Windows Programming - September 2011 (Page 5)

by Drue
[C++/CLI and C++] Run before winlogin
How do I run a program before you login? I think you have to put it in the registry. It's nothing illegal. I thought of making like a prank pop-up message box o...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks. I need it to run with the login thing, before anything the us... (by Drue)
by vivmen
SQLDriverConnectA not working
i am trying to connect sql 2008 r2 express with vc++ 2010 professional on xp but fails , what is wrong here ? #include<iostream> #include<Windows.h> #i...
[1 reply] : got it connection string need to modify as below "DRIVER=SQL Server;... (by vivmen)
Winsock functions lock/stall up program (1,2)
i put the winsock code in a seperate function and called it from inside winmain after the window is declared. It starts the window up then shows a loading ico...
[21 replies] Last: Can i make a socket array with a max number of sockets as the initial... (by shacktar)
AcceptEx accepts a new connection out of nowhere
Hey, in the program am using the overlapped version of AcceptEx() to accept new connections. After a new connection has been accepted, the programm initiate...
[no replies]
by Phiru
I wanna capture both audio and video.
Hi, i am workig on a project about recording video and audio on the system by using WMEncoder(Windows Media Encoder) sdk. I can capture video so far. And I ad...
[no replies]
errors building from source with openCV
i'm trying to build this: from source. it require me to use openCV 1.0 to build it. the problems is that i keep g...
[2 replies] Last: and i got it. carry on. edit: if anyone is curious, the documentation... (by propohetjohn)
by eidge
Socket, strange behaviour of recv
Hello, this is my first socket program (class actually). Here's my bit of code: char buf ; int bt; while(b.good()) { buf[bt = b.recv(buf, 128)] = 0; //...
[1 reply] : Never mind, it was indeed putty sending the ENTER key signal over the ... (by eidge)
Windows Console TUI, functions vs methods, class not working
Hi everyone. I've created a library that uses the windows.h library to make text user interfaces (TUIs) through functions, and it works wonderfully except fo...
[2 replies] Last: I got an answer at MSDN's forum. All of the functions from windows.h ... (by GuiRitter)
converting cursor pos to opengl double coordinate for engine
Im making what started off as a 3d game and decided to have a development mode built in where a 3d world could be developed in the game in a cad like manner to ...
[no replies]
Modify OPENFILENAME to folder selection.
Hello, I need to modify the Open/Save dialog, so it are used for selecting a folder. I don't want to use BROWSEINFO. Right now I have made so my Open dialog i...
[5 replies] Last: I will give it a try and return back with my results in a couple of da... (by Shatronics)
How to Override Paint of Controls / Menu
I was wondering if there was a way to override the paint message for something like the context menu which is usually at the top of the window. I basically just...
[1 reply] : If you just want to change the background color, have a look at SetMen... (by andywestken)
Display Variable in Win32 MessageBox
I was wondering how I could go about printing the contents of a variable in a message box's body: I currently have a function that fetches the MAC address of...
[6 replies] Last: Woot, after a little pen and paper testing I was finally able to get i... (by strychnine213)
SendMessage/PostMessage WM_CLOSE to MessageBox window does not always work
Hello - I am running into a problem closing a MessageBox window using SendMessage (or PostMessage) with WM_CLOSE. In my app I have created a MessageBox with...
[1 reply] : Well.....that did the trick. Using MB_OKCANCEL instead of MB_YESNO so... (by strangedub)
by Krahl
Write to file problem (awkward output)
EDIT: Ahh seems the problem was on behalf of Notepad. I opened the file with wordpad and it's fine. Thanks :s Hi, I've stumbled upon a problem I haven't s...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the info :) (by Krahl)
Memory access error:
Hello, Can anyone with sufficient knowledge give me an answer, When a function returns a pointer to data, like "GetHostByName"; At which moment the memory of ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by Hohenheim)
How Compilers are Made
Hello everyone :D I am interested in Compilers and how they work. I'm not going to make one because it it too hard for me, but I was wondering how the first ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the help :D (by Muhasaresa)
Getting/Setting text from another program.
How can I get/set text to/from another program's edit box? E.G I type something into my browser's address bar then my program recieves it. Or I type somet...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks, Andy. :) (by Mohammed Abdul)
Win32 TreeView Scrolling > 65k nodes
Hi there, I'm writing an application where I use a Win32 TreeView to display some data. I've noticed that if the number of nodes in the tree is greater than ...
[8 replies] Last: Unfortunate bug for sure, but I'll +1 your idea of re-thinking the GUI... (by webJose)
Draw Artifacts when resizing/repositioning windows.
I'm trying to figure out proper ways to resize and reposition windows and controls. Problem is that i keep getting artifacts when they get redrawn. http:/...
[5 replies] Last: Yes, the book is expensive. I have seen it reach the $300 mark @ Amaz... (by webJose)
take data from another prog's memory
hello... i have this Java web app that keeps taking in data from a server. how do i grab the data from that app? what's troubling is not just the taking of th...
[2 replies] Last: A simple solution seems to be a standard "Man In The Middle" attack, e... (by Computergeek01)
September 2011 Pages: 1... 3456
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