User: send

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User profile: send

User info
User name:send
Number of posts:18
Latest posts:

Falling grain animation in grain sorter
So i do understand and made 3d object. But what about the falling particles (corns)? Here is fine ex...

Swarm of inswects with different velocities according to its colour
I ahve a very bad conncetion so i have no such possibility to correct it

Swarm of inswects with different velocities according to its colour
Here I produce the code.It is workable. How divide the particles by colours. Maybe in for loop then ...

Swarm of inswects with different velocities according to its colour
Would anybody hekp as I am study where I should pay for it if not resolved i do not do it and wod no...

Swarm of inswects with different velocities according to its colour
Or I do not know exactly what is Fitness: is it something as coeficient or position. What I want: to...

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