Windows Programming - September 2011 (Page 4)

by je9v2
Dynamically add tabs?
Hi, I'm developing a gui using the win32 API in c++ with visual studios. I was wondering if anybody can help me. On my window i have a button which when pres...
[4 replies] Last: That's what the lParam member of the TCITEM struct is for; to associat... (by gpotw)
Sending a File via Winsock
Hello, I am working on a project that should allow one person to transfer a file to another and vise versa via winsock. I am fairly new at this so I am sure...
[9 replies] Last: const int FILE_CHUNK_SIZE = 5000; //or higher, just as long as it's u... (by shacktar)
passing data between vc6 and VC++ 2011
Hi, I have an (large)application that is developed in vc 6, now i need to pass some data from this application to a dll which is developed in VC ++ 2010, ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you for your quick reply, i need to pass large number of string... (by palaksha)
by arka
Hi, I have newly installed visual c++ 2010 express edition.I am trying to compile C++ program from command prompt using cl.But it is showing that "This ...
[2 replies] Last: No, you need to add path to .net framework runtime(read vcvars32.bat),... (by modoran)
Reading from a file to map a 2-dimensional array
So I want to make a text-based game that has different maps, displayed in ASCII art-style. I've been tinkering with fstream, and I wrote up this code: #inclu...
[no replies]
Error 102 error LNK2005: _DllMain@12 already defined in b0fdll(test).obj
Hi guys I'm writting a dll under VS2010 but when i want to compile it i got "Error 102 error LNK2005: _DllMain@12 already defined in b0fdll(test).obj" so ...
[3 replies] Last: I assume you have a source file called b0fdll(test).cpp or similar? W... (by webJose)
Hard to explain, just click here.
Need to create something where a box appears after logging in that asks you for a password - you can't do ANYTHING until the correct password is entered. The...
[13 replies] Last: You could create many "toy" screen locks, but the matter of fact is: ... (by webJose)
Can't find C# application window handle
Hi guys, I'm creating an application switcher like the functionality of Alt-Tab, however, facing a big problem. Coding with C++, i use 'EnumWindows' to find t...
[4 replies] Last: tks, i find out it's not WPF problem. because of the way i call 'Enu... (by Paul Dinh)
How to tell when an autocheckbox has been checked?
hello I was wondering how to tell when a user checks a autocheckbox(BS_AUTOCHECKBOX) I have tried a couple things with no luck If there is a button message or ...
[8 replies] Last: The ID is the value you pass to CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx's HMENU... (by blackcoder41)
Registry Check
What i want to do is to check if the registry already exists and I can't quite make it. The below code is what i came up with and even though the iTunesHelper e...
[2 replies] Last: You are opening a key in the HKLM hive and you are requesting full acc... (by webJose)
cin >> url
Hello, I need help with this. I have an idea to let the user enter the url he wants. How can I accomplish this? I have tried this ; #include <windows.h> ...
[1 reply] : Use getline instead of cin>> getline(cin, url); (by ModShop)
C++ Game Libraries ?
Need information about C++ game libraries. What are the C++ libraries available for it, want to start by creating simple games first.
[8 replies] Last: Irrlicht : (by tolga gerekci)
issue using Boost::Filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator
i have a task where i have to perform a certain comparison among all files in a directory. this is not that program. i'm familiarizing my self with the filesyst...
[1 reply] : for anyone who may look at this thread, the answer is fairly simple. j... (by propohetjohn)
by Gene
Data Structure Help?
Hello, Im beginning using Visual Studio to develop games, I plan on making a top down tile based RPG, however, Im having trouble deciding on a Data Structure to...
[3 replies] Last: In the end I went with a List<List<Tile>>, an array would probably hav... (by Gene)
Can't create a popup window
Hello guys. I am new to windows programming and i've got a problem. I just can't create a popup window. I have viewed my code thoroughly several times and i hav...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much, webJose (by andreychernukha)
by sajan
Beginner in Windows Programming
Hello everyone, i am new in this windows programming and this is my first program which i seen in msdn library. #ifndef UNICODE #define UNICODE #endif ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks very much for the detailed feedback ComputerGeek! I'm in the p... (by freddie1)
Visual Studio Border
How would I go about changing the border colour that can be seen in this image. I have looked in the properties settings and can find nothing, I need to chan...
[no replies]
Program stops running when it reaches a certain point
#include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; // Functions void GameBegin(int selector); void NewGame(); void LoadGame(); void CreateG...
[3 replies] Last: The loops in CreateGameBoard() are going out of bounds, treating cTabl... (by gpotw)
Getting process title & user
Hi, I've got my list of processes being dynamically grabbed and would like help in identifying the window title(if any) and whether the user was the one who ini...
[17 replies] Last: Thanks, I'll try as soon as I get to use my computer again. Had a coup... (by awsdert)
Problem with reading of edit control
I'm having problem with writing a text from a control to a file and i can't figure out where the problem lies... Also I don't get the error that the LBuffer is ...
[2 replies] Last: I also have the same issue...after 2 hours of search finnaly i found t... (by Jay22)
September 2011 Pages: 123456
  Archived months: [aug2011] [oct2011]

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