So I wrote a program which gives you the expected number of coin flips needed to get 10 consecutive heads. Apparently the answer is 2046, but my program gives me 2,383. Can anyone tell me im doing wrong?
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
int main()
int SIZE = 10;
bool arr[SIZE];
int wins = 0;
longint flips = 0;
longdouble total = 0;
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
arr[i] = rand() % 2; // 1 = heads, 0 = tails
if(!arr[i]) break; // if 0 (tails), stop flipping and start from arr[0] again
if(i == SIZE) // if outcome was 10 heads in a row
wins++; // a 'win' is getting 10 consecutive heads
total += flips; // add flips to total
flips = 0; // reset flips back to 0 to count flips needed to get //another 10 heads in a row
if(wins == 100000) break; // stop the simulation once we hit 100,000 //wins
std::cout << "Wins = " << wins << std::endl;
std::cout << "Total Flips = " << total << std::endl;
std::cout << "Average # of flips needed to get 10 heads is : " << 1.0*(total/wins) << std::endl;
Whats really weird is that the answer for getting 5 consecutive heads is 62 flips. So when I changed my program to calculate that (SIZE=5), I get 62 (i.e. the correct answer). So I expect my program to work for any SIZE. But when I changed by SIZE to 10, I get the incorrect answer.
I also have a slightly different coin-toss problem im trying to figure out, but I'll post that once this is resolved.
IDK why are you getting 2313 always even when you are using srand, in my post above you see I got 2045.83 and 2040.22, they are pretty close to 2046...
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <random>
int main()
std::mt19937 generator(time(0));
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(0,1);
int SIZE = 10;
bool arr[SIZE];
int wins = 0;
longint flips = 0;
longdouble total = 0;
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
arr[i] = distribution(generator); // 1 = heads, 0 = tails
if(!arr[i]) break;
//if(i%2 == 0 && !arr[i]) break; // if tails on an even toss, start over
//if(i%2 != 0 && arr[i]) break; // if heads on an odd toss, start over
if(i == SIZE) // if outcome was 10 alternating H/T
wins++; // a 'win' is getting 10 alternating H/T
if(wins%10000 == 0) std::cout << "wins: " << wins << std::endl;
total += flips; // add flips to total
flips = 0; // reset flips back to 0 to count flips needed to get another 10 heads in a row
if(wins == 100000) break; // stop the simulation once we hit 100,000 wins
std::cout << "Wins = " << wins << std::endl;
std::cout << "Total Flips = " << total << std::endl;
std::cout << "Average # of flips needed to get 10 alternating H/T : " << 1.0*(total/wins) << std::endl;
It works! Im getting 2,044 now. Much closer to the real answer. Only problem is that its extremely slow. It took 28 secs to run (compare that to the 6 secs it took the original). Why is this?
Is mt19937 slow, or is std::uniform_int_distribution<int> causing the program to slow? Dont know much about the <random> library so would be nice to know whats best to use for efficiency.
Okay, so apparently, there is a problem with my IDE or something. I run the code on code::blocks and I get 2,383. I run the code on or on tutorialspoint online compiler, I get the correct answer of 2046. In both cases I used the rand() with mod.
By the way, modulo with std::mt19937 is still running a bit slower for me than modulo with rand(). I guess this slight discrepancy is because we are using different machines?
modulo with std::mt19937 is still running a bit slower for me than modulo with rand(). I guess this slight discrepancy is because we are using different machines?
rand() on Windows (when using MinGW or Visual C++) is famous for its low quality. It's fast but doesn't give you very good random properties.
rand() on Linux (when using GCC) is a bit more sophisticated. It gives you random numbers of better quality but that also means it's probably slower.
Arslan7041 wrote:
does twister() % n guarantee equal probability for all numbers 0 to n-1?
Note that std::mt19937 generates 32 bit numbers so if you really care about performance you could pull 32 coin flips from each number that you generate.
Note that std::mt19937 generates 32 bit numbers so if you really care about performance you could pull 32 coin flips from each number that you generate.
I was wondering about this. I've not looked at the internal implementation of std::uniform_int_distribution, Perhaps in some implementations it uses this sort of optimisation?
Note that std::mt19937 generates 32 bit numbers so if you really care about performance you could pull 32 coin flips from each number that you generate.
Im not sure I understand this. How would I implement this in my code?