Beginners - April 2018 (Page 23)

by SJDub
Switch Case Problem
Hey everybody! I've been working on a Sudoku program these past couple of weeks, and I almost have it complete. I'm just experiencing one last problem. In ...
[3 replies] Last: what's causing the leftmost sets of > ? Something got it to add anot... (by icy1)
by Vivty
Problem with Iterators
Hello guys, i have a problem with Iterators. The exercise is to let the user input numbers in a vector. I then have to add the first and the last number, then ...
[8 replies] Last: For example, you could declare a forwards and a backwards iterator out... (by icy1)
Help with functions,
So, I have worked on most of the functions in this assignment. Please tell me if it looks right and help me start int main(). A table tennis game is played s...
[3 replies] Last: Don't need prototypes if you instead put main() at the end of the file... (by icy1)
fscanf issues
I am reading values from a text files but it prints something different mostly the three numbers changes. The values of the text file are these 157.029281 9...
[2 replies] Last: There are many base-10 fractional numbers that can't be represented ex... (by helios)
Modularizing code and Arrays.
Hey all! I've been working on a financial calculator for the past month and I've got a couple questions. In the book I'm reading on c++, it talks about modulari...
[3 replies] Last: You could condense the output but doing so, while more modular, would ... (by jonnin)
by clmu
Problem Appending object to a Vector
Hello! As most people here, i'm new to c++ (and programming). I was currently trying to write a program differentiating polynomials, where the polynomial is...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a LOT, I suppose it was ne555's suggestion that was the solutio... (by clmu)
Using Void Function to calculated highest, average, and lowest numbers of an array
Hello, I am having an issue determining why my program won't run. I am thinking there is an issue with the way I have used my void function and pass by refere...
[2 replies] Last: Ah, so an issue with my bubble sort. Thank you SO much for your help!... (by juliabrushett)
Clear all values in an array
Does clearing all values in an array meaning reducing the amount of elements in the array to 0, or initializing all the current elements to 0?
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. (by One Pea)
Parallel arrays problem.
How do I make it so the elements in one array match up with the elements in different arrays? For example, I created a program that that displays the ID, name, ...
[4 replies] Last: Example implementation, though it goes a lil overboard w/ regex ;D . ... (by icy1)
by wtbe
[Java] BankBalance
While I know this is a forum dedicated to C++ Can you either point me towards a forum dedicated to Java beginner like myself or any help would be appreciated. ...
[3 replies] Last: That's from the original code. The original program didn't use JOption... (by wtbe)
validating my code
So I've got to a stage within my code where I'm looking at entering validation to ensure that it doesn't break and I'm hitting a dead end. I'm looking at makin...
[9 replies] Last: You want to exit when selection == 5, so do this: do { ... sw... (by dhayden)
How do you increment a number via input in multiple conditions?
I'm trying to increment the input to take the requested input and have that output the unknown value in one condition, then carry it to the next condition. Doub...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int... (by wtbe)
How to sort a two dimensional array which is a part of a structure?
hello, so if you look at my terrifying ugly code, I have an array of strings OSeat .sName, which I want to sort alphabetically. I know about the sort algorithm...
[12 replies] Last: Self-contained example showing my advice from last comment (part 6a) t... (by icy1)
File Content Switched to All CAPS
Hello, I am having such a hard time even getting this program to run; thus far, I have started to create (or think I am creating) a file with a user input file...
[1 reply] : Change line 17 to char c; while ( inFS.get( c ) ) cout.put( to... (by lastchance)
a problem with if.. else statement
i'm a beginner at C++ programming, i've started studying it a month ago at school and they gave us a chance to do some projects mine was to calculate the BMI f...
[10 replies] Last: it worked.. thank you so much seriously (by roselyn97)
struct members declared in base class that are used in derived class are "not declared in that scope"
The 3 protected members in the base class are used in the derived class . Error message says they are not declared in the scope. Strangely, the struct members d...
[1 reply] : - indent your code - fix missing braces prefix every member access wi... (by ne555)
New Char[] Allocation Returning Array With Wrong Size
Have A Pleasant Online Shopping Experience With These Tips Have you already bought items from the comfort of your own home? Have you been looking for a hard-to...
[2 replies] Last: src = new char[strlen(src) + 1]; Hello memory leak! You grab a new... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Understanding reinterpret_cast?
I wrote the piece of code below just now with reinterpret_cast and then staic_cast(writing the same code for both) to try evaluate my understanding of the two a...
[5 replies] Last: I see, I didn't spot that. I will take all of this on board and take... (by More Coffee)
Program crashes after 11th element is added to array
int input; int counter=0; int grades ; while (input!=-99) { cout << "Enter your grade, when you are done enter -99: "; ci...
[5 replies] Last: If you absolutely must use an array: #include <iostream> int main() ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Algorithm for generating a Sudoku puzzle
The same algorithm will be able to generate various sudoku puzzles with unique solutions under varying difficulty, mentioned by the user Important factors desc...
[8 replies] Last: The original post is also Sudoku... We are given part of the code and... (by Manga)
April 2018 Pages: 1... 2122232425
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