Windows Programming - July 2011 (Page 4)

Help with closing Win32 app.
Hey all, As an attempt to neaten my code and allow me to handle exceptions a little easier I tried to wrap most of the winapi calls into classes that i made...
[1 reply] : Looks good to me. Try setting no cursor at all. Set mainWnd.cpp:23 t... (by webJose)
by tajwan
Visual Studio 2010 Expres Edition #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { cout<<"Pierwszy program"; return cin.get (); } ...
[3 replies] Last: Or just add iostream header inside stdafx.h. (by modoran)
Win32/Computer Memory Usage
Question 1, part 1 - When you write a program are the variables, etc, that you write in given a memory address when you compile the program? Question 1 part ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your help, it is greatly appreciated. (by NeckDeepInSyntaxErrors)
Create a new window after pressing a button.
Hello world!! I am a beginner in creating windows programming. At the moment I am trying to obtain an application that displays a bmp file into a pop-up wind...
[no replies]
by Skagen
Dump object into file | Restore object from file later
So I've messed around with XML and boost:serialization (which seems to be gone in the latest version btw) and God knows what. I've spent so long trying to fi...
[7 replies] Last: Noooo, you would just implement a way of storing the vectors elements ... (by ModShop)
CreateFile() for Directory
Hi, I want to open directory from my machine in write mode. So i can delete files from that folder. Will someone help me by giving one example. I also want to ...
[5 replies] Last: Ok buddy, Thanks for your reply.. Actually i have new problem. I want ... (by bally28)
Convert UNIT to char
I need to convert the UNIT to LPCSTR in order to get it printed. Is it possible? If not, then what can i do in order to print the UNIT in a debugging messag...
[5 replies] Last: Window messages are just numbers. Look in winuser.h header file to fin... (by modoran)
Child window not getting input
I had created a main window and then a child window that has 2 text fields and 2 buttons. The problem is that I am not able to write anything in the text fields...
[9 replies] Last: Don't use WS_CHILD or WS_GROUP to the text controls, leave default beh... (by modoran)
Cin for Windows API
Hello everyone I need help with a program that does standards for the user but I need to get the standard string and the number of times you need to write it. I...
[1 reply] : I don't understand what you want, please be more explicit ... If you ... (by modoran)
Visual C++ txtBox newline?
Hello all, new guy here. I have a Visual Studio Express 2010 C++ windows forms project going where I need to write text to a textbox. The problem I am having is...
[6 replies] Last: I was not using "+=" when entering text. So anytime text was written, ... (by chrismec)
how to reduce the threading timing issue?
may be my title not that appropriate to my problem ... i'm face issue that i have 2 thread pool queue in which the 1st thread queue has requests (1st job c...
[1 reply] : Can't you add the deleting job at the end of the processing job, inste... (by bartoli)
C++ Interactive Daemon
I need to write C++ Interactive Daemon which can do following. - Read big file ( approx 170 MB ) and keep in memory - Give access to other processes to read...
[no replies]
Compressing and Encrypting
How can you compress and encrypt any multiple files into one file that is your own format?
[6 replies] Last: Thanks very much :) (by stfn321)
Visual Studio 2k3 error "unable to attach to machine <m/c name> "
Hi All, I am getting following error while running a VC++ program in debugging mode from VS 2k3 IDE. unable to attach to machine <m/c name> Could somebody...
[no replies]
How can i add icon in my file?
#include <windows.h> #define IDI_ICON 1 LRESULT CALLBACK P(HWND A,UINT B,WPARAM C,LPARAM D){ switch(B){ case 0x2: ...
[no replies]
Virtual Key Codes
case WM_KEYDOWN: switch(wParam) case VK_LEFT: X -= 5; InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE); case VK_RIGHT: X += 5; Invali...
[15 replies] Last: Anyone ? (by TpOreilly)
by semar
Hello I have a problem with dev-cpp i cannot open project options (get errors) , could someone give me a good free c++ compiler or help me with dev-cpp ? PS: ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for help :) (by semar)
by zaid65
Multipliple Threads in CBuilder 5.0
i need help how to use threads in C Builder 5.0 if anybody can help me. Also how i can make the C Builder code standalone so that there is no need of C Builder...
[no replies]
Define User Macro
I use GetDlgItem(hwnd,id_control) quite a bit. How could I #define a macro so that instead of writing all of that out, I could simply say something like -- ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. I was just using that as an example. I will probably want to d... (by Lamblion)
by screw
writing an simple UML editor
Hi all! I would like to create a very simple UML editor but I don't know how I should start it. Firstly I create a dialog program and I will draw the items. ...
[1 reply] : You could start by programming a generic graph Editor, a program that ... (by bartoli)
July 2011 Pages: 1234567
  Archived months: [jun2011] [aug2011]

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