Windows Programming - October 2015 (Page 2)

Common Dialog Boxes
I had created an application based on WIN API. Now I am trying to use some Common Dialog Boxes like Browse, Open, Print and Font. I had checked MSDN and found s...
[1 reply] : (by Homberto)
Resource file & tutorial problems for GUI
I tried to use SFML,Win32API,Wxsmith.. But I cant finding any resource file of Win32API & Wxsmith, cant finding any pdf tutorial or any good tutorial for SFML &...
[1 reply] : It would help folks who weant to answer your questions if you would sp... (by freddie1)
simple program for add delete some files in windows
hello respectful members of c++ this is my first post here, I always wonder how programmers do this programming job, I mean it's was always difficult for me. bu...
[4 replies] Last: I made similar thing but using cmd here (by bigduck)
by XnnX
C++ Visual Studio 2015 how to include nuget package in my project?
hi, Im using Visual Studio 2015 C++ Community and Im trying to include 2 libraries(curl, and secp256k1) installed from nuget, into my project. but trying to us...
[no replies]
Speech to Text (STT) via SAPI
I've utilized SAPI to get Text to Speech (TTS) but I am having a hard time finding a way to implement STT. How does one go about it? Analyze .wav files or is th...
[no replies]
Project, Where to start, virtual usb device, controller emulation
Hello I'll get right into it I am planning on starting a project. I want to create a driver/software that allows the user to map the buttons on any usb game...
[no replies]
[Win32 API] PlaySound() delay.
I'm trying to play the default windows ding sound when the user clicks exit or X(close). I've copied the .wave file to my project directory and added the PlaySo...
[2 replies] Last: Indeed that was the issue. Should have read a little more on PlaySound... (by CGunn86)
by Sh0es
Class Definition Unrecognized by Compiler
So I'm working on a project and I'm trying to make a simple class which. for some reason, isn't being recognized by the compiler. Any time I declare an object o...
[9 replies] Last: DO NOT edit this for the "thank you". You WILL get hate. I hate it mys... (by S G H)
Support Vector Machine Libraries with Visual Studio 2013/2015
Hi, I did some research and found: libsvm -> dlib -> someone's algorithm -> https://www.youtu...
[no replies]
Console: how resize the windows?
how can i resize windows Console? i have these code: void SetWindowSize(COORD newsize) { PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX consolesize; GetCon...
[2 replies] Last: i'm using windows 7. 1st - i don't agree with that link... why? becaus... (by Cambalinho)
Removing title bar from app
I'm creating a small notepad program and for learning purposes I wanted to remove the system title bar (The bar at the top of most programs with the title, icon...
[8 replies] Last: Fair enough. Just seems easier on the eyes in this case with a black b... (by CGunn86)
by tnavid
redirect network traffic from/to tapX to/from ethX
hi, i want to redirect ALL network traffics (at least tcp&udp) from any-process(exp: browser,messengers,..) to other process(proxy-client) . i need to do it by ...
[no replies]
Accessing Windows Libraries from C++ (not MS VC++)
Hi I am considering using C++ as a programming language for writing business applications on multiple platforms. This requires me to access GUI Libraries and...
[6 replies] Last: That's basically the advice I gave Steven in my 1st reply LB... In ... (by freddie1)
Hi Guys, I'm having problems with the following code: #define STRICT #define WIN32_LEANANDMEAN #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 #include <windows.h> #inc...
[1 reply] : Make sure that the file is in the project directory , or the director... (by Avilius)
Need help with C++ programming
Need help with this question please. Urgent 2. Write a dynamic integer array class (you can use CMyArray as a starting point) that implements the following...
[1 reply] : So do you have any code or are you going to pay someone to do your hom... (by Avilius)
in the last year i had an giant fight in my head. i didn't knew what to learn. so my friend said: start with html i started, and man, it was SO easy. so i l...
[4 replies] Last: If you're just looking into beginner project ideas, here's some stuff ... (by YFGHNG)
i wana connect my app to internet
I wana connect my app and make it to run like my web application
[2 replies] Last: What do you mean by "run like my web application"? As this is the Win... (by andywestken)
Audio over Ethernet
Hello. I just want to transmit a voice-quality audio stream from one PC(PC 1) to another(PC 2). But I don't understand how PC2 can get this audio and playback...
[1 reply] : Look you need "C++ Network Programming " book by Douglas C.Shimidt bu... (by Sico)
I am using GetInstDir() to access the current directory of execution of my executable file When I debugged the code the directory is coming like this one. ...
[2 replies] Last: Solved. Yes I am accessing the current directory. The problem was w... (by anmol2701)
Easiest way to plot from C++: Gnuplot?
Hi guys - I'm looking for the easiest way to plot in c++, best case even update the same graph in realtime as the values change. gnuplot sounds like the most...
[no replies]
October 2015 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [sep2015] [nov2015]

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