Windows Programming - September 2008

Would this C++ program work?
//my first attempted program in C++, just a GUI for my computers driver disk. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main (...
[3 replies] Last: cout << "The value you entered is " ; << i; You don't need that ... (by firedraco)
My first Hello C++ program
Hi, Finally I had achieve in making My first C++ Program! I called "JosephHello" (My real name). I will post here so people see my achievement! Thanks! ...
[2 replies] Last: This is not a hello world program. It is his first program. (by firedraco)
Strcmp being dumb...
That was a stupid title, but it's what's happening...I think. I'm trying to get the first argument after the program name (argv ) and see if it is "mute" or ...
[2 replies] Last: Leave it to me to flip the values :'( Thanks a lot firedraco !... (by SnapCrakllPop)
by hulan
Building C++ project in VS08 without .NET?
Hi. I've made a WIN32 console application in VS2008 C++. It works great on my computer but it doesnt work on other people's computers who doesn't have VS. (Im ...
[1 reply] : Yes, it is, but you have to change your program in a console applicati... (by jmc)
by J4687
My program keeps having to shut down
Hello, I dont get any errors while compiling, but after entering the first text i get "This program has encountered an error and must be closed", prompting me ...
[2 replies] Last: noticed it now, so i added int size_of_input, size_of_key; but it... (by J4687)
by tweak
Dynamic Sub menu C++
I have been stumped for about two days now!!! i cant seem to add another sub menu to the "2" menu dynamically does anyone know how todo it? here is an exampl...
[2 replies] Last: wow Bazzy i much appreciate the quick reply i cant thank you enough! (by tweak)
Win32 Window Wrappers Trouble
I tried a window wrapper class ... any idea why is not working? This is the code: and the error messages resort to : er...
[2 replies] Last: #pragma once #include <windows.h> class WndApp { public: WndApp(... (by BlackAngel)
win32, C Programming
Hello there , Iv got a little problem with this program i have written using the win32 API with C. As simple as it may sound, but im still proud of, iv writt...
[9 replies] Last: .NET needs its enormous Runtime So? Many languages and libraries re... (by Zaita)
by Zhuge
Winsock recv Function Optimization
I wrote this function for an TCP, Winsock, socket-based text game I was working on, and was wondering if anyone had any ideas for improvements. int recvFrom...
[2 replies] Last: It looks to me like you are trying to do too much. If I understand ... (by Duthomhas)
by Zhuge
Question about typdef/struct
How is typedef struct Name { /* ... */ } Name; special? To me it seems like writing something like typedef Type Type; which seems pointless....
[1 reply] : You are correct. The typical reason to do that is to handle self-re... (by Duthomhas)
How to check if the path exists and if not, create it
Hi everyone! I'm trying to check if the path given exists. In case it doesn't, I'd like to create a folder with name given in the same directory. Let's sa...
[1 reply] : (by helios)
Getting filegroup name from SQL Server 2005
In one of my application I am getting (through OTL using ODBC drivers) the following information from the SQL Server 2005 for each table - Column Name - ...
[no replies]
by louf
Convert Windows to Services
hi I create my windows with CreateWindows() and it's work. But now, i have to create a "MSWindows service". Do you now how can I change my source for do that...
[5 replies] Last: Everyone knows the Q137890 and srvany, which works fine for years... (by george135)
Simple Messagebox in VC++ - console window in background?
Well i have tried to make a simple messagebox using this structure: (this is not exact what i used, something close...) #include "Stdafx.h" #include <win...
[1 reply] : What you have written there is a consoloe program and the console wind... (by guestgulkan)
Loading icons
I'm trying simply to set a custom icon. I've tried... wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, TEXT("C:/Documents and Settings/Richard/test.bmp")); and wc....
[3 replies] Last: It seems like you have too little )s in some places and too many in ot... (by firedraco)
by pacman
Spawning a dialog from a dll plugin
I am creating a dll plug in for a application. i Monitor changes that are made and updated inside the dll.. so far so good. the dll is loaded, the event fires...
[no replies]
by quant
loss data and any warns
Hello everybody! Told me how much danger newt warns? int ItemIdx = cdr.dwItemSpec;//'initializing' : conversion from 'DWORD_PTR' to 'int', possible loss ...
[1 reply] : You have to cast your variables directly or to use the same variable t... (by jmc)
by jrohde
Resource File Control Sizes
Hello - When creating a modeless dialog box resource, I noticed that every coordinate and size for the controls is larger than it would be, had I created the...
[1 reply] : Maybe the values you've set were overridden, because the caption is lo... (by Greenhorn)
by Gonen
Question about win32 hooks.
Hello , I did a program that capture the picture from the clipboard(if there is one) and saves it into a BMP file. I want to do now that my program will do...
[3 replies] Last: You can ask on Adv. Win32 api newsgroup : news:// (by george135)
by TKelly
Display a CLI form from a CLI form
I know this should be the simplest thing to do, yet I have gotten nowhere spending several hours in Horton's book, MSDN help, and internet searches. I am usi...
[2 replies] Last: The .h file is just a header which contains the class definition for... (by Faldrax)
September 2008 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [aug2008] [oct2008]

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