Windows Programming - September 2011 (Page 2)

i cant figure out why this code wont work
OK so i'm in a C++ class and for this lab i have to make a little store program, i got most of it working so far but when i try to make the total == (vale of ...
[2 replies] Last: omg lol.. i figured it was somthing simple. thx a ton! (by Hardmode)
Custom Credential Provider login using password or OTP key
Hi, I am developing Credential provider for One Time Password. There I am able to create for Logon, unlock workstation, CredUI, password must change, password ...
[4 replies] Last: Coincidentally, I have the page I told you about open: http:/... (by webJose)
issue with regsvr32 utility
in my last posting, I reported the issue with register a non-COM dll. now I got more details about the issue now. we I have 2 dll. A.dll uses B.dll. both are...
[2 replies] Last: thanks webJose the issue is a global variable which create a thread... (by henry1999sg)
Win32 API help
Hello, I am wondering if someone can give me a site or any help on making a program that does not use a command line (or whatever it's called...) and instead ma...
[11 replies] Last: And freddie, with your article, i virtually didnt understand a word... (by freddie1)
by Gene
Help with snapping
Hello, Im trying to make a program with a square cursor, which is sized 32*32, I would like for it to snap to the background grid of 32*32 Tiles, as in, if I mo...
[1 reply] : Never Mind, Fixed it now (by Gene)
Setting 2 Reg Keys
I'm trying to set two registry keys with this code and it doesn't seem to be setting the CURRENT_USER one. Any help is appreciated thank you. HKEY hKey; ...
[5 replies] Last: Thank You! Much appreiated! (by DSTR3A)
by Nybble
Closing a handle
So I'm looking for a method to close a handle of this exe, it is a mutex and it stops you from having more than 1 of the same application (obviously) so if I us...
[2 replies] Last: lol yes it can be done and so easy I crapped my pants... thanks though... (by Nybble)
Creating an installer for my program
not sure where to post this but I'm using visual studio 2010 and I'm trying to create an installer for my program, problem is my program requires the path envir...
[1 reply] : Why does the PATH need to be changed? Is there something preventing yo... (by Computergeek01)
linking between a header where a class is declared and it's .cpp implement file
as the title says, i'm having some difficulty getting includes and #pragma comment declarations to continue down the line of included files. kinda difficult to ...
[10 replies] Last: ah, interesting, i had a misunderstanding somewhere. I made the mistak... (by FatalCatharsis)
Preventing a window being moved whilst in drag mode
I am trying to prevent windows overlapping. I have a Window Manager type class that will do a rectangle test for the relevant windows, i.e. a window in question...
[9 replies] Last: OK I will stick with it. I did something simmilar to allow a client ar... (by JoeSaddigh)
Visual C++ Problem (1,2)
I dropped and dragged a couple buttons and text boxes into visual C++. Immediately I see the code is mumbo jumbo. So abstracted im screwed. Nevertheless I try ...
[21 replies] Last: [quote=wxWidgets] Source Archives wxAll - all wxWidgets ports (ot... (by hanst99)
I have program written in VC++ 6.0 require to calculate total days which is 30 and I am stuck at following code and dont know how to get 30 days to 29 to 28 and...
[1 reply] : I am trying to get DateDifference from TimeStart to timeEnd in VC++ ... (by Vijay Patel)
by ltc
Can't add *.ltb into C#
Hi all, I am having a problem about COM programming. Please give idea to fix it. I created successfully a COM object by C++ (C Win32). I tried accessing this...
[16 replies] Last: Maybe think about something like this... import "unknwn.idl"; ... (by freddie1)
File Read Line by Line
I am trying to read from a text file that is continuously getting more and more data. Since the rate that it is being updated with data is slower than the rate ...
[5 replies] Last: Maybe my code would help the others who needs the easy example. ^_^ I... (by apollochung)
bluetooth inRange outRange event trace in windows machine.
Hi All, I want to trap the bluetooth events i.e. inRange or outRange of device at windows7 machine. inRange means that windows7 machine equiped with bluetooth...
[no replies]
Set fullscreen dynamically?
I'm working on an assignment to make pong (due tonight). I'm all done, except I need to implement the option to toggle between windowed and full screen mode. I ...
[no replies]
How to add search in to the program?
Hello, I am new to C/C++ and I would like to make my first project something similar to torrent searcher and downloader and my first obstacle is how to add a se...
[1 reply] : How new are you? If your going for a first project i would recommend a... (by Bleh)
by BnB
Windowed Applications
Hey Guys! Some months ago, I started learning C++. I learned all the stuff about console applications and now I want to move on to Windowed applications. I h...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by BnB)
by sanaa
need code
hi there i'm working in a project and need a packet sniffer code please can anybody help me find one?? thanks in advance
[5 replies] Last: sanaa: I put it you that you don't know what you want. Computergeek01... (by kbw)
by shwick
How to display text in system tray icon with win32 api C++
I have a question similar to this, I tried his solution ...
[2 replies] Last: It worked for me when I commented out line 28. You might want to use F... (by gpotw)
September 2011 Pages: 1234... 6
  Archived months: [aug2011] [oct2011]

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