Beginners - April 2017 (Page 6)

Struct help with error! Short!
Hey guys I am getting a LNK2019 error aka unresolved external symbol #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using n...
[2 replies] Last: In other words: The prototype of print_course_info(...) does not match... (by coder777)
Copying an array to another array but in reverse order
I am trying to copy an array of type char into another array of type chars, in which the copy holds the original array but in reverse order. Idk if i should do ...
[1 reply] : You don't need to create another char array to check if it's a palindr... (by integralfx)
how to find object type of derived class on Runtime
I have following code class Base() { }; class Derived1: public Base { }; class Derived1: public Base { }; class Derived2: public Base { ...
[5 replies] Last: Well, 100 version doesn't sound like a reasonable design... However, ... (by coder777)
I need help with polynomials using arrays
Hello c++! I'm here cause i need some help with my term proyect. This is my proyect description... Design and implant a Polynomial class, in which a polynomi...
[2 replies] Last: THANKS! I kind of have an idea, but how can you code it? can you pleas... (by Erickv11)
String function in the C++ program.
Urgent for DEADLINE ._. I am writing a program for assignment that reads an input from an existing txt file and after some modification, it will be exported to...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks for all your help :D (by paulpaul)
linked list and nodes
I need help with the funtion inserbypose(); please help it compiles but it's not working #include <iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; ...
[5 replies] Last: i compile it as g++ -std=c++11 lab12.cpp That's an appallingly min... (by TheIdeasMan)
randomly generate a vector and list
how do i do this? i cant do it like an regular array //wrong arrayvector = rand()%6;
[1 reply] : (by gunnerfunner)
Function comparison
Write a function int common_elements (const vector <int> &X, const vector <int> &Y) that given two vectors X and Y which are in strictly increasing order, re...
[13 replies] Last: The problem is asking how many common elements there are in the two ve... (by Oriol Serrabassa)
by ST0995
Copying 1d arrays into a 2d array
I'm having trouble doing this function for my code. Every time I copy an array into a 2d array instead of outputting all the values it only outputs the same va...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> conste... (by gunnerfunner)
Random First + Last Name Generator (txt files)
Objective: I want to create a program that will output 10 random full names (and have it be different every time the program is run) Info: I have a file wi...
[1 reply] : Read the files into 2 std::vector<std::string>> for first_name and las... (by gunnerfunner)
Need help with this program! plzzzzz
// Program to accept integers from the keyboard until a zero is entered. Print the sum and average of the even numbers. Ignore any odd numbers in your calculati...
[2 replies] Last: that is simple: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <... (by eec)
by rantiv
This program reads in a text file with information and is suppose to print it out in its respective format. Then it will do the taxes. I am having troubles with...
[7 replies] Last: @Enoizat sorry that I didnt post my code. It just is a lot so I only d... (by rantiv)
Linking a library (dlib) from internet
I am an absolute beginner in C++. My problem is: I would like to link and use the "dlib" library to make use of the algorithm functions in it. Unfortunately, I...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks very much for the comments on my question. It worked fine and i... (by AlbertNice)
by xxvms
Inline function
Hi There, In modern C++ do we still use inline function? Like in this format? inline float nameOfFunction(float kg) { return 60 * kg; } Th...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, but it is only a suggestion to the compiler, not a command. Some... (by jonnin)
by xxvms
float vs double
Hi there I am reading fairly old book Object Orientated Programming in C++. What I have noticed is that they use frequently float type, and when I read other...
[9 replies] Last: The performance should be nearly the same for all types on intel and s... (by jonnin)
How to gurantee destructor is called in exception handling ?
I have two sample codes written by my prof. 1. void error_test8() { // v has a private pointer to an underlying array on the free store vector<...
[3 replies] Last: to be fair, that example easy to make useful, if the vector is not har... (by Cubbi)
by Ninalc
I need help with functions and arrays!
I am trying to create a program that will print multiple rows of lottery pick basically, the number of sets is determined by user, of 6 numbers. The first five...
[1 reply] : Hello Ninalc, If you want a response show what you have done and ask ... (by Handy Andy)
by mbag
download image using libcurl
Hello everyone! I am trying to download an image from an URL using libcurl, and I have found an appropriate example here
[no replies]
What is wrong with my output file?
Trying to teach myself file I/O and I have two text files that are communicating with this program. The goal of the program is to take class rosters of 10 stude...
[2 replies] Last: Hello bmakloski, Based on the input file I made this is how I changed... (by Handy Andy)
Created a Super Mario program,But not compailing
i have created a super mario game in c++, But there is some Build Errors, the compiler output says that there is some error with the ifstream!!! Well,anyway ...
[2 replies] Last: We probably can help if you post the error message, or the code, or bo... (by Peter87)
April 2017 Pages: 1... 45678... 34
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