Beginners - December 2017 (Page 13)

How do I search for a string in a data structure by use of loops?
Hello, I am writing code for a series of phone records. I am trying to use a search for a string using pointers to a data structure. I thought that by loopi...
[4 replies] Last: For bool cmp_equal_ignore_case( const std::string& a, const std::stri... (by JLBorges)
How do i add cheat code to my game ?
Hey guys currently im writing a maze game for my project and i need to add cheat code to my game how do i do that ? thank you for your help
[2 replies] Last: Can you post your code? (by thestickupman)
Singly Linked List, Employee Data
I need help with storing data in a singly-linked list where the nodes in the list correspond to each day in a 31-day month. An employee passes in between 1 and ...
[2 replies] Last: I have since figured out my problem. Sometimes, I have a hard time vie... (by danewind)
Need Help Solving core dump
This program is supposed to read in text from a file, make specific changes to the text file, and then output the final results. The changes are baked into the ...
[3 replies] Last: You set count to 30 on line 41. You passed this as a reference para... (by lastchance)
by cienb
Employee Class
Employee CLASS
[1 reply] : Next time, you should paste the exact error messages that you are rece... (by Ganado)
Program not opening file
Hi, I'm having some difficulties with my code The function is supposed to ask the user for the file name and open the file, but it keeps failing to open the fi...
[3 replies] Last: I disagree with that, at least for any program that wants the ability ... (by Ganado)
Visual studio error
I am getting a very annoying error while trying to compile my code, everything looks fine but I'm getting an error saying I am forgetting to include a file W...
[5 replies] Last: The project templates is VS are more for professionals and not so much... (by Thomas1965)
Array of Structs assignment help
Hai all, Got brainfreeze here. The assignment is to make a program that uses a struct and an array of structs to store the 12 months, and the high temperatu...
[15 replies] Last: I got it to work thank you all so much!!! ^.^ (by DashMGJ)
Min and Max temps Array of Structs
Hey all, I need to get this program to output the highest and lowest temperatures and the months that correspond from a text file. Please help? #include...
[1 reply] : Do not doublepost. You do already have a thread on this program: http:... (by keskiverto)
by nangs
Hi, I wanted to ask a very specific question. For my code I need to basically read 3 letters that are in alphabetic order from a txt file. For example it can be...
[16 replies] Last: Got it. Excuse my unprofessionalism... Just learning and taking baby s... (by nangs)
Im struggling writing this code
Hey there I really don't know where I'm going wrong any help or hints would be very much appreciated. #include<iostream> #include<math.h> using namespace std;...
[6 replies] Last: Hello noob12345, Actually it prints more than twice. As a while loop ... (by Handy Andy)
Need help asap
Hey guys i need help about my game i want to add timer to my game and i want 60 seconds countdown if countdown become 0 user become gameover (sorry for my b...
[2 replies] Last: jonnin, can you please start using code tags when posting code! (by jlb)
by BJK
HELP! 2D random and sorted array
HELP PLS!  I need to create a 2d array( ,arrange 1-100), randomize it's elements and then sort the array. Then using a bool type variable, check if the arra...
[1 reply] : Hello BJK, This may be of some help. (by Handy Andy)
binary search
hi, im trying to write something that'll give the the symetrical difference between two sets of nubers (if A = {1, 3, 5, 7} and B = {2, 4, 6, 7}, C = {1, 3, 5}...
[5 replies] Last: If the problem is that there is one element too many the problem is be... (by jlb)
by chuvak
Trying to make an instance of fstream for output
Im running into an issue, error incomplete type is not allowed Am I missing parameters? TIA
[3 replies] Last: It means that the linker can't find the definition of those symbols. (by Peter87)
Coversion Errors
I am getting these areas inside of the switch when I make a case and I cant figure out a solution. Any help would be much appreciated. error: invalid convers...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much, the solutions have worked flawlessly! (by RegalCppNewb)
While Loop Doesn't execute update statement
I'm trying to initialize a while loop to a single number, going off the Boolean logic, by letting my block code run if the entry is 1. However, when i try to ...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you both for the explanation, clears up so much! (by juggler22)
by C O C
Program crashes
Hello, I am having troubles getting program to properly compare and sort a list of strings. I don't have any errors so I believe it is something that makes the...
[3 replies] Last: The alphaIndex value = 0 I meant here:[code firstline=4] int a... (by Chervil)
round up or down
it's strange that when I type 2.4 or 2.2 for example I get the output 3 but when I type 2.5 in 2 gets returned which I expected,but I expected 2 to be printed w...
[3 replies] Last: thanks JL and Samuel, and yeah that's strange Samuel maybe different ... (by adam2016)
Code not reading file in output
Whenever I try to debug, the command prompt pops up and asked me for my file name. When I type in the name and press Enter, nothing happens. I cannot f...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you! I figured it out! (by closed account 4EbCfSEw)
December 2017 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 23
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