Windows Programming - November 2014 (Page 3)

Best way to hide strings from 'snoopers'?
I have a game mod DLL that uses strings such as the address of my master multiplayer server for the game. One of these strings is the username and password t...
[2 replies] Last: Read this article for an automated way to do it: http://www.codeprojec... (by modoran)
by kevi
open a wav file
Hi, everybody, iam new with C++, using Visual Studio 2012 I have done the basics, but now i have to write a program that opens a audio WAV file. Which manipulat...
[1 reply] : Here is WAVE format specifications, it is a very simple format: http:/... (by modoran)
can i convert the HMENU to HWND?
can i convert the HMENU to HWND?
[4 replies] Last: thanks for that tip ;) i had seen something... but i did a mistake wit... (by Cambalinho)
Windows Chat Application
Hi there I have some trouble with my Chat application. The main goal is having a chat Server and a chat Client. Every message from a client should be sent...
[1 reply] : The server doesn't maintain a list of clients. The client addresses a... (by kbw)
error C2248:
Hi everyone, I am getting this error in my code while passing the reference to the function "error C2248: 'CObject::operator =' : cannot access priv...
[1 reply] : Please show your code. I would guess, however, that you have the assig... (by Zhuge)
by rrvv
Issue with Class in Dev C++
so this is the program #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Human{ char *name; int age; float height; float weight; ...
[3 replies] Last: The constructor and other functions need to be defined so that the val... (by wildblue)
What is wrong with this line of code?
I have this code that crashes my program (found it via a combination of breakpoints): sf::Http::Request request("/servers/master/go.php", sf::Http::Request:...
[no replies]
how to add 2 exe files
How to add 2 diff.exe files in one exe file. Suggest some way to help me pls...
[1 reply] : what you expect from that merged exe? is it just to make one file as z... (by chandar)
Class program
how do i solve this is verry important Implement a class library that will hold information cards and loans ( whom you borrowed a book ) . Loans may be mad...
[no replies]
Log-into website with WinHTTP.
Is there any way to log-into a website where the username and password is controlled by .htaccess and .htpasswd? I am using WinHTTP for the `URLDownloadToFil...
[1 reply] : Why don't you use liburl ? Is much much easier to use: http://curl.hax... (by modoran)
by R23MJ
WinSock2 - Select host from all connected accounts?
I have a simple Instant Messenger, and I was trying to figure out how I can, instead of hosting a dedicated server for it, or have others have to portforward to...
[6 replies] Last: @ tath : Like you pointed out before, that one uses a client server m... (by Computergeek01)
C2628 error
I have finished programming the client-side to my new server-system for the game Crysis Wars, but however I now receive these errors: Error 2 error C2208: '...
[no replies]
CreateProcess to run VBS Script
Hello All, I have a createprocess that runs a bat file which then runs a vbs script. Although it would appear when I run it that all is good it does not edit ...
[10 replies] Last: Btw even though it was writing to Wow6432Node it would not reboot auto... (by limburger)
Displaying information
Hello, I have made a program that allows you to load in models in the OBJ file format. I have stored the data in a map<std::string, model*> , the string is the...
[no replies]
Difference between 'this->' and calling directly?
If I call a function from within its own class, I can use either `this->` or I can just call it directly. For example, using `this->Test(true)` generates the...
[6 replies] Last: [quote=LB]You're basically explicitly specifying the scope you want wh... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Possible to Program with Sound Recorder
I am not sure if I am posting in the correct place, but I had a question is this was possible and it would really help me with school. I use "Sound Recorder"...
[9 replies] Last: Is there someone that can show me how to this? It would really help me... (by ChrisToePha)
Why can't I add these strings together?
I have these two `const char *` variables: const char *ip = v.GetConstStrPtr(); const char *port = &p.GetConstStrPtr() ; Here the IP is ``, an...
[3 replies] Last: &p.GetConstStrPtr() refers to a vector and is retrieving the data fr... (by Disch)
Debugging DLL- Is this possible?
I am transferring multiplayer/online services for Crysis Wars to my own online service, and have so far been able to add a test server to the in-game server lis...
[1 reply] : If you want to watch in real time which functions are used, use some l... (by tath)
Convertin to binary.
I need to write a program that lists all the possible binary combinations {0,1} depending on the number of rows entered by the user. For example if user enters ...
[1 reply] : What problem are you facing exactly? Please mention your problem along... (by letscode)
Getting Weird Symbols from vector output
I'm trying to take a line of input (with spaces) and put it in a vector<string> so that I can access each element to eventually use in a calculator fucntion. I ...
[no replies]
November 2014 Pages: 12345
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