In this code we copy the contect from f1 to f2. Then decompose it by strings (lines) thsi way that every string should be remain the same, but if thisi string do not contain string it should contain 40 letters (characters).
But when compling this code there is an error:
error:no matching function for call to 'std::basic_string<cchar, std::char_traits<char...
at the 23rd line near text.insert and yet in other two places. What to correct?
This code I found in the net. It is solving of one of handbook task. That I also should to do. The task is also some unclear for me. As I understand the content of copied file to another shoud be displayed line by line. If line is ended with point so it should be remained so in other case it shoud be substituted by 46 letter. Maybe we can use assign function. But we need delineate what string to append. There is three lines in codes with unworkable 3 strings with insert. You also see that there is function begin . In the second case the 40 i is added. So it difficutl to guess what the author meant but I need this code urgently. Anyway. I do not know how display text or contain it line by line. If i could I shoud to search in the text to the line with point and do not change and than to search without point and change to some 40 letter combination. So I am Interested how to change it. Maybe it needs to find the token of line transfer for example \n and them easy to find the point?