Beginners - April 2018 (Page 22)

DMA Issue
Question: From the perspective of dynamic memory management, clearly describe the issue with the following code. Also suggest a way to fix that issue. Pleas...
[1 reply] : What happens when you pass a1 to the display function? (by Peter87)
Assignment problem need help
Hello all, Can any one help me find and correct the errors in the below c++ program please.... #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> class testclass ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you Andy and ammadahmed ♥ (by junaidkkc)
Using vectors to shuffle cards
I'm being asked to load a deck of cards in a vector from 0-51 by creating a vector function for it. I then have to shuffle the deck using the specific random_sh...
[11 replies] Last: On using namespace std; -- for demonstration purposes, especially w... (by icy1)
Homework Problem: I am lost
I'm struggling with this class and cannot quite grasp some of these concepts. I am supposed to print the lowest value using these functions. I think I may have ...
[6 replies] Last: [quote=Handy Andy]Line 10 is wrong. The instructions say it should be ... (by icy1)
If Else Problem
Hello All, I am having problem in C++ programming in If Else statements. I have typed everything in the program and it is compiling as well, but the problem is ...
[4 replies] Last: Welcome also if you wish to learn C++ from beginner level to a more ad... (by danielmccarthy)
by emma21
Reading File
I'm trying to write a code for a class that takes a filename and target character from command line and counts the number of times the target character appears ...
[3 replies] Last: Hello emma if you wish to learn C++ properly why not check out my cour... (by danielmccarthy)
C++ course 50% off for today only
Hello guys, if you are new to C++ I Would really like to help you checkout my online C++ course here:
[no replies]
by luka34
Please help!!!
Removing elements Time Memory Input Output 1 with 64 Mb standard input standard output The number is undesirable in a series of integers if it divides the to...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much for your time writing this reply. If the n does u... (by luka34)
by Ma92
pointer characters
Pointer character arrays; when i declare arrays with empty braces and initialize it with string and try function "strcpy" to copy first string to second it will...
[6 replies] Last: char * blah = "foo"; ^^^ You can't see it, but "foo" is going to be a... (by jonnin)
Need some advice
I got this 2 functions that should erase everything in brackets,but when i started to test it i forgot that someone might put brakets in the wrong places... So...
[2 replies] Last: It did work in the string function,now im having problems with the cha... (by Keinchiksan)
im really lost on this coding . i need to create a function called parameter and i dont know where to even start . please help include <iomanip> #include...
[2 replies] Last: Hello poonamp6792, A couple of points that you may find useful in the... (by Handy Andy)
[3 replies] Last: How about you showing your latest attempt and describing in detail the... (by keskiverto)
by ratfus
"->" Program Not Working
I'm having a difficult time understanding the "->" in C++. I can't understand why the below program, which I created, keeps crashing. Shouldn't my program poi...
[9 replies] Last: A structure is not an object. It's a type. It is just a description of... (by tpb)
by nm1206
2D Vector Questions
Using the file called text.txt for example as command-line argument input, How would I create a file object and load the file into a 2D vector of vector<vector<...
[1 reply] : Usually you would read the lines into a string so you would have a vec... (by tpb)
pointers and arrays
Is there a way to make the "enter value #0" and "Value #0" just start at 1 instead of 0? #include <iostream> using namespace std; void reverse_arr...
[2 replies] Last: Just print (i + 1) in the cout statement instead of i. the values ar... (by tpb)
RAM Allocation for an int Variable
Greetings, Have finally acted upon my fascination with computer programming and am exploring C++. Am playing with variables and how their values are displ...
[3 replies] Last: Hello Jim McLean, You are welcome. Any time. Andy (by Handy Andy)
Is there a way to share a variable between instances of a class, but not between instances of the class containing it?
Let's say I have a class named 'City' and a nested class inside of it called 'House', and I want that the color of every house in the same city would always be ...
[7 replies] Last: If you wanted to stuck to your original plan, you could try by nesting... (by Enoizat)
Parallel Arrays
Please help me at least with DO_7. I'm just completely lost, I've tried everything I know and it is always underlined in red in Visual Studios. //---------...
[1 reply] : Hello piotrowskid, There are several things that you should correct f... (by Handy Andy)
Pushing all elements from one stack to another stack without the stacks being pre-declared
Hi. Just as the title says, I want to create a function that pushes all elements from one stack to another when it is called. I already have a prototype, but it...
[10 replies] Last: No problem. Good luck! (by tpb)
Issues reading string from file and splitting
I am having an issue reading in lines from a file, converting each into a string, then splitting that string into components (Int, string, double), and then pri...
[4 replies] Last: At the moment, I am just ensuring that the lines are split correctly a... (by recordedchaos)
April 2018 Pages: 1... 202122232425
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