Beginners - April 2017 (Page 7)

[Input Counter]
Hello Community! I kindly ask for your help once more, this time with the following. I wish to implement a function, that, while typing in a sentence, shows ...
[no replies]
Table Manipulation
This problem is an exercise in organizing a one-dimensional list of numbers into a 2-dimensional table with a variable number of columns. The numbers must be ...
[no replies]
by df98
Calculating a Percentage Discount
Hello. I just started learning C++ and need help calculating a percentage discount. I missed the class and my code is based on the example in my book. Although ...
[1 reply] : cin is explained in the following tutorial from this site under standa... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Why is the output in random order?
Also what's with the random 0? Here's what I put in the input file: 3.80 5.2 4.7 6.3 3.9 0.91 0.91 2.16 3.40 2.0 2.00 3.70 Here's my code:...
[1 reply] : Pleas use code tags: See ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Pointer to Class Array Objects
My program is erroring out when I try to add a second set of values to the Hourly class. When I switch to using hours .etc it works fine so I assume it is becau...
[3 replies] Last: @Handy Andy The pointer of type "Employee" being set to an address ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by irize
Beginner asks for suggestions
Hello! I cant figure out the best way how my database should look like, so my problem is the following: I want to create a windows gui program, where i ca...
[3 replies] Last: > if first and second iterators returned by std::unordered_multimap::e... (by JLBorges)
Recursive Binary Search C++
*** Comment *** This code works fine, but I have a question about how binary_search works. I understand that the array or vector needs to be sorted out, and t...
[4 replies] Last: So you mean that this is not the right way my recursive binary search... (by mbozzi)
Pointers, Herber Schildt ... not working
Hey, guys! This part of my program does not print anything on screen. Any suggestions? It should just be an example of how simple arithmetic can be used on...
[5 replies] Last: @Alex1993, it is your choice which index of the array a[ ] you want to... (by Kourosh23)
To-Do List App (Best way to get user input and output list?)
I'm about to write a program that allows you to enter tasks, like a to-do list. I want the user to be able to enter as many tasks as they want, then display the...
[1 reply] : Take a look at online to do list programs written in c++. I copy paste... (by Kourosh23)
Finding a number in an array.
So I need to make a bank account program,and at one point I need to have the user input an ID to check if there is an account with the same number in the arrays...
[5 replies] Last: try and use the standard library algorithms wherever possible, like in... (by gunnerfunner)
Character Count Program Issue
Edit: solved.
[4 replies] Last: while(!input.eof()) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) list = 0; Wh... (by jlb)
Void Function
Hello again. I need to add void functions to a program, and I'm having had a hard time understanding the void functions. I was wondering if anyone can give me ...
[1 reply] : If you haven't solved your issues yet: // Hello again. I need to add... (by Enoizat)
by xxvms
Function prototype
Hi there I am reading... (you know the drill same book :D) in one of the examples they use function prototype inside main(); I never have seen this before,...
[5 replies] Last: I have (very rarely) used local function declarations to locally chang... (by mbozzi)
Dice Game
Hello! I'm trying to write a program that will generate a value between one and six. (Simulating a dice roll) Each of these values will output a different messa...
[1 reply] : Move line 18 to line 21 (inside the loop). You're calling rand() only ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Meden
Why do constructors use references?
This is an example out of my book. I am trying to understand why the constructor for CommissionEmployee uses references. In the past, I have used references t...
[2 replies] Last: heh I was just reading about refernce arguments! :D passing as refer... (by xxvms)
Hi I am fairly new to the C++ scene and I have stumbled upon a problem in my code, when I "start without debugging" the program runs, but wont let me input the ...
[10 replies] Last: Thanks everybody! All your input has helped me to solve the problems !... (by ant1g33k)
setter/getter not working
When - in the source code - I attempt to get (for example) p (check.getP(0)) it won't return with anything. I have already set p to "password (check.setP(0, "...
[11 replies] Last: No, I did not understand local variables... do now thanks it's all fix... (by Myhat2you)
DOOM like graphics
I was wondering how do I go out and about with programming a "3D" world, like DOOM in preferably SFML
[3 replies] Last: And yes I do have expirience texturing and modeling, and stuff. (by TheScripterGeek)
by xxvms
Imperial units
Hi there :) I am again working on example from book and something does not add-up literally ;) i think.... I don't know imperial units to well but as far as ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks Jlb and Jonnin Jlb - nope its if statement only, if you have a... (by xxvms)
little help??
i want antivirus script for c++ 11,i tried many scripts,but they resulted in errors,Thanks in advance
[no replies]
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