Beginners - February 2012 (Page 27)

error message
Hello again, I created a program that will generate an array from a random number. the program will calculate sum, average, and show the larges and smallest n...
[4 replies] Last: All of your functions are asking for variables to be passed, but your ... (by GRex2595)
Help with my program
hello everyone, so i was wondering if i can get help with my program. Ok so i'm suppose to create a program that performs different types of encryption or decr...
[4 replies] Last: What is z? You just subtracted a number from j. Do you think checkin... (by cire)
Classes dependant on eachother
Hi, I need a little guidance, I have created two header files which contain definitions of of a class in each. The header 'Connection.h' contains a class, 'C...
[18 replies] Last: I am developing a path finding algorithm. Connections 'Connect' two n... (by cire)
Help with getting sum of diagonals (C lang)
Hi i try to write a function that gets a matrix,row,col int r_c_sum(int ar ,int row,int col) the function calculates the diagonal thats in the row and...
[5 replies] Last: You're doing two summations within the while loop and you should be do... (by roberts)
Converting Basic Program to C from C++/C
Below is a program that generates random Addition for Subtraction problems depending on the user's choice. The user is prompted to input an answer and then it k...
[no replies]
by Lio
Double pointer confusion
I am studing pointers and I am a little confused,when I am cout the addres ones the second print is 55 ( as normal),but if I add the second address cout the ...
[9 replies] Last: You are not changing *ptr . You are changing ptr . What you are ch... (by cire)
How can i store files into a binary file? (want to store bmp-wav-txt)
I finished the Win32 C++ GAME_Labyrinth API with DireXt 9 and I want to gather all .bmp textures, .txt infos and .wav soundtracks in 3 binaries Music.dat Te...
[4 replies] Last: You don't have to store it in the executable. You can store resources... (by Texan40)
Operator problems with "switch()"
Hey all. I will be direct this time. How do I use relative operators in switch? You probably didn't get what I mean, so I will show a code example: ...
[1 reply] : switch can't be used for this. Use an if-else cascade instead. (by Athar)
by rb485
while loop bug
I wrote a program which included a while loop to test the validity of a user-input choice (the "row" int variable), which should be at least 1. It works as ...
[4 replies] Last: I can't get as technical as some users here undoubtedly can. The issu... (by Intrexa)
Program to determine valid date.
So I am having a little problem getting this code to work. I feel like I am missing something, but I just can't warp my head around it. any help? #include...
[3 replies] Last: Your asking the user to input twice... no matter what. Change that to... (by clanmjc)
by CMinus
The Sum of Prime Numbers below 2 million
Hello all , I am solving Project Euler Puzzles and now I have a little problem with problem 10 which asks me to Sum the Prime Numbers below 2 millions It's lin...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks all after modifying my code and Putting the Upper limit to the ... (by CMinus)
by bacia
Using SFML with Visual Studio 2010.
Hi, I've read that SFML is a great beginner library for producing graphics (I've had enough of console applications). I'm using Windows 7 and Visual Studio 201...
[18 replies] Last: Maybe in two or three months. (by Wisely Done)
Calculating Net Pay
Hi all, I am a complete noob when it comes to programming but anyway, I am writing a program for class that calculates Net pay from Gross Pay after deductions. ...
[9 replies] Last: Got it! thanks! (by Dee Hood)
Largest and smallest in array
Hello, I need help displaying the Largest and Smallest numbers in my array. I don't know how to code it correctly. I was able to set up the array and get a sum...
[2 replies] Last: @whitenite1 thank you for you help with this problem of mine. I will n... (by kaseyahumada)
Reading a text file into a 2d array
If I have a data file as follows, 2 3 -1.8 3.6 6.7 3.4 -9.3 2.6 where the 2 and 3 designate how many rows and columns are in the matrix, what do I need ...
[no replies]
by codrgi
how do i reference a global list using a pointer? i'm doing the following, with global->m_var1 and global->m_var2 being the global lists; list<int> myLocalL...
[7 replies] Last: You need to use myLocalList->begin() because it's a pointer. (by Texan40)
by KS05
Help with Game Program it!
[6 replies] Last: We had no snide comments. Don't come here for help if you don't like u... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Operator overload error
Hi Guys, I'm at my first experiences with C++. In order to better handle C++ language i've designed a MATRIX class and i've tried to overload the + and = ope...
[4 replies] Last: WOW! It works out. I can't apply methods to a const objects. removed t... (by Mugiwara)
C++ IDE for Ubuntu
Hello all. I recently started using Ubuntu a few months ago and was wondering what IDE I should install for C++ development. Also, if it has support for Java, t...
[13 replies] Last: @Jessy V: As long as you use cross platform code (by evanc9606)
by Mhael
Reading txt-file into array
I use this code to read from text file: int read_file() { char board ; int n,m; ifstream inFile("file.txt"); for(n=0; n<7; n++) for(m...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Null, that solved it! (by Mhael)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 64
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