Beginners - February 2018 (Page 6)

Help with Count loop
I need help calculating a sequence of numbers this is the equation & iteration i am trying to solve where f(n) = ...
[5 replies] Last: Here's some palooka code for you. #include <iostream> using namespac... (by lastchance)
If else statements (multiple cond.)
Hello, I'm trying to build a program that tells you what letter grade you received based on the average of three different grades. You tell it was score you go...
[1 reply] : if (avg >= 90) cout << "Grade: A \n"; // >= 90 else if( avg >= 80 ) c... (by JLBorges)
Reading text from a file into an array
Hi there! I'm trying to write a program to take a file with various information about a film, and read the text into an array on the main program. I'm having tr...
[1 reply] : In function 'int main()': 38:31: error: 'getMovie' was not declared... (by Ganado)
by JM567
Lottery Ticket Check
Hello, the assignment instructions are as follows: In this assignment you are to code a program that selects 10 random non-repeating positive numbers (the lotte...
[3 replies] Last: Please edit your OP and add code tags tags around your code. Ple... (by Ganado)
need some help
i posted this on here early and someone helped me out with it but I'm still having trouble with it refuses to accept my inputs char e, s, c, f; enum...
[12 replies] Last: Thank you so much Ganado (by joemu6airi)
minor bugs
for some reason this code will add up everything but it wont deduct the discount using namespace std; /* run this program using the console pauser or ...
[3 replies] Last: I wasn't exhaustively listing all errors, but I was showing you the bi... (by Ganado)
HELP code
with this new code I rewrote to determine if a number is prime or not, the code works. My problem is that it only runs the program once, and I want it to keep g...
[1 reply] : It would help you in the long term, and everyone else, if you used pro... (by Ganado)
by Carat1
allow numbers and ctrl + v only
if (!Char::IsDigit(e->KeyChar) && e->KeyChar != 0x08) { e->Handled = true; } this code disables all the keys besides the numbers. how can i have ctrl ...
[no replies]
Snake Game boundaries checking
Hi guys so after debugging I found the x axis seems to be going up and down and the y axis seems to be going from right to left instead of the other way around,...
[5 replies] Last: The x pos of the snake must be between 0 and the width of the board. T... (by Thomas1965)
Help with Code
i have to write a code to figure out medical the price of out of pocket premiunms and I'm having some issues with it if you could help me i would really apprica...
[3 replies] Last: I'm sorry this code int e, s, c, f; bool med_choice, den_choice, ... (by Kingokafor96)
Function not working correctly
Why isn't my function accepting other inputs for the second and third. It just spits out random giant numbers for highest #include <iostream> usin...
[1 reply] : You copy-pasted declarations into your main method. Also your methods... (by icy1)
by jb2918
need help why i can copy word for word instructors code and his runs, and mine wont
copied word for word from online video instruction and i have this problem all the time it wont run, but theirs always does. Maybe it is a microsoft visual s...
[4 replies] Last: You are awesome! thank you! nothing worse than not being able to move ... (by jb2918)
How would you solve this problem
Given an integer n (input from the user), write a C++ program that determines the equivalent of n in the roman numerals. The user will provide a value of n grea...
[1 reply] : You need loops (by icy1)
Storing words of a string into an array
I am having some trouble storing all the words of my string into an array. The last word of the sentence is not being stored into the array because there is no ...
[3 replies] Last: It was hard for me to follow your code, but I get what you are trying ... (by Manga)
Pausing a while loop for a set amount of milliseconds?
Is there another file to pause the console for a set amount of time without using windows.h? I'm on a Chromebook and I'm not able to use offline IDEs/compilers ...
[1 reply] : If you use an online compiler that supports C++11 - like (by Thomas1965)
HELP writing code to check # if it is prime or not
This code allowed me to check if a number is a prime or not by outputting a 0 or a 1. My question, is how to get this code to not run when someone inputs 1 numb...
[1 reply] : firstly, please do formatting with the [ code ] [ /code ] tags (no s... (by icy1)
by jb2918
Why is this not returning recT ?
why is the last function not returning result? (recT) #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; #include <string> #include "main...
[5 replies] Last: lol thanks, im taking a class and the online course moves so fast (by jb2918)
Hey guys. Im working on this project that converts digits. I was using a block of if statements to print out all the combinations but the code I found does it...
[10 replies] Last: @Mount eerie -- Kinda forgot about this thread, sorry ;P #include <... (by icy1)
Issue converting decimal to binary
I am supposed to ask the user for a low number, and a high number. Then, the numbers should print, and each number in the range should print its binary as well....
[no replies]
by aleija
Help time machine code
I have to write a code that gives a time difference in minutes for a time machine that can move forward anytime between 24 hours. I was told I have various synt...
[1 reply] : If you use code tags it would be possible to comment on a line of cod... (by SamuelAdams)
February 2018 Pages: 1... 45678... 28
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