c... (by iTrw)
by Tduck
Getting string variables from main into constructor/deconstructor
I've been messing about with constructors and deconstructors, and I'm quite certain it's possible but I am unsure of how, to send variables to a class construct...
[4 replies] Last: Nevermind I blanked and then realized you were telling me that the con... (by Tduck)
by Kwota
I am new to c++ and have an assignment to create a function called isVowel that checks if a character entered is a vowel or not and return it back to main to ou...
[2 replies] Last: You're missing a closing brace on your isVowel function, but I assume ... (by Ganado)
2d array function
im having difficulties understanding how to make a function using 2d array. i just want to to call that function to show my 2d matrix where the user will input ...
[5 replies] Last: > im currently using dev c++ It would appear that Dev-C++ (orwell) is... (by JLBorges)
by Vinz24
program that accept only characters
Can someone help me? How to make this in order to accept only a character. For example the program ask to enter a name and I input number and it will display an...
[4 replies] Last: To fix the first problem, you will need to do a lot of code rewrite. S... (by Manga)
Urgent Permutations Help Needed!
So I need lots of help, like step-by-step help pretty much. I have searched the entire forum for code and have tried out other peoples' code to give myself an i...
[4 replies] Last: @mbozzi: The instructions tell to use double (to avoid integer overflo... (by keskiverto)
My program don"t execute fscanf
My program just end directly,the program don"t execute fscanf function,how do i fix this problem #include <stdio.h> int main() { FILE *fp; in...
[2 replies] Last: Open the file for input (reading). #include <stdio.h> int main() { ... (by JLBorges)
by Kwota
Min Max median Help.
I have a project that i need to do for a class that requires the program to give out the Min, Median and Max of the three integers the user inputs. I am a bit c...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int GetInteger(); int Max(int p1, int p2, int ... (by JLBorges)
February 2018 Pages: 1... 678910... 28
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