Windows Programming - October 2015 (Page 3)

MSVC std::atexit not working as expected
Hi, I had a rather nasty surprise yesterday, when I learned that Microsoft's implementation of the "std::atexit" function is a little ... misleading. The C++ ...
[no replies]
how create a IStream(from Image class) for save and read on a file?
i'm overloading the std::ostream& operator << and std::istream& operator >> for save the Image IStream on file: friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream&...
[no replies]
c++ using winRT without c++/cx
Hello everyone, at the moment I try to get access to winRT's geolocation class. This is essencial for me essential, to get GPS data without using serialports...
[4 replies] Last: I'm not sure I understand your problem/what you are trying to achieve. (by closed account z05DSL3A)
how to load transparent image and dialog in win32
I know only about bitmap mask but how to load it transparent and I also know the wx_transparent comand
[no replies]
Create or extend MFC???
Hello guys, I am using the framework MFC in a project and i receive a new challenge: make a new Log generator. So i think two possibles ways to follow. ...
[7 replies] Last: Well, you certainly don't need to rewrite or recompile MFC for that. ... (by freddie1)
by sambos
DataGridView / sorting data
Hi guys, I have a dataGridView with a few columns and a large number of rows. Each row corresponds to a file. Specific data from each file is place in particul...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Cody0023, With your help, I managed to solve my problem. Howev... (by sambos)
October 2015 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [sep2015] [nov2015]

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