Windows Programming - June 2015

Read CMD-Output
Hey, I want to send data from one pc to another one using sockets. But that'a not the Problem ;) I also want to use featurs like reading out things on the c...
[4 replies] Last: That's a bad way to solve the problem. Use pipes instead - it won't be... (by S G H)
by Kalist
What's the difference GetProcAddress() and CreateRemoteThread()?
Now as I understand it, GetProcAddress links a DLL function into the current process memory, and then you can use it with a function pointer. Why would you w...
[1 reply] : 'GetProcAddress()' simply tells you where a function can be found with... (by Computergeek01)
by Kalist
Can't get CreateRemoteThread() to work
I'm having trouble getting the CreateRemoteThread function to work, I've followed tutorials and they've written it similar to this, it worked for them, can anyo...
[1 reply] : What about this isn't working? If you find that "calc.exe" is crashing... (by Computergeek01)
Firstly, i would like to apologize for posting here,the reason being i coudnt login to java forum (always says admin server down).Need help ASAP on question bel...
[4 replies] Last: This is a C++ forum. (by helios)
WinApi vs standard library?
Hello every one! If I wanted to do sth in winapi app, is it better to use standard library or winapi functions? I'd like to use standard functions because th...
[5 replies] Last: Ok, sorry for that slang and thank you for replay, guys. So it's safe ... (by TheHardew)
How do I add a shellexecute function opening program with appendmenu function? a
How do I use the shellexecute function with the appendmenu function to open a program? These are my two scripts for both functions: MENU #include <win...
[no replies]
Writing C++ on a Windows Computer
Hello, curious question. I want to practice some C++ before college just to get the feel of the language again and I would like to ask for advice. What program ...
[7 replies] Last: If you're looking for a really clean text editor there is Sublime Text... (by giblit)
How can i make my program call a function in the moment when an item is chosen from a combo box list?
I just made a combo box that is contained inside a Rebar control. The combo box is designed to contain a list of a bunch of Fonts (times new roman, arial, etc) ...
[1 reply] : Never mind. I figured it out. (by SomeAmazingGuy)
by dmradu
printer spool app
hi! Can you help me with a simple app? i want an app that will interact between the print button and the spool. for instance i want to print a .docx, i hit the...
[no replies]
Any tutorials for making a GUI in visual c++ or netbeans?
Hello, I am trying to make a gui for something i'm working on in visual studio. I have made tons and tons of console applications, but I don't quite understan...
[1 reply] : The reason one 'seems' to make GUIs with a header file (windows.h) is ... (by freddie1)
undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'
Sorry to bother you guys again, still having trouble with compiling wxwidgets and boost into my app. Getting a load of errors like that one, see the compile co...
[1 reply] : It has to do with exception handling / using incompatible compiler. Re... (by coder777)
Async WinINet - HttpSendRequest() Crashes Program
Well, I don't exactly know what to post for this one.... So, I have this: char* msg1=const_cast<char*>("Connecting To Server...."); SendMessageA(ClientArea, A...
[1 reply] : To anybody in the future: 1) Make sure your IntenetStatusCallback fu... (by Homberto)
Is learning GUI worth it
Its probably something I might try to get into tommorow just wanna know is it still worth learning in c++? --Blackhart
[6 replies] Last: [quote=ahcfan]Also, if you plan to distribute your programs then the a... (by Computergeek01)
MFC Application help
Hi, I am new to C++ and have been given a task that involves creating an MFC dialog-based application which is to be run when a separate .exe file is open. I ...
[2 replies] Last: I did actually put it in there first, but I was not getting anything s... (by Lpark34)
internet explorer newWindow3 event cancel navigation
Hello! The newWindow3 event of the internet explorer has a parameter that determines whether the navigation should be cancelled or not. https://msdn.micro...
[no replies]
undefined reference to `boost::system::system_category(), but I already have -lboost_system
Hi All, Getting this error from a cpp library I'm trying to port from Linux to Windows, using code::blocks. I'm new to c++ in general but especially new to Win...
[1 reply] : Someone on stack overflow gave me the answer, recompiled boost with th... (by Gemmab89)
by peteB
'createfile ' method..file handling conflict / files overwriting each other
Hi, I'm hoping this question is a recognisable issue to experienced windows programmers.It's the kind of thing that if you've experienced it you will recognise...
[11 replies] Last: And I violated my cardinal principal above about error checking even t... (by freddie1)
by mrSami
Using CryptApi in C++
I want a simple(Explained) example for using CryptApi to Encrypt/Decrypt Send/Receive Data over networks(signed data)
[1 reply] : What do you know so far? How are experienced are you with the C and\or... (by Computergeek01)
by ajh32
Problem with extended CHeaderCtrl
I've created a class that extends the CHeaderCtrl class, for use with my class that extends the CListCtrl class. The problem I'm having is that the header ...
[4 replies] Last: Ah OK... The reason you're code was working my my PC but not mine is ... (by andywestken)
by zontop
Save dialog problem
Hi I call a save dialog to save a xml file (ex: a.xml), then save a clone of it(ex: a_clone.xml) to other location silently. But it only work for a.xml file. ...
[1 reply] : I don't understand. Where it is supposed to save the backup copy silen... (by modoran)
June 2015 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [may2015] [jul2015]

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