Beginners - December 2012 (Page 53)

Program outputting wrong result
Ok, so I just started with c++ a few days ago, and I tried to make a GPA Calculator. I see nothing wrong with the code, but when I tested it out, I always recei...
[8 replies] Last: Ahh, I see. Thanks a lot, now I am getting the right answers. (by seanpull)
ARRAYS!!! need some help.
Okay so i have been asked to do this program below.. however i have no clue where to start and i am now back logged on homework and dont quite have anywhere els...
[10 replies] Last: wow i fixed the misspelled word and then my compiler decided to work..... (by Thedon98)
Dynamic memory and pointer question
Is there any reason to use pointers if you dont use dynamic memory? I mean... i dont see any good reason of using pointers to point to a regular variable.
[5 replies] Last: Also, pointers are needed for polymorphism. References work fine fo... (by cire)
Help with strings
I don't know why this code isn't working. It only returns T4741 no matter what I enter. EDIT: This is the original problem PROGRAM 2 The office furni...
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by wolfpack4417)
I beg you, please, help me.... :(
The problem : my solution : #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(void) { int w=(1<=w<=...
[4 replies] Last: Read the problem carefully. Test the limits. By instance, ¿which shou... (by ne555)
1 <= W <= 100
The first (and the only) input line contains integer number w (1 ≤ w ≤ 100).... I just don't know how to say w=(1 ≤ w ≤ 100) in C++...
[2 replies] Last: Exactly, it is just saying the input will consist of a number, and tha... (by Chervil)
by vRltwE
How to set the value 0xEB90 into 2 Bytes?
The site converts the value EB90 to 60304 wich is also found with: QString strStart = "EB90"; bool ok; unsign...
[2 replies] Last: hmm, maybe unsigned short? (by fafner)
Problem separating strings in txt file
Hello, I am currently working on a project that validates passwords. However, we can only use the cstring class. Therefore any function that would be in c++ s...
[no replies]
Array month and day of the month program
I think this is mostly right but the string month portion of the code is coming up undefined. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { c...
[5 replies] Last: It looks like you might want a do-while loop instead of a standard whi... (by closed account DEUX92yv)
Which Statement Do I replace?
I am doing a lab assignment using arrays. If you read the directions, it says I need to replace both statements with one function. What statements are they re...
[2 replies] Last: Here is the previous part of the program if that helps: #include<ios... (by Reynolds773)
Need help with friend functions of two classes
This code is supposed to define a function that changes the total member of the PatientAccount class using information from the Surgery class. The problem...
[2 replies] Last: Ok that worked thanks (by jarellh94)
Print out 2d Array
Hey guys, I have a very simple question. I am trying to execute a very simple code but I can't seem to figure out why it isn't printing anything. Here's my code...
[2 replies] Last: LMAO DUH!! Thanks, I can't believe I didn't see that! (by georgieboy)
i want to create a linked list node with a 2d array, how would i initialize its data and the rows/columns?
so say if i had an array in struct struct node { node (array ):{int num1, int num2, array }//this is where im stumped first int a; } how do i initializ...
[3 replies] Last: i thought maybe i posted in the wrong section, but thanks for that i w... (by devonrevenge)
by Ch1156
Questions about enums
I have a few questions about enums, here they are: 1. Are enum elements constant? so if i do enum wind { east = 10, west = 3 }; would the...
[3 replies] Last: One other comment, though you can use enum for simple values like 1, 2... (by Chervil)
Fatal errors
[4 replies] Last: so in dummy terms, what is needed to fix the error and have it so that... (by xzki)
I need to build a C++ function that forces the processor to multiply using the shift‐add. The multiplication code must be done in assembly, but I can use the...
[4 replies] Last: (by ajones62190)
hi all, just finished tictactoe practice program and i would love to hear what you guyz think i could do to improve the code, also somehow it looks to me like ...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah, it would make it a lot more readable, will try and implement it.... (by IronmanCro)
by krell
can someone share me a space station code?
i have been trying ss13 and there's some people who got good servers and do a good job at the administrators but i seem to want to do more to the station then j...
[no replies]
break down string and store values in iteger array
hi it may sound very easy I need a hint first of all I know how to break a string into integers but what I got is string like this "2001 , 2002 , 2003 ,2005,2...
[1 reply] : You might try something like this as a first stage: #include <iostrea... (by Chervil)
What's wrong with this
What I'm trying to do here is writing data from the input. The very first try is going great but there is something wrong about "nama" input after it loops. ...
[2 replies] Last: @Script Coder The problem is when I run it, I cannot input "nama" for... (by d4514mi)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 5152535455... 65
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