by vittorioc98
Troubles with void pointers
[6 replies] Last: Oh ok, i didn't know about this "note that in real code outside of an ... (by vittorioc98)
by Icebrand
Linking problem?
[2 replies] Last: !@$%$^#%@$^* ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; Thank you very... (by Icebrand)
by NMI21
Check single words
[2 replies] Last: Nit sure what's being asked - but as a starter perhaps: include <io... (by seeplus)
by ccorkran
Sum of all neighboring cells 2d array
[10 replies] Last: ccorkran, You stated the 4 adjacent elements, plus the king's position... (by lastchance)
by dune
Copy Constructor
[5 replies] Last: What a copy constructor should do is create a copy of the state of an... (by dune)
by Maddy Nay123
How do I make a list that's length varies from 100 to 1000?
[1 reply] : C++ doesn't support dynamically sized arrays on the stack like C used ... (by Rob Nelson)
by JackLadYT
cout is ambigious
[2 replies] Last: I'd like to hear more about what you meant. (by Rob Nelson)
by domweng
How to input data from external file into struct array in function
[7 replies] Last: Figured out my issue by myself, really appreciate it Andy, I'll most l... (by domweng)
by tuesday0
Is my approach to the Eight Queens puzzle bad?
[6 replies] Last: So I scrapped the last program and am attempting recursion. See especi... (by tuesday0)
by panconcafe
Unhandled exception error
[11 replies] Last: Alright, I will comment and test each line and see what happens! And n... (by panconcafe)
by domweng
Can somebody please explain this? Is it a bug??
[2 replies] Last: Hello domweng, I see that you have your answer. Here are some suggest... (by Handy Andy)
Why will my C++ code written in Xcode not compile on other platforms? |
[9 replies] Last: valarrays are awesome, but a vector has a direction. Its just the wr... (by jonnin)
by vittorioc98
Troubles with strtok() and char**
[5 replies] Last: also note that arrays are fine too. char stringarray ; //30 strings,... (by jonnin)
by y19177
Asking for advice
[3 replies] Last: I have an on-again, off again love/hate with AI. Its not much, but t... (by jonnin)
by domweng
Help on inputting info into struct arrays from external file
[3 replies] Last: Hello domweng, I have put some comments in the program: #include <i... (by Handy Andy)
by zavkk
How to use a file in a function
[2 replies] Last: Try this as the mix of C/C++. However if this is supposed to be C++, w... (by seeplus)
by panconcafe
Function return issue
[4 replies] Last: Oh, I was not sure on how to initialize the constructor and how to pas... (by panconcafe)
by y19177
variables from base class out of scope in derived class
[4 replies] Last: and the "unorderedLinkedListType.h" #ifndef unorderedLinkedListType_... (by y19177)
by sam1x1
print a asterisk right angled triangle
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int base; ... (by lastchance)
by tristanbox09
BFS cycle detection using selected nodes as input
[1 reply] : What is the problem? 0 and 3 aren't cyclically connected, so isCyclic... (by lastchance)