Windows Programming - June 2015 (Page 3)

Device error state of print devices
Hi! I'm developement driver printer spool and a need inform device error state (Example: out of paper) to system. I'm using WinWDK7600. Which source file I...
[no replies]
DISM API functions.
Hello, everyone! This is my first post on the forums here, so feel free to provide any constructive criticism. So, I've been programming with c++ for a few week...
[4 replies] Last: 1. Turn on the verbose logging for the linking phase (the "Show Progre... (by andywestken)
C1083 error : Hdispi.h no such file or directory in c#
I'm trying to find the path of COM port ,i got error my execution : Hdispi.h no such file or directory in C# . Already i see some solution like 1.add extern...
[no replies]
How can i add graphics (pictures, sound, links etc) to a child window?
Can anyone give me the name of the API functions that enables the application to show ,lets say, a picture in a child window?
[4 replies] Last: Btw, i have a question about child windows. Does a child window need ... (by ahcfan)
Need help with adding a toolbar to a windows application
Every time i pass the window style value "TBSTYLE_WRAPABLE" to the CreateWindowEx() API function, i get the compiler error "TBSTYLE_WRAPABLE was not declared in...
[3 replies] Last: Do you know how #define works? 0x0200 is the actual style flag. TBSTYL... (by ahcfan)
[CLI] KeyDown event causes compounding lag.
Hello, I am making a small game, but as I play the game longer and longer, the keydown event seems to make more and more lag until it freezes. To be speci...
[no replies]
What does it mean to "enumerate" a child window?
Does "enumeration" mean to use the CreateWindowEx () and fill out all of the members? (name of window class, window style, etc)
[2 replies] Last: Does "enumeration" mean to use the CreateWindowEx () and fill out all... (by andywestken)
win32 - what is '2 buffers'?
i'm confused with 1 thing that happens to me several times :( when i draw the 1st time isn't drawed correctly, but when i re-draw it, its drawed correctly. why...
[no replies]
How do I write a SMTP server
Hi, I want to write an OutGoing SMTP server in c++. By outgoing smtp server I mean, a server which can all by itself send emails to other incoming servers. (Eg...
[1 reply] : You have here an example: (by modoran)
[C++ - win32] - how make a child control always on top?
i tryied several ways and nothing works perfectly(i found 1 way that gives me a 'flicker'). i have 2 child controls: 1 - label: that uses a timer for animatio...
[5 replies] Last: finally works fine: case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: { ... (by Cambalinho)
Need someone to check my windows-based application code
I think I just finished writing my first windows-based application and i was wondering if anyone can find any errors on my code. I want to make an application w...
[4 replies] Last: Yep, some major conceptual problems, but hey! Keep trying!!! As Homb... (by freddie1)
Question about importing DLL functions in C++
In VB6 you would use a simple line like this at the top of your program's code to import a function stored in a DLL file: Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "...
[3 replies] Last: No need to sell DLLs to me -- I have worked extensively with them in a... (by andywestken)
Kernel Streaming Driver
So I wan't to create my own kernel streaming driver. However, I do not want to be in kernel mode. I want to use AvStream (ks.h) and PortCls (portcls.h) though. ...
[1 reply] : It looks like you know enough to already have your answer, that's basi... (by Computergeek01)
by peteB
Windows, multiple serial ports, conflicts
Hi all. I have a system that uses three serial ports. Currently, for it to work, I can only actually use one at a time. The symptom is that all the serial port...
[3 replies] Last: I can safely assume that windows handle the timers correctly? Yes, bu... (by coder777)
GetProcAddress with SHGetSpecialFolder return right value but the func doesn't work.
Hi, as stated in the title i've called shell32.dll with LoadLirary and then used GetProcAddress to find the address of "SHGetSpecialFolderDirectoryW" but also i...
[7 replies] Last: By "your program" I assume you mean compiler, yes? (as the size of an ... (by andywestken)
by neeld
Ping Pong code error
Hi All, I`m new to C++ .Trying to run a code, that I downloaded off of web . Getting error below. Please help. Thanks . Neel . Error 1 error C1083: Canno...
[2 replies] Last: You should also use code tags: (by Homberto)
dll injection returns error 87
Good morning, Been playing around with dll injection with c/c++ lately, I wanted to do some injection using CreateRemoteThread() into 2 processes like Iexplor...
[4 replies] Last: Uhhh, Ok, here is what, I am generating the executable from visual stu... (by m0mathur)
I have a question regarding the "WNDCLASSEX structure"
is the WNDCLASSEX structure a BUILT IN structure that can be used as long as i include the header <windows.h>? or do i have to individually define all the me...
[1 reply] : By "built in", i mean if the structure is part of the core of c++ WN... (by andywestken)
Where can I get a full list of all the functions that "#include <windows.h>" has?
I went to the reference page but i couldn't find a list of functions that are included in #include <windows.h> If i somehow missed it, can anyone give me a l...
[4 replies] Last: or does the name of the procedure matter at all? The name of the pro... (by andywestken)
by Inrush
Combine WinPcap-packages
I have developed an application that uses WinPcap to capture packages from a TCP/IP connection. This works great, but I have some trouble parsing my data, becau...
[no replies]
June 2015 Pages: 1234
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