Well the first thing to note from your image is that your "bm" is in lower case, not upper case.
It's "BM", not "bm".
The next 4 bytes (0x0015F936) say the file size is 1440054 bytes, is that right?
This is little endian, so the 0x36 byte is first (the least significant) and the 0x00 is last (the most significant).
Skip 4 reserved bytes, the next interesting bit is the image offset at byte 0x0A.
This is 0x00000036, or 54 decimal, which seems entirely plausible.
The bitmap file header is always 14 bytes.
The DIB header is a fixed size with 7 different versions.
One of those sizes is 40 (so 14 + 40 = 54).
From your image, decoding the next 40 bytes as a BITMAPINFOHEADER
Hex Decimal Purpose
00000028 40 the size of this header, in bytes (40)
00000320 1440 the bitmap width in pixels (signed integer)
00000258 600 the bitmap height in pixels (signed integer)
0001 1 the number of color planes (must be 1)
0018 24 the number of bits per pixel
00000000 0 the compression method being used (BI_RGB == None)
00000000 0 the image size; a dummy 0 can be given for BI_RGB bitmaps
00000960 2400 the horizontal resolution of the image
00000960 2400 the vertical resolution of the image
00000000 0 the number of colors in the color palette, or 0 to default to 2n
00000000 0 the number of important colors used, or 0 when every color is important;
But 1440 * 600 * 3 = 2592000.
This is a lot more than the 1440054 you claim is the size of the entire file in the bitmap file header.
The rest of the image looks like a big old black screen of RBG=0x000000