Beginners - August 2015 (Page 7)

by ckratz
Stacks without classes or STL
I have a school assignment that instructs us to create and manipulate two stacks of linked lists but we cannot use classes or STL, all functions must be user-de...
[1 reply] : Think about a stacks attributes and properties. - A stack consist of ... (by tcs)
Troubles with Arguments
So I'm pretty new to C++ programming and am trying to use what I've learned so far to create a program that takes a user's input and averages it. I'm confident ...
[1 reply] : Change float finalAverage = averageMachine(*numbers, size); to ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by paler
step size in c++ simulation
Dear all, I have a simple question regarding the step size in c++ simulation. For example, if I want to calculate a sine wave in a given interval, then I ...
[10 replies] Last: I think I should have said sample rate rather than rate of change. (by andywestken)
Bank Account exercise - What am I doing wrong?
I know that I probably did a very noob mistake. I read and read this code up but have no idea what's wrong. The compiler says that the prototype for Account:...
[3 replies] Last: You're welcome :) (by MikeyBoy)
array values
I wrote a little connect 4 game (unfinished). If i enter 0, he also throws a token into row 6, and vice-versa. EDIT: The question is: Why is he doing that? The ...
[2 replies] Last: Arrays in C++ are accessed starting at zero, so int table has val... (by dhayden)
by paler
program crashes "occasionally"
Dear all, I have a weird problem. Each time I run my program, sometimes it runs successfully, but sometimes it crashes, with the error message: "cppProject(42...
[4 replies] Last: kevinkjt2000, Thanks for the reply. Yes I change the dimension of u t... (by paler)
by Zeurox
[Help] Just started learing C++ and I have no idea why this code doesn't work
I've just started learning C++ and I have no clue why this code isn't working when I change the FavNum value to something else it still only outputs "That's my ...
[3 replies] Last: You're welcome :) (by MikeyBoy)
by Gayboy
BankAccount - need help with constructor and bool
do i need 2 constructors? and can a boolean function return both true and another variable? #include <iostream> using namespace std; class BankAcco...
[2 replies] Last: ahh of course pass by reference, thank you if(head == NULL) ... (by Gayboy)
do-while loop for input with char
Hi, I am writing a 2D array program. The program starts by asking for 2 inputs, first an integer number, the second is a character (M, A or N). I am using a do-...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the advises! (by ipodder1985)
Sort in descending order
How do I implement this sorting algorithm in descending order without using vector library or std::reverse? I tried to change the signs using trial and error bu...
[3 replies] Last: If you don't understand an algorithm, then you cannot implement it eff... (by keskiverto)
[help] Studying Malloc
Morning every one I started to play around with memory allocation in c/c++, now since I didn't have a teacher, I decided to ask these questions as am noob to t...
[1 reply] : First of all, what is ZeroMemory? I don't know. Second, you need to kn... (by PSYCHAMERON)
Can someone help me see what's is wrong? I am trying to run a program to loop and check that the number I entered is: 1) between 0 - 9999 2) does not con...
[1 reply] : Please edit your post and make sure your code is [co de]between cod... (by LB)
by Life24
Sum with while
Hello, I want similar this out put without any used array. just used while and do while. Please Enter Number : 1 Please Enter Number : 2 Please Enter Numb...
[1 reply] : Just declare five variables and do it the same way as with an array. (by LB)
scan input for specific number
I'm writing a program which ask for an input number range from 0 to 9999. If the number is within the range, the program will check if the number contain digit ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I figured it out now (by ipodder1985)
A sudden question just come up with
How are they different in C++? and {} And how do you call them? I just wonder why we write as str {"hello"}, not str["hello"] or just str {hello}, str ....
[6 replies] Last: There are "rules", very strict rules. The C++ Standard is the rules. S... (by keskiverto)
Need assistance with If statements
I read the the welcome post and I will attempt to sound the least bit like a semi-literate boob as possible. I am doing an assignment for my class at school. Ve...
[3 replies] Last: So it would look something like this? int main() { cout<< "Please cho... (by Kyle2134)
pulsar varias teclas a la vez en sdl2
lo que pasa es que estaba haciendo un pong y no se si hubiera una forma mas eficiente de ver si se estan pulsando una o dos teclas a la vez. Si la hay que algui...
[1 reply] : No. Tu dominio del español también deja bastante que desear. ... (by helios)
Building a terminal text-editor in C++
I am quite experienced with C++(programming for over 1 year already). But I cannot Wrap my mind around how to make text editor(e.g get input in console which i...
[1 reply] : Libraries such as PDcurses and ncurses (collectively called just curse... (by helios)
by AVM8
Bubble Sort Algo
The errors i get is: Error C2109 subscript requires array or pointer type #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int count, itemCo...
[3 replies] Last: Your code breaks if the user enters a number greater than 10000. In s... (by helios)
Program Repeating, How to end? Reply Pls
Sorry guys, I've just entered this field of programming..No good knowledge i got on it... My question is how do i end my program? Once the addition is done ...
[2 replies] Last: @kevinkjt2000 thanxx for your reply I've corrected my code and Its wor... (by Swapnil2000)
August 2015 Pages: 1... 56789... 28
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