Beginners - August 2015 (Page 9)

Function signature and Function Prototype
Function Prototype: ReturnType FunctionName(Parameter list); Function Signature: FunctionName(Parameter list); Please correct me if I am wrong.
[7 replies] Last: Hey nice discussion I had with you guys. Really thanks both of you JL... (by akash16)
by ygkuan
Structure in an array
How do I pass 96 random numbers generated into a structure with 2-D array? A record is needed to record the actual and expected output of 4 machines for 12 m...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you!! (by ygkuan)
Re-calling an object's constructor
What I am interested in is a way to recall and object's constructor after it is built; something like this: Enemy enemy(player); ... enemy(player); ...
[8 replies] Last: [quote=akash16]If at time only one instance of class you need to creat... (by LB)
by jayrod
LNK1102 and LNK2001 errors
When I try to run the code below, I get the errors LNK2001 and LNK1102. I am a newb to C++ so maybe I am missing something really basic? #include <iost...
[7 replies] Last: Remember to put include guards around your .h/.hpp file contents Orde... (by nubforce)
Need help deciding on a method to learn C++
So I learned a bunch of basics a few months ago and had to stop because my laptop broke. Now I'm trying to decide if I should learn C++ through either this webs...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you that was actually inspirational! I'm going to save this to g... (by Davidvoodoo)
Infamous Vtable error (in my books)
I am now getting a vtable error for my enemy class in my rpg game. It says undefined refernce to 'Vtable for Enemy' . I'm thinking its my constructor that is go...
[3 replies] Last: You're not defining Enemy::dropxp(int enemydropxp); :) also you may wa... (by nubforce)
How to access elements in array within an array?
Okay, so the idea is this: Lets say I create an array of strings like below: string word This creates a string array consisting of 5 strings. Now lets sa...
[11 replies] Last: if(sequence ==character) you really ought to get into the habit of... (by nubforce)
by alexBB
Large published program compilation problem
Hello, My environment is Ubuntu 12.04. I use g++ compiler I need to try to compile and run a C++ program devoted to a special variant of Fourier Transform: Sp...
[11 replies] Last: Why did I ignore it? I din not ignore. I am confused. Now everything c... (by alexBB)
Hello, I'm trying to write a quicksort function, but for some reason I get a crash when I try to run it, I think it comes from recursion as it doesn't give a cr...
[5 replies] Last: Lines 3 and 4: Did you really intend to call median() twice? Line 7: W... (by helios)
Easiest way to find people to do projects with?
Is there any website to find people to do projects with? I don't know anyone else who programs with C++/SFML and I'd love to collaborate with people.
[3 replies] Last: Seriously, Github. You can scroll through popular projects, or filter... (by kevinkjt2000)
by AVM8
store value in tree
i would like to know how to store data in tree. Much appreciated of seniors help here. Thanks.
[2 replies] Last: AbstractioAnon Thank you my friend for the links you have given to ... (by AVM8)
multiple lines per command
I am working on a small program that runs on commands. I need to be able to run multiple lines of code for that command, I have this code: if(command == ...
[2 replies] Last: What LB means, is that you should learn to format your code. You did t... (by SamuelAdams)
Recursive function giving me an error
I need to write a function that will recursively raise a number to a power. I have most of it down but i am receiving error C2601 during line 30. Error 1 error...
[5 replies] Last: Try running with base=10 and exponent=0. What should the answer be? W... (by dhayden)
by hiok
VS2012 - Linking Issue
I implemented the live555 library successfully and now I am trying to extend my application. However, when adding new header files such as include <string> ...
[3 replies] Last: I find that it's generally a include system files first. So try changi... (by dhayden)
Simple Code Problem
Write your question here. I Need To Know What Can Be Done To Fix My Code It Shows Only "error iso c++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer -fpermissi...
[1 reply] : int answer1; if(answer1=="Box") How can a number be equal to stri... (by MiiNiPaa)
My code won't run
I'm reading Learning C++ and I got some codes from there to try out, but they won't work on the Visual Studio 2015 platform. Is this code right? What am I doing...
[2 replies] Last: No. It is not right. Statements should be terminated with semicolon. ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Accessing private members of Derived Class from Base Class
Hello, I've been trying to wrap my mind around the concept of accessing the private data members of the Derived Class From the Base Class, without using prot...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, I understand exactly what you are saying @keskiverto, give me a... (by jrich1982)
Range For Missing Begin Function
My program does not compile because of errors in boldfaced, lines 73 and 83. How do I fix? // C23TryThis.cpp #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<s...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks cire and coder777. Looks like my peripheral vision is poor. T... (by phztfte1)
convert bool to const char*
I'm getting compile errors while trying to do a simple string compare. if (mo->player && gravity > 0 && -zmove > OOF_SPEED && ! fly_or_swim) { ...
[4 replies] Last: > Maybe I'm not writing this correctly? Parentheses! // if (strcmp(... (by JLBorges)
by DannyL
Need help for sfml installation!? Video installation
So I have recorded myself installing sfml on codeblocks but cannot get it to work, so here it is& I would love it if someone could watch and please tell me wher...
[no replies]
August 2015 Pages: 1... 7891011... 28
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