Windows Programming - June 2009

do LPCWSTR support + , these 2 operator?
LPCWSTR can i do this string g1= "am"; string g2= "SAD"; LPCWSTR hgc = ("I" + "g1",g2 ); if i can't, how to convert string to LPCWSTR?...
[18 replies] Last: Try using strcat() . (by Kiana)
by alexax
how to add left and right image for webcam using the win32 to program?
Hi, I'm new to the c++ with win32.. I do not know how to add the headers and source files. Some of the sample program i downloaded works when i click the .exe ...
[3 replies] Last: does anyone know how to do it? (by alexax)
Declare char *[]
What is the best way to declare the following as a pointer, at least with regard to the first array... char chStr ; IOW, I don't care if the second array...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks. I appreciate the help. (by Lamblion)
WriteFile error__Wrong Parameter
after i have compile successfully i meet an excute error-- can not write a file, below is my code , how to amend it? Thanks DWORD End_of_file = write_s...
[8 replies] Last: i find out the error maybe cause by the handle which i generate like t... (by chiwing)
which is the faster in windows (1,2)
which is the faster in windows , 1 or 2 1) wstring write_stuff = generate_string(happy); wstring generate_string(wstring happy) { } 2 ...
[31 replies] Last: This code isn't C++: void func(int h) { h= 12 ;} main// error: s... (by Bazzy)
by Null
cout in win32 app
If i create a win32 program (not console!) and if i write cout <<"some text"; in source code of that program, then nothing happens. But is it possible to get th...
[1 reply] : The formatting on this page is awful, but here it is: http://www.halc... (by Duthomhas)
To determine a partition in which disks
This is my first article, hope to be useful. thanks everybody to support! Windows Disk Management make we can know all partitions on a disk easily. For exa...
[1 reply] : This has been posted 15 years ago on Compuserve and Usenet ... (and se... (by george135)
by Null
How to get text from listbox?
Hello, how can i get selected text from listbox? I tried with GetDlgItemTex() but it didn't work. Thanks for ideas.
[3 replies] Last: Thank you. I did as lamblion wrote (by Null)
gcc windows
I am using cygwin/gcc as my C/C++ compiler. Does anyone know of a good tutorial to use for windows with this compiler? I have heard that there is a special pr...
[2 replies] Last: Well, unless your going to do a bit of Linux programming as well, I do... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Change Tab Control Window Color
I have created a modeless dialog box and within that dialog box a tabbed window using CreateWindowEx(). I am able to set the font for this window, but I cann...
[5 replies] Last: Yeah, the article is pretty straightforward; I just had to work throug... (by Lamblion)
Hide Caption of a Window
How can i hide the caption (or title bar) of a window? i need it to make 2D UI using just DirectX and COM and i'm stuck at hiding this bar. I searched on google...
[3 replies] Last: hah, yeah, whoops! XD Ah well, I'm rusty. (by Disch)
by qqface
CreateThread Not enough storage is available to process this command
Hi, My app has like 60 threads it crashes randomly because of this. I debugged each one and it crash at random thread to make it worst. The error code is th...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, I can't just remove the terminatethreads, its in it for a reaso... (by qqface)
Creating Menus in Win32 Programming
I am new to Win32 programming and I have been working with a tutorial from a website which teaches the basics of Windows Programming through Win32... I have cov...
[10 replies] Last: @ everlearnin Hi there! (by madmaxsantana)
Am I doing this right?
I don't have much experience with the windows api and overloading the new and delete operators. How can I make this more safe and what should I throw instead of...
[no replies]
by Yane87
listbox to .ini file
hi guys, i am looking to save the items that i have in my listbox to a specified in file. i have already done this with my textboxes and it has worked fine,...
[no replies]
Functions in Resources
How can i create using VC++ 2008 functions in .rc files? I need to make a function to create Dialog Boxes by analizing the data send by me to it. And i don't wa...
[6 replies] Last: u didnt read the resources right, do you, killerzone?:D.... So ins... (by Incubbus)
Timer Millisecond strange Oo
Hello everybody, i need to create a timer for test my network platform and i wish a millisecond precision. So i did this. // *******************************...
[2 replies] Last: See rather MSDN code (KB , WSDK) (this french site is well-known to be... (by george135)
by Terron
Effective tool for GDI memory leaks detection
Hello! Would you advice me some effective tool for GDI memory leaks and run-time errors detection in VC++? Thanks!
[6 replies] Last: I'll try to find cheaper alternative :) (by Terron)
Visual C++ trouble
Where can I get Visual C++ that works? I downloaded the Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition upon installation it downloaded another 174mb, but it was unable to i...
[1 reply] : I just got that from (by NoobsDeSroobs)
Is there a "patch.exe" ??
I'm trying to get a database caching system called memcached running on win32. I'm using vs2008. I found a version of memcached that's ported to win32. this ...
[2 replies] Last: Duoas. Thanks so much for your answer. there'a a lot in your reply... (by mikebow)
June 2009 Pages: 123... 5
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