by Cambalinho
can i convert HICON to char*?
[4 replies] Last: thanks for correct me (by Cambalinho)
by Cambalinho
LoadImage: how read a bitmap resource?
[1 reply] : i can't answer how... but it's fixed. why!?! because now works. maybe ... (by Cambalinho)
Get external IP C++ CLI
[1 reply] : i make my own function HttpWebRequest^ request = dynamic_cast<HttpW... (by BAILANDO)
by maplecurie
appearance in grid
[1 reply] : hi!!!!!! A nice question. Grid appearance is convenient in Dapfor .... (by sobort84)
[C++ CLI] Making groupbox
[1 reply] : solved create new groupbox called groupbox_main and this is parent co... (by BAILANDO)
by sambos
Export dataGridView to xls
[5 replies] Last: Yes you can send me a message if you want. Would be good if you could ... (by Thomas1965)
[C++ CLI] ZIP library
[2 replies] Last: SOLVED System::IO::Path::GetDirectoryName(System::Reflection::Assembl... (by BAILANDO)
by maplecurie
data hightlighting .Net grid
[1 reply] : it’s a convienient Grid feature with .Net Grid. Follow the code bel... (by sobort84)
by mforceew
Fastest way to draw polygons on screen?
[2 replies] Last: Give Processing a chance too: (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
by mforceew
How to output value of variable to the windows' window?
[4 replies] Last: In console application there is 'cout' function. cout makes use of ... (by Chervil)
by s8050
coloring pixels on the console window
[5 replies] Last: freddie1 wrote: Have you looked at the Windows Api Console func... (by s8050)
by camper4834
ifstream open output?
[no replies]
[C++ CLI] Print example
[11 replies] Last: Thanks a lot :) (by BAILANDO)
by CalebGarner
dBASE files into Microsoft Access
[1 reply] : This behavior may occur if the Borland folder exists on your computer ... (by IIgone)
[C++ CLI] It's possible to use Ribbon with Visual Studio C++ CLI project?
[2 replies] Last: only what i found is (by BAILANDO)
by r0manatw00d
ZIP & RAR using C++ ? Help
[1 reply] : Did you heared about the boost-library? (It's not a 3rd party DLL) ht... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
by r0manatw00d
Winsock Creating server ? help
[no replies]
WM_DROPFILES not being processed |
[2 replies] Last: if something don't work, I'm looking for examples which are working: ... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
by fedemusa
C++ Column chart
[1 reply] : Please ask Mrs. Google first, she is a very wise old lady and ... pati... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
by bigduck
InternetGetConnectedState() with WinInet.h
[1 reply] : here is another way if (system("ping but my ISP bloc... (by bigduck)