Windows Programming - July 2015

by Lancer
Text Box used for filename input
I've written a program that's complete except the input and output file names are encoded in the program like this:ifstream myInfile ("ReadText.txt"); ofstream...
[1 reply] : ifstream takes a const char* (by mutexe)
how can i center a control by it's parent?
heres my ScreenToClient(): void ScreenToClient(HWND WindowDestination, RECT *WindowRectangle) { MapWindowPoints(NULL, WindowDestination, LPPOINT(WindowRec...
[2 replies] Last: void CenterInsideParent(HWND hWnd, ControlPositions ControlPosition=C... (by Cambalinho)
by RaduV
Is there something similar to WM_MOUSEENTER WM_MOUSELEAVE?
I want to know when the mouse enters and leaves the client area of a control. I looked at TrackMouseEvent() and it appears to do what I want but I have to keep ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks both of you. Apparently I misunderstood the use of TrackMouseEv... (by RaduV)
how speed up DIB's and Regions?
i have these code for DIB's: BYTE* Get24BitPixels(HBITMAP pBitmap, WORD *pwWidth, WORD *pwHeight) { // a bitmap object just to get bitmap width and...
[1 reply] : The best would be using your own bitmap using CreateDIBSection(...): ... (by coder777)
by Rudys
More details
Hello, Could somebody help me how in a message box to make a button do functions?
[5 replies] Last: I see, Thanks (by Rudys)
Hello everyone. i put this on windows programming cause i think "conio/conio.h" is w\ windows right?? i used conio in this class of mine and i get this er...
[3 replies] Last: thanks Duoas!! really helps (by bookwormjadi1)
Dialog to Browse file and save it
hey I am new to c++. I am trying to create a editor program.I am stuck at how to open a dialog box where it asks to open a file from any directory (my pictures...
[5 replies] Last: Given the Managed C++ event handler I assume you created a Windows For... (by andywestken)
Please help with my program!
I'm having a problem getting my program to work. What's supposed to happen is that you start with a single pixel and it randomly moves, leaving a trail of pixel...
[1 reply] : 1st, please use code tags: (by Homberto)
How do I keep my system up to date with latest C++ features (e.g. C++14?)
I've been reading C++ Primer but I'm still fuzzy on the entire implementation of the C++ language. Exactly how I can access features from C++14 and how I can ke...
[1 reply] : As far as I can remember from when I did it, remove your version of Mi... (by shadowmouse)
afxwin.h : precompiled header skipped
#include"afxwin.h" #include"stdafx.h" class myframe :public CFrameWnd { public: myframe() { Create(0, "YO!! IT'S PG HERE B-)"); } }; class...
[1 reply] : You are using precompiled headers -- so your precompiled header must b... (by Disch)
by RaduV
Is there any good reason to not include STL types in DLL headers?
I want some class methods in my dll to return strings and std::string seems the easiest way to do it. However I don't know what issues this might cause with the...
[4 replies] Last: Many structures change size and gain or lose members depending on whet... (by LB)
by RaduV
Could anyone provide an example of a listview control in tile view with subitems?
This might be a long shot but I though I would ask anyway. I have struggled with this in the past and never have been able to figure out how to do it, and MSDN ...
[3 replies] Last: Figured it out. I had to add this after setting the view to tile, L... (by RaduV)
by Atton
Yet Another Windows Forms Issue
So I have been playing around with windows forms for a little while now. But I have ran into something rather strange. When I try to print the i value to the t...
[3 replies] Last: private: System::Void goButton_Click(System::Object^ sender, System... (by Atton)
by sTsT
Gaussian filter using gaussian formula in opencv
hello can anyone tell me how i can blur the image using gaussian formula. i dont want to use gaussian blur operator which is provided by opencv. thanks
[3 replies] Last: What do you mean? You might search for agg. There is next to no docum... (by coder777)
C++ - win32: how can i get the LOGFONT from HDC?
how can i get the LOGFONT from HDC?
[15 replies] Last: isn't the best, but finally i fix it: if(inst->blnTransparent==true) ... (by Cambalinho)
usb communication setup
how usb communication setup? I have completed learning topics in tutorial section of this site. is that enough for setting up usb communication?
[no replies]
OS Information
Hi, I have created an MFC dialog based application that reads CString data and copies that data to the clipboard so that the data can easily be transferred onto...
[no replies]
"expected } at end of input"
Ello, I'm trying to make a game, just for practice, but I got this error. The compiler says it is on line 59 //Battle game w/ random enemy stats #include <i...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. (by HOWDOIAIM)
Is Win API bad/outdated?
I've been personally using it since I started with GUI programming and so far I haven't found anything I don't like about it, but I did read several times that ...
[1 reply] : it wasn't updated since 16 bit windows that's definitely stupid sta... (by tath)
Adobe PDF functionality
Hey, I'm trying to write a program to handle pdf files. The program should be able to open pdf files that are password protected. So I need functionality to ...
[no replies]
July 2015 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [jun2015] [aug2015]

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