INPUT class?

I just downloaded someone's source for an old project that he discontinued and has abandoned and made open source. I looked over the code and saw (in multiple spots) what needs to be done to update and continue it. It's a simple matter of changing some memory addresses and also fixing some boolean variables. Anyway, here's the question:

I tried compiling what he posted. I got the error
'INPUT' undeclared

It was used in this situation:
INPUT *key;

So it's either a class declared in a not-included header or the version of windows.h (which is where I'd assume it would be) is missing something. I'm using the one that came with Dev-C++.

Anyone have any information on the INPUT class? I've searched google but I gotta say, "list of classes in windows.h" and "c++ input class" turn up a head-turning amount of unrelated results.

It could also be typedef or a #define . Try doing a search for INPUT through all the header files.
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I would say that you should go over the code and see how the pointer "key" is being used. That way you will know the purpose of "INPUT" and could probably guess at how to re-add it.
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