Windows Programming - May 2016

can i convert HICON to char*?
can i convert HICON(for exemple) to char*?
[4 replies] Last: thanks for correct me (by Cambalinho)
LoadImage: how read a bitmap resource?
heres the code that i use for read a bmp resource: //resource.h #define subzero 102 //resource.rc subzero BITMAP "C:\\Users\\Cambalinho\\Documents\\CodeBlocks...
[1 reply] : i can't answer how... but it's fixed. why!?! because now works. maybe ... (by Cambalinho)
Get external IP C++ CLI
Hello, how can i get external IP of machine? Thanks :)
[1 reply] : i make my own function HttpWebRequest^ request = dynamic_cast<HttpW... (by BAILANDO)
appearance in grid
hi! how do you set painting in cells, grouping rows and headers. I use Dapfor .Net Grid
[1 reply] : hi!!!!!! A nice question. Grid appearance is convenient in Dapfor .... (by sobort84)
[C++ CLI] Making groupbox
Hello, its possible to make two groupboxes with same size (groupbox2 is on groupbox1) but make groupbox2 be not a child of groupbox1? I have one form where i ha...
[1 reply] : solved create new groupbox called groupbox_main and this is parent co... (by BAILANDO)
by sambos
Export dataGridView to xls
Hello, I'm writing a windows form program (C++/CLI) and need a bit of guidance... I have a dataGridView full of data which I would like to EXPORT to an ex...
[5 replies] Last: Yes you can send me a message if you want. Would be good if you could ... (by Thomas1965)
[C++ CLI] ZIP library
Hello, can i ask which library is best for creating zip files? ANd next question, how can i convert String^ to TCHAR*. THanks a lot :)
[2 replies] Last: SOLVED System::IO::Path::GetDirectoryName(System::Reflection::Assembl... (by BAILANDO)
data hightlighting .Net grid
how can I highlight cell using Dapfor .Net Grid
[1 reply] : it’s a convienient Grid feature with .Net Grid. Follow the code bel... (by sobort84)
Fastest way to draw polygons on screen?
Hello. What is the fastest way to draw polygons on screen? Is it directx?
[2 replies] Last: Give Processing a chance too: (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
How to output value of variable to the windows' window?
How to output value of variable to the windows' window? In console application there is 'cout' function.
[4 replies] Last: In console application there is 'cout' function. cout makes use of ... (by Chervil)
by s8050
coloring pixels on the console window
OS: Windows 7 IDE: Code::Blocks 16 Programmer type: passionate newbie Hi, I'm familiar with C++ from basics to classes. But I have no experience in graphic...
[5 replies] Last: freddie1 wrote: Have you looked at the Windows Api Console func... (by s8050)
ifstream open output?
Can someone explain to me why this website says that ifstream supports output while everyone else on earth says it can't? Please look at the following page ...
[no replies]
[C++ CLI] Print example
Hello, i need help or short code for look how can i print document (printDocument toolbox). For example when i have one picture and two strings, how can i print...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks a lot :) (by BAILANDO)
dBASE files into Microsoft Access
When i try to import dBASE files into Microsoft Access, ireceive the following error message: Unexpected error from external database driver (8961) Anyone els...
[1 reply] : This behavior may occur if the Borland folder exists on your computer ... (by IIgone)
[C++ CLI] It's possible to use Ribbon with Visual Studio C++ CLI project?
Hello, can i use ribbon in C++ CLI project? Now i have one email sender where i can define multiple emails etc from file, attachment or something else and quest...
[2 replies] Last: only what i found is (by BAILANDO)
ZIP & RAR using C++ ? Help
Can anyone recommend me any tutorial regarding how to Rar files or Zip files without linking to any 3rd party Dynamic Link Library? Thanks. I have been tryi...
[1 reply] : Did you heared about the boost-library? (It's not a 3rd party DLL) ht... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
Winsock Creating server ? help
Can anyone give me reference for How do i make SSH tunnel server using C++ Programming language ? Thanks! Any Help Appreciated! Thanks!
[no replies]
WM_DROPFILES not being processed
Hey there, Trying to process a drop files message with a Subclass, but nothing seems to happen. It says that the window is accepting files, but just doesn't ...
[2 replies] Last: if something don't work, I'm looking for examples which are working: ... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
C++ Column chart
I'm trying to implement a c++ kinect's sample called FaceTrackingVisualization. I want to add a column bar chart to show dinamically some data from. How can I d...
[1 reply] : Please ask Mrs. Google first, she is a very wise old lady and ... pati... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
InternetGetConnectedState() with WinInet.h
i searched a lot before posting here. i cant use this to determine if user has working internet connection or not. #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #i...
[1 reply] : here is another way if (system("ping but my ISP bloc... (by bigduck)
May 2016 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [apr2016] [jun2016]

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