increment operator output doubt

I'm new to C++ and have been having little problem with increment operator

  int b=2;

4 2

But,i expect the output to be:
3 3

since, ++b first increments b and then returns it, therefore 3 should be printed. Whereas, b++ first returns b which prints 3 and then increments b, which makes b=4 in memory.

If anyone could explain what is it that i'm missing it'd be of great help.
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If this snippet of code came from a resource, take that resource and throw it away, find a better one.

The result of your snippet of code is left undefined by the standard: it's a programming error, so trying to predict the result is an exercise in futility.

What's precisely wrong:
Your assumption is that ++b is evaluated before b++. This assumption is unfounded. Either expression may be evaluated first or even evaluated concurrently with the others, i.e., the evaluations of b++ and ++b may be interleaved. There is no correct answer.
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To get the expected output you can move the increments outside of the cout statement.

int b=2;
cout << b << "\t" << b;

Even if your code had worked I still would have preferred to write it like this because it's easier to read.
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> But,i expect the output to be:
> 3 3
> since, ++b first increments b and then returns it, therefore 3 should be printed. Whereas, b++ > first returns b which prints 3 and then increments b, which makes b=4 in memory.

You would get that expected behaviour with C++17 (when C++17 compilers become available).
As of now (pre-C++17), it is undefined behaviour.

In a shift operator expression E1<<E2 and E1>>E2, every value computation and side-effect of E1 is sequenced before every value computation and side effect of E2

shanky001it is helpful to consider the "Prcedence of operators" published in Tutorials

As it is stated there, the postfix increment is performed left-to-right before the prefix one, which is performed right- to- left. Thus in your example first of all there will be performed output of b. Than will be done b++ (i.e. b=3), than ++b (b=4) and after that the b obtained is directed to output.
Chonard, precedence does not decide the order of evaluation.
so its actually related to compiler, thanks for the reference
> so its actually related to compiler,

It is related to the language specification; compilers (are expected to) conform to the specification.
C++17 (currently a Draft International Standard) is a revision of the current specification, and will supersede it.

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