Beginners - December 2012 (Page 51)

Old program help
I am working on an old program I had a while back just to understand how it works. So far I have just been looking at a BST I found on this site (http://www.cpl...
[8 replies] Last: I found a sample linked list program (http://www.cplusplus.happycoding... (by cowless)
Linked list help?
Hi, can somebody help me with an outline? Im so confused with this linked list project. I am good at looking things up on how to do specific things and Im not a...
[no replies]
my days of the month array is not doing what is suppose to do
my program works sort of. the first problem is that when I enter a number or letter not speciefed by the the if statement it just ends. and I cant end the staem...
[6 replies] Last: right again. one last question when enter letters it goes into a infi... (by majorursa)
structure subjective
struct Team { char name ; int members; int score; }; int main() { Team *footballTeam; footballTeam = new Team ; // add all footballTeam information ...
[1 reply] : To avoid memory leaks, memory allocated with new should always be re... (by Chervil)
Problems With Composition (Homework)
I'm have some troubles with a homework assignment for school. I've compared my file line-by-line to a classmates and cannot figure out why his compiles and mine...
[10 replies] Last: Have you tried running in Visual Studio vs. g++ to see what happens?... (by cire)
size_t vs long
I understand that size_t is used to: (1) optimize performance; and (2) improve portability when storing integer values that represent bytes, but the foll...
[4 replies] Last: size_t is big enough to store the size of any object size_t sizeOf... (by Peter87)
runtime error
void Swap(double *Ptr1, double *Ptr2) { double *Temp; *Temp = *Ptr1; *Ptr1 = *Ptr2; *Ptr2 = *Temp; } int main() { cout << "Enter two numbers: "; doub...
[3 replies] Last: all remain? just remove * in front of Temp ... (by coder777)
Something is wrong with char y. Not indetified
I think it is missing, I think you call it , a header file for char y? But cant remember what it is called. If my assumption is correct can some one tell me wha...
[2 replies] Last: thank you (by majorursa)
First project, not sure where to even start. Help please!
Hi, I am taking a c++ class for beginners. I have been assigned this project and am a little bit overwhelmed. I will be posting my code every so often as i go...
[no replies]
another debugger ques cant find in ebook
Assume that a program contains five separate files – main.cpp, list.cpp, list.h, functions.cpp, functions.h. Assume also that main.cpp includes list.h and fun...
[3 replies] Last: err. just objective for my exercise. coding not yet teach from tutor. ... (by Felicia123)
Canceling the addition
At the part of counting the damage done by the monster towards the player. Is it possible to have the player take no damage instead of the HP increasing because...
[3 replies] Last: Darkmaster (215) Dec 5, 2012 at 9:12pm dont understand what you wan... (by MewEight)
Files and Arrays
Hi, I just need some clarification on how to work files and how to pass an array function. Thanks for the help. 1) I am working with PC. Do I create the txt...
[2 replies] Last: guess your input file is called integers and your output file integers... (by Darkmaster)
by krell
k qeustion
can i use c++ for robotics?
[5 replies] Last: This website also looks good: The... (by Drumachine)
Pause at mathematical operations
Hey guys, I got a question, I just programmed a kind of Calculator, but when the result is going to be given, the console window just closes, and I already trie...
[1 reply] : Line 83 is the end of function main. There you could add your pause / ... (by Chervil)
fstream not writing, why?
Hey, ProgrammerGuy2012. Well, I'm trying to write a decompressor for an old SNES game. I already know how the compression scheme works in ASM and I'm basically ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I'll fix the return thing. Also "if (result =0x20){}" is for ... (by ProgrammerGuy2012)
C++ Video: Multiple Inheritance
Youtube Link: People have different opinion about Multiple Inheritance. Some people like it, while some people hate it. This...
[no replies]
Multiple variables=themselves
I want the loop to continue until i gets the output 6 6 6 6 6 6, but I'm getting outputs like 5 2 4 4 6 1 instead. (I think the problem is line 15 where i creat...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for all the help. Got it working now, it only took 6402 tries b... (by Latrakx)
Sorting 2d Array to Find Highest Number
Hi there! I was wondering if someone would be so kind as to look at my code and tell me how I can fix my output! My goal is to get the corresponding name, and t...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you so much! Your a life saver! (by Blixamarkham)
Compiling with Visual Studio 2012
I don't really know how it works. But I can't figure how to compile C++ DOS-like (Console) applications which normal compilers do (like DEV-CPP). I don't do pro...
[4 replies] Last: in the project configurations select "Release" build the project (f7 o... (by Darkmaster)
multiple string array to 2d array?
I've created this array of strings, and was wondering if i could convert this completely into a 2d array whilst maintain functionality of the value swapping? ...
[1 reply] : Also is there a way of checking the values use a debugger and set so... (by Darkmaster)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 4950515253... 65
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