Which text editor to choose

Hello everyone, I am new to c ++ and wanted to know which text editor would be the best match. I mainly use "Notepad ++".

Notepad++ is amply good enough for what you're going to be using it for.
You should consider using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Visual Studio Community. It free, contains editor, compiler and debugger.. Yes, it's a bit of a learning curve, but it gives you all the tools you need for writing, compiling and debugging any project you want to write. Keep in mind that as you learn C++, you're going to rapidly move past the simple single file programs such as "Hello world".
I use Visual Studio as an IDE, but also I like the Code::Blocks embedded editor. Some prefer Eclipse - some another one. In conclusion, your IDE is about making choice - a simple question of personnal preference . No specific rules ++
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Notepad++ is a better editor than most. With syntax coloring, macros, line numbers, block copy and paste, it supports everything you will need on the editing side. I use it because visual studio removed their macro support among other reasons.
You may still want an IDE, but you can't ask for a better pure editor.
If you want a code text editor - as opposed to an IDE - then have a look at Visual Studio Code (as opposed to VS the IDE). This is x-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac).

See https://code.visualstudio.com/ and links.

GNU Emacs user here.

Your choice of editor is ultimately a personal preference. There is no clear "best".

Notepad++ is based on Scintilla, a library component which actually handles the text-editing.
This is the same backend as used in Code::Blocks, CodeLite, Geany, and many others.
> GNU Emacs user here
yes, but what editor.

moved from vim to neovim.
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