Beginners - December 2013 (Page 57)

Extract and manipulate data
I am working on a program that takes info from a text file and manipulates the info to display the qb rating for quarterbacks. The file looks a bit like this: ...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks, the problem is clearer now. Probably the simplest solution is ... (by Chervil)
Fraction calculator problems
I am having problems with my faction calculator. The problem is to create a menu for the calculator and to use classes for the fraction. The calculator should a...
[no replies]
by dusty
Need help pulling data from a dynamic array
I have to implement a polynomial class in which you can overload addition, subtraction, and multiplication. I believe that I have the constructors and the dest...
[1 reply] : You have a coefArray member in your class which you can iterate over... (by yulingo)
I need help inputting from text file help
I need to set up a loop that will pull a set of data from a text file for example, wet.txt In the text file will contain high and low temperature data, as well ...
[1 reply] : declare a bunch of variables outside your while loop and increment/cha... (by yulingo)
by JohnJH
Save part of an string to another string, or an int
How do i save a parts of a string to another string, or to an int. e.g. string bim= "1234567897899" //Here i want to save 899 to my temp string.. I've t...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you :) (by JohnJH)
by JohnJH
Left shift integers in array?
How do I leftshift an integer x amount to the left ?? I am bit confused on how i should do it?? It seems like an easy problem, but can't come up with an solut...
[7 replies] Last: I found a way get around it.. Thanks anyway :) (by JohnJH)
How to make a Menu for my games
I'm trying to make a game menu, for all the games I want to put in my program for my end of the semester project. I want it to display this: ***WELCOME TO...
[2 replies] Last: Thank You. (by jakesweater)
cin Inputs
Well my problem is I want to type "What is the word" in the console and have it "say the bird is the word:" I know how to keep it going and make a exit so to sp...
[5 replies] Last: It's really not that big of a conceptual leap to go from aleonard's ex... (by yulingo)
Can not find mine outpute file
hey people, i just made a c++ program to read an input file and to write to an output file but the problem is i cant find mine output file anywere i calle...
[1 reply] : In Windows click the Start, click search, type in output.txt, click se... (by Chriscpp)
Project Guide
Hello All 0f you... I'm doing BSCS and currently I'm in first semester. At the end of semester I've been given a project to make Pacman game in c++ (consol ap...
[no replies]
by NSA
Every possible move from a given position.
Hi all, I've written a version of the game called Gomoku. Everything works as it should. Now I have to do the following: I must 'calculate' the number o...
[no replies]
by Edevan
I want to keep learning
Hi, I already read the beginner c++ book of herbet, so what book do you think it will be better to keep learning? ((sorry for the bad english)
[1 reply] : C++ for dummies is a personal favorite. If you fully understand the sy... (by sargon94)
by Chubby
Can anyone give me an example of return the index of the max value? I understand the return method and I also got the max for this problem. I dont get how to...
[1 reply] : (Iterators, ... (by keskiverto)
by hilft
|| operator question
I don't quite understand the output, which is 1. At the line, i=fun(1) || fun(2); , why does i equal to 1? fun(1) returns 2 fun(2) returns 4 can someone ex...
[3 replies] Last: you're welcome (by krugle)
cpu usage code
hi i need a procedure that is once called could continuously calculate the CPU usage of the current machine in use and of a distant machine if possible or even ...
[3 replies] Last: For Windows you would be using WMI, I'm not sure which object class sp... (by Computergeek01)
get data like (new York,) into an array
"NOTE:by the way I know I have to have a way to check for erors if inFile doesn't open properly. I know how to do that. So, don't worry about explaining that :...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your suggestion. I will implement it and report back :-) (by cowsquad)
The game won't run
Below is my code for Tic Tac Toe, but I can't seem to be able to start the game. Using a vector to set alphabetical positions to each square in the board, it's ...
[no replies]
Problem with std::allocator::deallocate()
I'm trying to implement a stack data structure, but I having some problems with std::allocator::deallocate(). Here's the code: #include <memory> #include <io...
[3 replies] Last: I find the problem. I should have used alloc.destory()! (by benbalach)
Sorting vectors error
Need help figuring out why my code is having an issue, I'm sorting and mergeing two vectors but I'm getting an error with my function name I have it commented w...
[2 replies] Last: Ok I'll try it thanks (by lynn1991)
Affordable tutoring
Hey all, If you need one-on-one tutoring to prepare for an exam/figure out a topic, I can help you out with Skype. Send me your contact info at
[2 replies] Last: Sure! Fill out the form at and I'll co... (by haveanicedays)
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