by One Pea
Code not reading all numbers
[7 replies] Last: If it accesses beyond array bounds then it takes whatever happens to b... (by lastchance)
by helios
How to Print HP Printer Technical 1877-929-3373 Support Phone Number
[8 replies] Last: @helios, Ah, OK, I misunderstood. Maybe we should just stop adding ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by Mattrat
Numerical Integration Programming
[1 reply] : what errors? What is the function you are integrating? Is it sinc? St... (by jonnin)
by Volk2013
Clarification request on use of 'this->'
[3 replies] Last: @Repeater Thank you for your assistance! Scoping has been giving me q... (by Volk2013)
Need Help With Class Assignment: Palindrome Stacks and Queues |
[2 replies] Last: When posting code, please use code tags. Edit your post, highlight the... (by dhayden)
by louish
do while loop needs help.
[3 replies] Last: Duplicate of . Please ... (by MikeyBoy)
by Jsy
Random number in 2d Array without repeating
[10 replies] Last: That "part" is this: void Initialize(int array ) { for (int i = ... (by keskiverto)
by LJ1997
Code Optimisation
[14 replies] Last: Hi @Ganado. It's actually line 52 that gives away the algorithm. Value... (by lastchance)
by aerichsen
Efficient way of looping an array of pointers
[2 replies] Last: Where do you allocate memory for that pointer? How are you computing ... (by jlb)
by luka34
How to become c++ string god
[4 replies] Last: - Lots of info on strings. Also d... (by nether)
by Toasthat
Segementation fault (core dump) error?
[3 replies] Last: In addition, your print function is expecting you to return a string, ... (by Ganado)
by brown1z1975
Form / listbox and one label
[no replies]
by ElleJay
Testing palindromes with stack and queue
[3 replies] Last: first convert everything to all caps. strip out everything that's not ... (by zaphraud)
by isthelord
c++ code giving headache
[5 replies] Last: thanks a lot lastchance im still a biginner on c++ still struggling mu... (by isthelord)
by Databend
Password program, need help
[9 replies] Last: I'll right i'll try it out thanks (by Databend)
by Masonbrady3
Parameter, initilaizing variables, and link
[1 reply] : First, please use code tags when posting code. See http://www.cplusplu... (by keskiverto)
by Jakubaz
Doubly Linked List Quick Sort
[5 replies] Last: Changes: - changed Swap method to use std::swap - hopefully improved u... (by icy1)
by ofeliedeceai
Endless loop and I don't understand why. Help.
[2 replies] Last: Ohhhhhh! Right. Thanks! (by ofeliedeceai)
by lukekane
no arrays allowed help for standard deviation
[3 replies] Last: You don't have to make a second pass to compute the standard deviation... (by dhayden)
by JCar
Homework - Number to letter assignment (ABCD -> 0 1 2 3)
[4 replies] Last: you can still condense it. to do it this way, int value = str - ... (by jonnin)