Beginners - February 2015 (Page 5)

What does |= mean?
I saw |= used in an example for creating a vertex shader. #if defined( DEBUG ) || defined( _DEBUG ) shaderFlags |= D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG; #endif ...
[3 replies] Last: In that case it means you're adding the debug flag to the list of flag... (by ultifinitus)
by MrOx
Im not understand0ng
hey guys back again with anther question well i bought a book for 70$ on c++ and it use c++11 so when i use the code below it says ||=== Build: Debug in TheWo...
[2 replies] Last: ty (by MrOx)
by MrGoat
Resources for problem solving.
The few time I have had a problem I exhausted everything I knew to check before turning here for help. I would like to remain as self suffice as I can and was ...
[3 replies] Last: That very much depends on the environment you're coming from. As a ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Parameter errors and such
I am getting errors for "Student student1(name, grades );" and everywhere I have "student2" attached. It is mostly stating "cannot convert parameter 2 from 'dou...
[3 replies] Last: Nevermind I figured it out! Thank you! (by iByakuya)
by Lee125
can any one explain this? i didnt understand clearly. /* strtok example */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main () { char str ="- Th...
[1 reply] : What is it that you don't understand? Did you run the program? L... (by AbstractionAnon)
Understood but lost
Hey guys. I need some help more like advice or tips on programming. For my class I am assigned a book to read and usually when I read I feel like I understand t...
[1 reply] : What help are you expecting in response to that post? If you have s... (by AbstractionAnon)
How do I pull out the data file to find Average? Logic Help
How do I calculate the average for the data? The issue I came across was how do I pull those blood pressure readings out of the text file and add them all up to...
[5 replies] Last: Well, the sample I gave uses a nested loop. Its possible without arra... (by shoyoninja)
Help my readName doesnt work
Ok so Sorry for the huge code. But I am almost finished with it. I am a beginner so there are a few bugs to work out. I am having trouble with my char readName(...
[6 replies] Last: Bump? (by michael1320)
how dose "itoa" work ?
how can I know what is the code of these "ready" functions?
[1 reply] : What do you mean by "ready" functions? Why do you need to know how t... (by jlb)
int to string problem
Hi Guys , I'm just working In a project and I need to convert integer value to a string variable < I've just tried all the functions that I know , and they all...
[5 replies] Last: The to_string() function will require a newer version of your compiler... (by jlb)
float division help
Hi guys .. float division eats numbers ! when I use the float division , it doesn't give the accurate result , it give me increase or decrease result , here i...
[3 replies] Last: when I use the float division , it doesn't give the accurate result ... (by jlb)
by HG319
Doubly linked chain
I just started linked lists and I am somewhat confused. There is a problem in my textbook asking to create a define a class to represent a node in a doubly link...
[1 reply] : Do some research about linked list, try a book on data structures, Goo... (by benbalach)
by MrWolf
Populating a grid
Hello, I have a task where I have to populate a grid full of monsters given the label '5'. Whilst on the grid food must be randomly placed around the grid an...
[1 reply] : Kind of a broad question, why don't you post the code you have so far?... (by benbalach)
by savanh
need u r help
Hello, i hope u doing well all , i have this is question and i tried to solve it but, when i run the program it does not multiplies the quantity by the price i...
[4 replies] Last: Upload your new code on and send me the link so I can... (by TarikNeaj)
by bawer1
help - named cosntants
Ok I am having trouble with a program I am writing for class. It has to do with constants. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cctype> using ...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you. This helped me immensely. What I failed to do was declare a... (by bawer1)
roman numeral conversion
how can i convert arabic numeral to roman numeral? i new to programming but i can't figure out how to do this program for my assignment. note: this program ...
[no replies]
by saka
How to post ?
I'm new to this forum and I'm having issues writing a simple post. When I click on the Preview button, I get an empty box so I can't review my message. I trie...
[5 replies] Last: Like JLBorges said, it might be that you have scripts blocked on the w... (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
Could someone walk me through a deck of cards problem? (1,2)
Hello, after trying a bunch of different things I'm just asking if someone can help walk me through a deck of cards problem, that includes: multiple player hand...
[37 replies] Last: Note that value is a private member of Card so that means you can't re... (by AbstractionAnon)
toupper string within array struct
I'm trying to convert a string of characters within an array structure but I keep getting errors whenever I try to compile the program. The code below isn't exa...
[5 replies] Last: You'll want to iterate through each char in the string like this: #... (by ultifinitus)
while statement help
I know that -- descrease the number and ++ increases the number. Does it just decrease by 1 or is it based on something else? int x=2 int y=10 while (...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by tygerrock)
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