C++ Threads

There's someone in my class that was wondering how to make a thread, but he didn't want to create an account for this site and ask about it himself. Does anybody know how to make threads or links for websites that have good thread tutorials?
C++ doesn't have threads because it's a platform specific issue. For Windows you could google _beginthreadex or CreateThread. For *nix you can google pthread.
Threads was added to C++ in the latest standard. Look for information about std::thread.
This site looks like one where you have to pay for the library. Is there another way to do the same thing that doesn't involve spending money?
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Boost has a thread library for those who are not using the new standard. There's also ACE.
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Or you could always develop your own small API... SFML has good threading support, so you could always steal that functionality.
Thanks everybody for all your help.
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