Beginners - February 2012 (Page 5)

Finding the include folder in microsoft visual studio?
I downloaded OpenGL and I am using microsoft visual studio ultimate 2010. Where is the direct path folder for discovering the "include" folder with header files...
[1 reply] : Nevermind, I found it -_- LOL C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual... (by iBLooDiESiN)
by codrgi
having problems with this statement
[no replies]
by codrgi
delete pointers?
the code EnterCriticalSection(&user_critical); list <_USERIN_LIST*>::iterator Iter; for(Iter = m_UserList.begin(); Iter != m_UserList.end(); Iter++) { if(...
[3 replies] Last: So now you want to erase null pointers from the collection. Is that i... (by webJose)
by Mike89
bmi calculator, i need some help
Im trying to make a BMI calculator and cannot figure out where I went wrong. It runs and compiles without any errors but doesn't give me at all the output i ne...
[3 replies] Last: When your program is running, it reads from the top till it gets to th... (by Oswld)
by pzling
Using const
Hi Hopefully someone will be able to guide me in the usage of const. I have a base class Parent, which has a pure virtual class function to be defined in...
[2 replies] Last: Ah ok thanks, looks like I have to rethink how this is going to get do... (by pzling)
by hbjgd
Only reading the first line of input
Hello. I am working on a project for my cs250 class and I cannot figure out where I am going wrong. The program is meant to read in a set number of URL's and co...
[no replies]
filestream errors
My homework is to write a program that takes information from a .txt document and outputs to another .txt document. This is what I wrote: #include <cmath> #...
[1 reply] : ^ is the bitwise xor operator. If you want exponentiation you should u... (by Peter87)
2d character array, alphabetical sort. help please!!
I have a 2d array that has been loaded from a file. Now, The file can contain as many words as desired and the program has to sort it in alphabetical order. The...
[no replies]
function and for loop!!!
I have been trying to get this program to work for a long time please assist me, I have really tried everything i know how to do and can comprehend from google ...
[8 replies] Last: timmy you're awesome thanks man! (by pleasehelpme)
C++ String manipulation using other than _str.
I am trying to write a program that will allow a user to enter a string of up to 80 characters and test the string to see if it is a palindrome. I do not have ...
[3 replies] Last: As I have understood you should write similar functions as in cstring ... (by vlad from moscow)
Highscores using an Array and how to display it
I've created a simple pong game and added in scores and such, I wanted to add in a Highscores screen, which I have (currently just says "press 'esc' to exit" at...
[no replies]
by Ch1156
Random sentance generator
How would i create a program that randomly outputs words to make a sentance. the sentance doesnt need to make sense. I have this but the only way i can think of...
[8 replies] Last: I got it working, thanks :) (by Ch1156)
Finding and displaying primes.
I need to write a program that finds and displays the first 20 prime numbers. My instructor explained it pretty well, so I'll just show the actual assignment: ...
[2 replies] Last: There are a ton of threads on here that derive the logic for finding p... (by archangel95)
by Rainie
Need help with Switch
I need to write a program that counts the number of vowels in a string. The string is written by the user. I know that the best way to do this is with Switch, h...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for help, I changed my code and it works like a charm now. /*... (by Rainie)
Printing consecutive integers.
I need to print the integer 1-9 in this way: 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6...
[1 reply] : One thread only, please :) (by Moschops)
by Ken777
Write a program to capitalize the 1st char of each word in a sentence
eg"Return An Integer That Is The Start Position Of The First Occurrence Of The String"
[18 replies] Last: How exactly do you think you're helping anybody by spoon-feeding some... (by Bench82)
Constructor Problem, Displaying Blank
I think I might actually be doing this wrong. Is this allowed? when I try to display the choices, they are just blank. What is the proper way of setting values ...
[7 replies] Last: Will the content of your array ever change? If you're just looking ... (by Bench82)
Stacks class error
I'm trying to do some basic functions for stacks but when I run the program it always outputs "empty stack". I think the push function is not working but I can'...
[2 replies] Last: thx (by DocCeaser)
access control in the copy constructor's initializer list
class Sales_item{ public: Sales_item():p(0), use(new size_t(1)){} Sales_item(const Item_base&); Sales_item(const Sales_item&i): p(i.p),use(i.use) {++...
[1 reply] : the private keyword means that the members' visibility is restricted... (by Bench82)
by EeAA
Error in the code
Do you see any errors with this code? the maximum size is 25 and List Class from the Unsorted List ADT given in class. int main() { UnsortedType numli...
[no replies]
February 2012 Pages: 1... 34567... 64
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