minGW 64 bit compiler acting weird

hello... i've noticed something strange when i compile a project with external libraries like boost (just like in my eliza code) when ever i the first time i compile the compiler gives endless errors and warnings but if i just compiler a second time it will say everything is okay and i can run my program :O same if i change the code slightly like make new empty line and save it with out changing the code itself again first time compiler gives errors and warnings and compile failes then at second time it compile and run - what the hell is going on here :(

win 10 mingw 64 bit compiler codeblocks

p.s. i got 3 different compilers and ide for c++ in my machine 1. ms visual studio ide with msvc++ compiler - this one runs the smoothest 2. minGW 64 bit compiler with codeblocks - this one is a bit tricky... and 3. TDM-GCC compiler which is on system PATH and codelite as it's ide...

which one do you recommend for me to use? (i could use all of them or some of them or none of them :-/ )
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What are the error messages when the program fails to compile the first time. Are you positive that these are actually errors and not just warnings? What could be happening is that Code blocks is avoiding rebuilding object files, so the second time you hit compile, the stuff with the warnings has already been compiled, and you don't see those messages again.

But if they actually are errors the first time, then it's hard to say what the issue is, so a starting point would be to copy the verbatim error messages shown.
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i copied the error and warnings messages the compiler gives me to paste-bin


there are too long and too many to paste here
I don't see any actual errors in there, perhaps they were not copied?
If you want some of the warnings to go away, you could not pass the -Weffc++ flag to the compiler (there will still be warnings, just not as much).

well after testing all 3 compilers and ide's i've decided to use for learning c++ visual studio and msvc compiler and ide since it the most suitable and bug free compiler/ide that i have - codeblocks and mingw64 is unexpected and codelite with tdm-gcc is also buggy... :-/ so at least i know now where i stand and i can move on and continue studying c++
which one do you recommend for me to use?

I personally use both VS 2019 and Code::Blocks as primary IDEs.

If you are using the MinGW compiler suite that is bundled with the C::B download you should know it is not as up-to-date as it could be.
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