Windows Programming - September 2009

INPUT class?
I just downloaded someone's source for an old project that he discontinued and has abandoned and made open source. I looked over the code and saw (in multiple s...
[2 replies] Last: I would say that you should go over the code and see how the pointer "... (by HarbingTarbl)
by helios
Power management
Here's what I want to do: I want to run a program as a scheduled task that could run, say, at 3:00 am. Normally, the system is in sleep mode at that time so the...
[4 replies] Last: It's more efficient to continue looking for an answer while also waiti... (by helios)
In a program based dialog,KillTimer error!
BOOL CTestDlg::OnInitDialog() { //... // TODO: Add extra initialization here SetTimer(0, 10000, NULL); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you se...
[4 replies] Last: The SetTimer function returns a value. It is this value you should p... (by guestgulkan)
Card Shuffler
Hi guys, i know there are a thousand posts regarding card games with various implementations but i cant find a solution for the problem in my code after browsin...
[no replies]
by garob
resize the console window
How can I resize the console window to be a certain size in characters, not pixels. Is there a simple way to do it?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks but it says that the minimum os required is vista. How can I do... (by garob)
How to ON/OFF UAC function in Vista?
"Begin->Control panel->User access->On/off User Access Control" How could I On/Off UAC with c++?
[3 replies] Last: It is possible, so long your application runs under full administrativ... (by webJose)
What's the difference between CreateProcess and ShellExecute?
Sometimes in Vista, CreateProcess returns failure. This will not happen on ShellExecute. Thanks for any advice!
[2 replies] Last: ShellExecute() is a wrapper to the process of: 1. Determining the ... (by webJose)
Uninitialized local variable??
This is probably just a stupid mistake that I made that I don't know how to says this about 'X' and 'operation'...any help would be appreciated thanks....
[2 replies] Last: Line 7 char X, operation; You haven't given these a default initi... (by Zaita)
I dont know what these errors mean
i have been tweeking my program for awhile and then i redid everything completely. so now i have some errors i dont kwow what they mean. I would be happy if som...
[1 reply] : Fixed them (by GrosseVogel)
Two problems with Modal Dialog boxes
I've written a Dialog-based app to connect to a device via ethernet. In the event of a connection failure (or any other error the user should know about), I wan...
[no replies]
by hunter
How to read input and get information.
Hi all, what I'm trying to do is make a chemistry calculator. What I would like to do is have the user type in the element, say He, and then the program will re...
[1 reply] : You can use a std::map eg: map<string,int>elements; elements["He... (by Bazzy)
[Windows] Portal Web Design
Hi there, Maybe this is not the right place, but my questions are somehow relevant to web design on Windows. I am a newbie to web design and going to design ...
[no replies]
by Bv202
Window Procedure questions (1,2)
Hi, I'm now following a very basic tutorial to Windows Programming which explains how to create a window. What I don't understand, is this: return Def...
[30 replies] Last: I've been using the soft at that resolves the long... (by stevanturk)
question on c++
I am trying to make a calculator type of program and I am stuck on the calculating part. I want the user to be able to put in as many entries as they'd like and...
[2 replies] Last: you have to get it in as a string and then calculate it. (by hannes)
Programming Questions
Hello my name is shaun. I would like to ask a couple of questions. I am using python langauge which is an open source language i was wondering if anyone knows ...
[9 replies] Last: And where can i download a C++ idle or something? You mean, like ... (by JCED)
troubles with c++
Towards the end of my code I have a cout statement to return the input if the input was in fact a integer (getNumber). The problem is when it prints the outcome...
[2 replies] Last: oh, duh...thanks for the quick reply (by hopesfall)
C++ Logger
Can anyone suggest a good C++ logger to use? I'm currently looking at log4cpp which seems good. Development seems to have stopped a while ago on it. Just cur...
[6 replies] Last: Actually I'm going to try log4cxx. This is for a jni project and we a... (by avalanche333)
C++ Functions. Run two at a Time.
Hi , i was wondering , how to run more than one function at the same time . I am basically trying to make a snake game in C++. If you have a block falling func...
[1 reply] : To run two functions simultaneously you need to use multi-threading. ... (by Bazzy)
Using an Array of Structures from File Location
The description is a bit hazy, but I have to read one line of input from the data file(watching for spaces), then store it into string "oneLine". Then build on...
[no replies]
I want to learn 'Multi Threads' programming
How could I do? Thanks for your any advice!
[5 replies] Last: After you learn how threading works, you could also try the platform-i... (by Zhuge)
September 2009 Pages: 123... 5
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