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#include <iostream>
void reverseArray(int *, int *, int);
void printArray(int *, int);
int main()
const int arraySize = 10;
int original[arraySize]{23,55,65,11,77,56,43,79,22,34};
int reverse[arraySize];
std::cout << "Original order...\n";
printArray(original, arraySize);
std::cout << "Reverse order...\n";
reverseArray(original, reverse, arraySize);
printArray(reverse, arraySize);
return 0;
The reverse function will use two parameters that are integer
pointers to traverse the array from the original order to reverse
order. It has two counters, which one counter will start at the
first element and the other counter will start at the last element
of the array. The third parameter is the size of the array to be
used in the for loop to iterate the elements.
void reverseArray(int *numbers, int* reverse, int arraySize)
int countDec{ arraySize - 1};
for (int countInc = 0; countInc < arraySize; countInc++)
*(reverse + countInc) = *(numbers + countDec);
void printArray(int *arr, int arraySize)
for (int count = 0; count < arraySize; count++)
std::cout << *(arr + count) << std::endl;