Beginners - April 2018 (Page 21)

Code not reading all numbers
The 30 numbers in the file I'm reading from are: 15 95 12 52 27 94 55 68 51 86 9 20 49 54 3 35 17 23 13 16 11 28 39 43 21 1 26 22 8...
[7 replies] Last: If it accesses beyond array bounds then it takes whatever happens to b... (by lastchance)
Numerical Integration Programming
Keeps giving me a bunch of errors. Please help me fix it. //Matthew Ciublka HW8 Numerical Integration #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cma...
[1 reply] : what errors? What is the function you are integrating? Is it sinc? St... (by jonnin)
Clarification request on use of 'this->'
Greetings, I'm working on a accessor method for my class MobileRobot. The method location() should return a r_val pointer to a Coordinate. location_ is a pr...
[3 replies] Last: @Repeater Thank you for your assistance! Scoping has been giving me q... (by Volk2013)
Need Help With Class Assignment: Palindrome Stacks and Queues
Assignment: Goal: Stacks and Queues to implement a programming solution Make sure you thoroughly read and understand the directions before you begin. Problem...
[2 replies] Last: When posting code, please use code tags. Edit your post, highlight the... (by dhayden)
by louish
do while loop needs help.
Need help with it. The while loop for play again doesn't work. I am not sure what is the reason that caused the error, any suggestion will be helped. The idea i...
[3 replies] Last: Duplicate of . Please ... (by MikeyBoy)
by Jsy
Random number in 2d Array without repeating
Hi, I cannot figure out what is wrong with my code below. Been trying for hours, but when I compiled, some of the numbers in the array is repeated. I tried cre...
[10 replies] Last: That "part" is this: void Initialize(int array ) { for (int i = ... (by keskiverto)
by LJ1997
Code Optimisation
I need to identify the problems with the code below and fix it so that the code runs quicker, I'm not sure where to start! The code outputs to a file so obvious...
[14 replies] Last: Hi @Ganado. It's actually line 52 that gives away the algorithm. Value... (by lastchance)
Efficient way of looping an array of pointers
What is the most efficient way to loop through an array of pointers?? Example: private: char * data; then I have in a few places the following...
[2 replies] Last: Where do you allocate memory for that pointer? How are you computing ... (by jlb)
by luka34
How to become c++ string god
I am in the best high school in state. I have first time met with programming (c++). Iam 15 years old . I already learned basics(printf,scanf,if,while,for,do...
[4 replies] Last: - Lots of info on strings. Also d... (by nether)
Segementation fault (core dump) error?
I just need to see what is causing the segmentation fault (core dump) error and for some reason I can't get the constructor to output the error message when the...
[3 replies] Last: In addition, your print function is expecting you to return a string, ... (by Ganado)
Form / listbox and one label
I am trying to write code that pulls the names of the states into a list box, which I have done but then it needs to pull the information from the county table ...
[no replies]
Testing palindromes with stack and queue
I'm reading a list of words that is terminated by $$$$$ madam Madam I'm Adam. A man, a plan, a canal, Panama! Never odd or even Amor, Roma race car step on NO...
[3 replies] Last: first convert everything to all caps. strip out everything that's not ... (by zaphraud)
c++ code giving headache
Write your question here. When running the program given, it is supposed to give the output bewlow. However, the program contains erros that prevent it fr...
[5 replies] Last: thanks a lot lastchance im still a biginner on c++ still struggling mu... (by isthelord)
Password program, need help
Need to create a program that allows the user to enter a password, and prints out the password with all vowels changed to x's, numbers changed to z's and charac...
[9 replies] Last: I'll right i'll try it out thanks (by Databend)
Parameter, initilaizing variables, and link
ive been working on 3 codes for class but I'm having a problem with all of them. for the first one it says that there is a problem with a link. Link1168 ...
[1 reply] : First, please use code tags when posting code. See http://www.cplusplu... (by keskiverto)
Doubly Linked List Quick Sort
Hello. I have problem with my quick sort algorithm in dubly linked list. Exhatly is 4 condition i dont know how to implement ListItem* pivot, * i, * j; i...
[5 replies] Last: Changes: - changed Swap method to use std::swap - hopefully improved u... (by icy1)
Endless loop and I don't understand why. Help.
Hi. So I wrote an algorithm that has to measure exactly 4 liters using 2 buckets of 8 liters(bucket1) and 5 liters(bucket2). The problem is when I run the progr...
[2 replies] Last: Ohhhhhh! Right. Thanks! (by ofeliedeceai)
no arrays allowed help for standard deviation
Hello, Totally new at this and im not sure how to re build my code without the use of arrays or vectors? how do i properly add a cin.clear or cin.seekg(0)...
[3 replies] Last: You don't have to make a second pass to compute the standard deviation... (by dhayden)
by JCar
Homework - Number to letter assignment (ABCD -> 0 1 2 3)
Beginner Question: As part of a basic encoding assignment I need to write a program that accepts a single word (capital letters) and outputs its assigned num...
[4 replies] Last: you can still condense it. to do it this way, int value = str - ... (by jonnin)
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