help finding a gui lib for cpp [solved!]


im kinda new to c++ but i am a programmer in other languages like java and scripting languages like python,php,js (i work as a webdeveloper).

c++ was moderately easy to pick up for console development. even created a small sqlite wrapper class (i worked alot with mysql and php and used sqlite with java).

in gui programmingi have experience with swing. its cross platform and compered to c++ gui libs ive seen swing is dead simple and has lots of tutorials around the web and paid courses.

im using vs2010.

i have been trying to install wxwidgets but got alot of errors,searched on google for days, i cant seem to find any good tutrial for windows forms (the .net option).i didnt find anything good for win32 and vs2010.
i didnt like qts paid stuff so i skipped that (but it seems very popular).

can anyone point me in the right direction? (tutorials,books,paid courses).
alternatively i would like to find a tutor that can teach me c++ ui programming.
not for free, im willing in exchange to teach any of my programming knowledge in java or php(or web devlopment in general, client side,server side,wordpress,cake php, ajaxcrud,xcrud,couchcms and my own framework), i can also teach 2d web game development with phaser in return heres a tiny fraction of my work:

im also willing to pay for a private lesson via teamviewer.

edit: i can also teach in return how to use the github console for uploading repos, and also use phonegap build.
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What is ui development?
I am familar with Console, Windows (or gui programming), but have never heard of something like ui programming.
Qt: a well supported ui (+more) library, in C++, albeit spiritually close to Java:

Nana: another gui library, which actually looks like C++:

More libraries are listed under the section 'Graphic user interface' here:
nana dosnt have vs2010 build.

i dont want qt didnt like their terms.

if anyone wants to sit with me(using teamviewer screen sharing) and help me install a gui librery on vs2010 or codeblocks im willing to pay.
What gui library are you talking about?
Do you mean Windows API? Or some environment to develop 2D - 3D game?

P.S : Have you used wxwidgets before?
nana dosnt have vs2010 build

If this is a problem, then I think you're going to struggle with libraries. You need to learn more about programming and linking first, and move away from the idea that programming is somehow intertwined with your choice of IDE. The nana instructions are pretty simple; put the files into a new project, build it.
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in java you just stick a jar to the project folder and add it to the project build path (takes 2 seconds).

if you have any good tutorials for c++ on the subject ill be happy to go over them.

the subject name is linking?

ive gone over vars,loops,if/switch,arrays,functions oop etc. every language i learnt and used has those (well some didnt have proper oop or even class most scripting languages dont have pointers too).

i have seen alot of beginner tutorials with console in c+ (videos and books) but not alot about gui.

thats why im willing to pay to learn it if anyone is interested in some quick cash and/or learn any programming language and tools i know in return .ever wanted to get into web development?

and yes i have used wxwidgets before with python it came with vpython,didnt even have to install or link it to anything. thats why i wanted to use it with c++...but it wasent that simple.

import wx

class mywin(wx.Frame):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        super(mywin, self).__init__(*args, **kw) 
    #//end init
    def InitUI(self):   

        txt1 = "been there done that"

        pnl = wx.Panel(self)
        vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        st1 = wx.StaticText(pnl, label=txt1, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTRE)
        vbox.Add(st1, flag=wx.ALL, border=5)
        self.SetSize((450, 260))
        self.SetTitle('im a window')

    #//end InitUI
#//end mywin
def main():
    ex = wx.App()
#//end main

if __name__ == '__main__':
#//end if
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> nana dosnt have vs2010 build.

It does not have a vs2010 build because it uses current C++ features which are not available under that obsolete version of Visual Studio.

Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition is free, and current; it can be downloaded from here:

A number of hobbyist programmers here use a library called SFML; you may get more help about on SFML in these forums. It is not a thing of beauty, but apparently the library itself (and unfortunately, the dubious programming practises that it expounds) are reasonably easy to learn.
isnt smfl for games?

i suppose you can build a gui with a graphics library. i once made a ui with flash had to reinvent the wheel,programming chackboxes and selectbox etc, so i know how the logic works.

i knew about this option but was hoping to keep it as a last resort. i wanted to use the wxwidgets like the one for python.
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I use dislin:

Its main business is producing scientific graphics; however, it also has a set of routines (based on motif? - not sure) for widgets and menu-type items.

Its big advantage is that the same source code will then run under both Windows and linux (with the appropriate dislin libraries installed on each).

It's free for non-commercial use.
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i dont want qt didnt like their terms.

Do you mean by "terms" their commercial / GPL / LGPL triple license options or something else?
lastchance :

it looks cool, i like charts, very nice i found this:

ill try it. i would still like to install wxwidgets , not much to learn i know how to use it and familiar with it from python.

keskiverto :

i read they have a commercial license where you need to pay them or pay to use their ide.
i dont like that. i use open source almost exclusively in my work (meaning free code library and ide and free to do what ever i want with that commercially ).
i read they have a commercial license where you need to pay them or pay to use their ide.

You should have kept reading, so you would have found that they also offer LGPL3 open source license, GPL2 open source license and GPLv3 open source license.
it also had terms that i have to share any change i make with the world.

dont get me wrong i love sharing, out of my free will, but i cant obligate for anything,not for free and only on my terms.

thanks for your good intention.

If you're intending to rewrite QT or some other widget toolkit, good for you. Seems a bit ambitious for someone who's never used one before.
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thats part of what i didnt like about it, most people downloading it never used one either.

ive used alot of libraries and frameworks (with other languages),i have never seen such a term.

i dont use what i dont understand legally , and i dont promise or agree to things i dont understand.

and yes for every framework and/or library i used i wrote a wrapper and changed things a little bit (or made classes and funcs that simplify stuff) a simple proof:

i didnt publish most of them on my github account,i think the one for vpython is there too.

i have one for swing,sqlite for java sqlite for c++ a mysql pdo for php,json with php,and few others. haven't published most of them ,their all usable but im not publishing them without writing a good documentation.
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FLTK is lightweight and simple, but it looks very outdated (Windows 9x style). I would still recommend FLTK but if you want something that looks more native to your OS than WxWidgets or QT would be the way to go.

solved !


had to run minimal sample in (my_wx_dir)/sampels/minimal.

it appears i didnt configure my project correctly, i took a look at their macros most of them are all Relative paths to the lib folder.

anyway everything works and i started creating a simple window,it ran without errors.

now ill start converting all my wxpython code to cpp.

if anyone else has the same problem please conntact me via pm or a conntact form:

i will gladly help you set up wxwidgets (assuming i have free time).

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