Beginners - April 2021 (Page 4)

Troubles with void pointers
Hello Guys, i have this code down here void test_func(void *vp1, void *vp2); int main(int argc, char const *argv ) { int size = 2; cha...
[6 replies] Last: Oh ok, i didn't know about this "note that in real code outside of an ... (by vittorioc98)
Linking problem?
Hi again everyone!! I am having some difficulty navigating this error. Please be aware that the compiler I am forced to use is whatever Zybooks uses, which is ...
[2 replies] Last: !@$%$^#%@$^* ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; Thank you very... (by Icebrand)
by NMI21
Check single words
Hi. As example i wrote a simple program which says "Put in any word" and then the word gets read. How can i check fot a special thing what the user wrote? for e...
[2 replies] Last: Nit sure what's being asked - but as a starter perhaps: include <io... (by seeplus)
Sum of all neighboring cells 2d array
Hello all, I have an assignment where I have to add all neighboring elements of a 2D array (all 4 adjacent elements)(Left and right elements)(Top and bottom ele...
[10 replies] Last: ccorkran, You stated the 4 adjacent elements, plus the king's position... (by lastchance)
by dune
Copy Constructor
When I run this code, #include <iostream> using namespace std; // declare a class class Wall { private: double length; double height; ...
[5 replies] Last: What a copy constructor should do is create a copy of the state of an... (by dune)
How do I make a list that's length varies from 100 to 1000?
I have been stuck on this for awhile. This code works on a online compiler but not Visual Studio and I have no idea how to do several things. I don't know how...
[1 reply] : C++ doesn't support dynamically sized arrays on the stack like C used ... (by Rob Nelson)
cout is ambigious
dont worry about it mate
[2 replies] Last: I'd like to hear more about what you meant. (by Rob Nelson)
How to input data from external file into struct array in function
Hey everybody, I am super stuck on an assignment and need help just for the start of it. For the assignment I'm supposed to store information from text files in...
[7 replies] Last: Figured out my issue by myself, really appreciate it Andy, I'll most l... (by domweng)
Is my approach to the Eight Queens puzzle bad?
Hi there! I'm teaching myself how to program in C++ from the Deitel 10th edition "How To Program" text. I'm currently in the chapter concerning arrays, and one ...
[6 replies] Last: So I scrapped the last program and am attempting recursion. See especi... (by tuesday0)
Unhandled exception error
i'm doing a token taking game that involves a recursive function, I have some guidelines but I need another insight to figure out what's wrong. //Tok...
[11 replies] Last: Alright, I will comment and test each line and see what happens! And n... (by panconcafe)
Can somebody please explain this? Is it a bug??
So my code is working fine except when I go to enter the second.title it just skips the prompt as if the cin isn't even present and outputs the second.genre pro...
[2 replies] Last: Hello domweng, I see that you have your answer. Here are some suggest... (by Handy Andy)
Why will my C++ code written in Xcode not compile on other platforms?
Thank you so much in advanced, but I am looking for more feedback in order not to make the same mistakes again. I did an assignment that I built on x code. Howe...
[9 replies] Last: valarrays are awesome, but a vector has a direction. Its just the wr... (by jonnin)
Troubles with strtok() and char**
Hello guys, i tried to use strtok but without success.. I have a simple file with 2 lines: 1) hello, world 2) loving, programming I would like to sav...
[5 replies] Last: also note that arrays are fine too. char stringarray ; //30 strings,... (by jonnin)
by y19177
Asking for advice
Thanks to everyone in this forum. I started learning C++ last Christmas and now I have finished the book C++ Programming: From problem analysis to program desig...
[3 replies] Last: I have an on-again, off again love/hate with AI. Its not much, but t... (by jonnin)
Help on inputting info into struct arrays from external file
Please someone, I'm so lost just let me know wtf to put into the if statement or how I can repeatedly insert information into the struct data arrays, I feel lik...
[3 replies] Last: Hello domweng, I have put some comments in the program: #include <i... (by Handy Andy)
by zavkk
How to use a file in a function
Hello, i am trying to use a variable of a file on a function away from the main function, and writing something, but the program crashes without typing anything...
[2 replies] Last: Try this as the mix of C/C++. However if this is supposed to be C++, w... (by seeplus)
Function return issue
Hello!I have an issue with my result method that underlines red when I return out (in the Token_Taking.cpp). It says "the return value does not match function t...
[4 replies] Last: Oh, I was not sure on how to initialize the constructor and how to pas... (by panconcafe)
by y19177
variables from base class out of scope in derived class
So I'm practing linked lists and created two class. linkedListType is the base class and unOrderedLinkedList (unOLList) is the derived class with no new variabl...
[4 replies] Last: and the "unorderedLinkedListType.h" #ifndef unorderedLinkedListType_... (by y19177)
by sam1x1
print a asterisk right angled triangle
input: a base number 4 output: where # represent white space base = 4 ######*# ####*#*# ##*###*# *#*#*#*# input : base = 5 output: ########*# ...
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int base; ... (by lastchance)
BFS cycle detection using selected nodes as input
Hello guys, I am trying to use BFS to detect if a cycle is formed in the graph. I want to see if a cycle is detected by inputting selected nodes and seeing if t...
[1 reply] : What is the problem? 0 and 3 aren't cyclically connected, so isCyclic... (by lastchance)
April 2021 Pages: 123456... 12
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