Beginners - February 2012 (Page 2)

using a subprogram sub
Hi. I have another BAC problem that left me with no ideas, the last one on the paper. So there is this subprogram sub which has 3 parameters: -an array, int v...
[13 replies] Last: it must display "YES" if any two consecutive numbers entered are equa... (by ne555)
Is this possible in C++?
I was in a C++ class today and a lecturer(teaching Java) said the use of <> as Operator in C++ is possible and I searched every forums i know,i just still didnt...
[5 replies] Last: C++ has no such an operator as <>, and only existent C++ operators can... (by vlad from moscow)
Const and Pointers.
The questions are directed toward the second line in main(). I ran this as displayed and compared it to removing the const and reruning. No difference. Why? ...
[9 replies] Last: does the syntax to the left of * mean that const int is applied to Va... (by coder777)
Pancake glutton
I am fully aware the fact that this might be already posted.However,I just wanted to improve further on my codes,so I ask your help. #include<iostream> ...
[8 replies] Last: Here, you are using 'i' to set min and max... 1 2 3 4 5 6... (by MinwooJu)
if else if statement the correct choice?
heey so for another project, i was wondering if i was going on the right track using the if else if statement. /* 2-70 Complex Retirement This is an "extra ...
[1 reply] : What is it?! double Age; double Service; double Rule1; ... (by vlad from moscow)
by azaaza
question about function call
I was taking a quiz on Cprogramming website, one question was: What does the following code do: int foo (int x, int y) { cout << x << y ; } int ...
[2 replies] Last: I see. Thanks for your detailed explanation, hamsterman! (by azaaza)
Need help on simple program
For fun I am writing a little conversion program. I was wondering if it was possible to enter decimal number (i.e. 0.25) for the input? Here is the issue i a...
[3 replies] Last: Lines 80, 89, 99, and 103: You're using the assignment operator instea... (by Albatross)
Weird problem
My program compiles and runs... -but- There is a function that takes grade data from a file, averages the scores, and puts the resulting number in a vector. W...
[1 reply] : You'll have to post more of your code. (by hamsterman)
by kd7vdb
Using a Array and Capitalizing letters
I am trying to Take a input, convert it into a array of chars, Capitalize them , and then output the chars(like a string). I have tried multiple different ways...
[7 replies] Last: Use this example. // toupper.cpp : main project file. #include "stda... (by whitenite1)
Ok so I have to write this program where it will list five different computations. The program doesn't have to run those computations, it just has to list them....
[7 replies] Last: Figured it out. Thanks everyone. (by Andrew2172)
Why my variable is not calculating?
Three files main, implementation, and dayType.h When calculate next day and previous day, they just stay as regular especially when I input 0 or 6. Can anyone...
[2 replies] Last: yea sry I just did it :) thanks for telling me :) (by adamhere)
Compile error
I am making a program for school, and I CANNOT figure out my compile errors. I don't want you guys to have to write the program for me, but could you please try...
[8 replies] Last: That did it! The program itself has some flaws, but I can debug them m... (by WastedPotential)
strings and output files
I am supposed to create a program which accepts input until the user hits the enter key, and this input is to be output to a .txt file. Here is what I wrote: ...
[1 reply] : You are opening the file, but you aren't writing anything to it. Add... (by Hippogriff)
Sales bar chart using loops
For my hw assignement we have to have the user input 5 different values for 5 days of sale. And then program a bargraph using asterisk*** in rows equaling the v...
[5 replies] Last: Please help. I need this assignment bad! (by tctwins)
Help With a Program
I need help on the functions that are obviously not finished.(Ostream,search, both of the display_votes) Any help would be greatly appreciated. #include <ios...
[no replies]
Can anyone show me this program for C++. I am not very good at programming.
Write a C++ program that will calculate the amount of taxes to charge based on whether the user lives in Ohio, Michigan, California, Texas, or New York. The use...
[3 replies] Last: Ok well you're missing a closing brace for the switch statement and yo... (by Muckle ewe)
A Programe to remove a specific char. from string
Plz, i'm trying to write a c++ code that erase a specific char. from astring depends on the number of the position that i enter.. here's the problem: http://w...
[no replies]
loop doing wrong things.
hello ive made a code that set a value to the value pointed. but when i want to output that whole pointer array it doesn't dislay them all i have this output : ...
[5 replies] Last: I think you need to preserve a's value. If so don't change a's value ... (by vin)
Get program to stop reading line if input is an integer?
Ok I am trying to write a simple program that counts the number of uppercase characters in a line of input. That part i have down, but I also want the program t...
[no replies]
Help about reading lines.
I need help on how to delete or update a certain line only. Cause when I tried to delete some line, it deletes all the data in the file. It also does in the upd...
[1 reply] : You can't alter a specific piece of a file. Instead, you read-in all o... (by closed account zb0S216C)
February 2012 Pages: 1234... 64
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