do not respond

Pages: 12
@repeater when did I say watching other people didn't work, I am still doing it.

You've been doing that for four months and you ask "Is there any part of game programming that isn't copy and paste?" That's when you said that watching other people didn't work. When you told us that you've been doing it for four months and you don't know if there's any more to it than copy-pasting other people's code. Clearly, it didn't work.

I am just doing what works for me, and people dont seem to like that.

It's not working for you. You've been doing it for four months and you can't do anything more than copy-paste.

It doesn't matter whether we like that or not. Do you like that? Do you like having been doing this for four months and being able to do no more than copy-paste? If not, do something about it. If you do like it, keep going as you are.
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and people came at me saying I will never be a good programmer

Nobody said that. They only suggested that you should try writing your own code. Think for yourself, is anybody here gaining anything from replying to your thread? No they aren't. And clearly everybody here has the same opinion, maybe it's for a reason.

And for you saying that you hate this kind of forums, there hopefully aren't any other kind of forums. And frankly you should try asking this question on other places too, and I'm sure they'll have the same opinion as people over here.

Watching math being solved in class is one thing, solving it for yourself on a test is another. If you never solve it on your own, then you won't solve it on the test that easily (you might miss a step for example).
If you want to be able to write your own code, then you should practice writing your own code, that's what I'm trying to say.

But you're free to do whatever suits you.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
HueMungus wrote:
I am about done with forums like this because its just full of people who either want to show off how much better they are or tell you that you will be fine because they had a harder time then you.
Just remember that we have all been there. If someone has had a 'harder time' they are just trying to encourage you to stick at it. If they are 'showing off' they are showing you things to aspire to.

My advice, for what it is worth, is to get a single good book to start with and methodically work through it to get a solid foundation. From there you can build on it easier.
C++ Primer by Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo used to be a book I would recommend...maybe there are better ones now.

Look IMO programing is just one of those thing you have to SEE to really understand.
Try not to think that knowing the language is knowing how to program. Reading a novel will give you little insight into the nature of being an author. Programming is about problem solving.
closed account (N8MNAqkS)
and for the final time and then I am done posting on this thread...I DO WRITE MY OWN PROGRAMS. all I am trying to say is its a little hard to write a program if I dont know what to write. for example, you cant write an essay without knowing how to read or write, or knowing how to structure that type of essay. now I will translate that into my point. I cant write code if I dont know any code. I cant write and essay if I dont know letters. I cant write code if I dont know code.

the whole copy and paste question was based off an observation made by someone I watched online. I will admit that's not the most reliable source but it was an interesting question to me none the less. at least until all this crap happened and now I fear to post anymore questions at the expense of my own will.
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When I first started learning C++, or any language, I of course read about and copied the examples that the book or other tutorials showed.

The key here is that once you get the basic gist of it, you should try messing around with the program to change it and see what the result is. "What if I did this thing instead of that"? What if I changed the program around a bit and slightly modified a number here and there?

Heck, even today Stack Overflow is an amazing resource to answer "How do I do X in Y language" (mostly me struggling with Windows API/security stuff). It's OK to copy some code -- sometimes an API only gives you one way of really doing something -- and that's only a very minor part of producing and maintaining code. If you do get a piece of code from a place like Stack Overflow, it might be good to cite it in a comment.

As a programmer, be pragmatic. Don't needlessly re-invent the wheel (unless you want to).
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I cant write code if I dont know code.

But writing code isn't programming. You're still mistaking the act of typing letters for programming.

Programming happens inside your head. You can program without knowing code.

A programmer can program in languages they've never seen before; the last thing they do before typing, having already finished the programming, is flick through a reference manual for that language to check the syntax.

Maybe you can't write code if you don't know code, but that's because you haven't learned how to program; programmers can write code even if they don't know code. That's what you should be aiming for; not knowing how to type code, but knowing how to program.
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closed account (N8MNAqkS)
well why didn't u say that first, bro that's wise af.
I don’t like the bend this topic has taken toward attacking HueMungus’s efforts/lacks/whatever.

In all his other posts so far, he demonstrated capability and decent understanding.

However, learning to program is a difficult and frustrating process. There’s nothing wrong with or abnormal about feeling discouraged.

Wouldn’t it be nice, when you are feeling discouraged, to get a “yeah it’s hard, it’s supposed to be, don’t give up” instead of a litany of unfounded faults that you needs to overcome?

In other words, don’t focus on perceived failures. Focus on common understanding.
I think I can put my hand up, Duthomhas, and say I've probably been not super-sympathetic, but when everyone gives the same answer and the OP closes up rather than trying to help themself, what sympathy people have tails off fast.

I don't know what answer the OP was hoping for. The question was something along the lines of "Is game programming just copy and paste?". The answer is so obviously "no", but then attempts to explain the difference between memorising syntax and programming, and how to learn how to program, are met with closing up and ignoring the evidence of the OP's own experiences.

Maybe the OP can outright tell us what answer they were hoping for, beyond the very obvious "no".
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There’s a difference between the literal words people say and what people are really saying, that’s all.

You’ve done nothing that isn’t expected by most programmers. We tend to be literal and blunt. Like in all the topics where I (or someone else) answers some variant of “You haven’t actually asked a question.”

OP has not made it easy to be likable, but frustrated people are not typically in the most likable state. When someone comes to you to complain, it is often worth looking past the unpleasantry to see what is really going on behind the scenes.

OP seems rather overloaded with schooling, and probably other stuff too, on top of trying to understand all the random madness about programming stuff you find online.
furry guy and repeater I would appreciate it if you never respond to one of my posts again.

So you don't want any help.

That is easy to comply.
Wouldn’t it be nice, when you are feeling discouraged, to get a “yeah it’s hard, it’s supposed to be, don’t give up”

I tried that approach, and was rebuffed for the effort.

Something apparently changed in the last couple of days, and it wasn't good.
Yeah, I noticed the change too. It looks like he is in a bad spot right now. We can only hope he can pull through.
closed account (N8MNAqkS)
what? I wasn't hoping for any answer. it was a simple yes or no question, if the answer was yes, say yes, otherwise, no.

somehow this turned into people telling me what I was saying rather then listening to what I was saying and asking me to clarify where they may have been confused.

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