by ahbazzi
Common Dialog Boxes
[1 reply] : (by Homberto)
Resource file & tutorial problems for GUI |
[1 reply] : It would help folks who weant to answer your questions if you would sp... (by freddie1)
by bigduck
simple program for add delete some files in windows
[4 replies] Last: I made similar thing but using cmd here (by bigduck)
by XnnX
C++ Visual Studio 2015 how to include nuget package in my project?
[no replies]
by macattackftw
Speech to Text (STT) via SAPI
[no replies]
by Qdot543
Project, Where to start, virtual usb device, controller emulation
[no replies]
by CGunn86
[Win32 API] PlaySound() delay.
[2 replies] Last: Indeed that was the issue. Should have read a little more on PlaySound... (by CGunn86)
by Sh0es
Class Definition Unrecognized by Compiler
[9 replies] Last: DO NOT edit this for the "thank you". You WILL get hate. I hate it mys... (by S G H)
by kkhalaf
Support Vector Machine Libraries with Visual Studio 2013/2015
[no replies]
by Cambalinho
Console: how resize the windows?
[2 replies] Last: i'm using windows 7. 1st - i don't agree with that link... why? becaus... (by Cambalinho)
by CGunn86
Removing title bar from app
[8 replies] Last: Fair enough. Just seems easier on the eyes in this case with a black b... (by CGunn86)
by tnavid
redirect network traffic from/to tapX to/from ethX
[no replies]
by SSteven
Accessing Windows Libraries from C++ (not MS VC++)
[6 replies] Last: That's basically the advice I gave Steven in my 1st reply LB... In ... (by freddie1)
by Fractal Cat
[1 reply] : Make sure that the file is in the project directory , or the director... (by Avilius)
Need help with C++ programming |
[1 reply] : So do you have any code or are you going to pay someone to do your hom... (by Avilius)
Confused. |
[4 replies] Last: If you're just looking into beginner project ideas, here's some stuff ... (by YFGHNG)
by machgui
i wana connect my app to internet
[2 replies] Last: What do you mean by "run like my web application"? As this is the Win... (by andywestken)
by lindstorm
Audio over Ethernet
[1 reply] : Look you need "C++ Network Programming " book by Douglas C.Shimidt bu... (by Sico)
by anmol2701
[2 replies] Last: Solved. Yes I am accessing the current directory. The problem was w... (by anmol2701)
by shldz88
Easiest way to plot from C++: Gnuplot?
[no replies]