Windows Programming - July 2008 (Page 2)

multiProcess and multiThread via semphore bug
Hi all appreciate some help on this issue. Before I share the bug, let me give an overview of my program flow. The assumption made here is, I'm using C prog...
[1 reply] : Memory leak? have you tried running the programs with a debugger attac... (by Zaita)
Listing directory & MSDOS...
Hi I was wondering if anybody knew how to get a list of the directory or to check if exist any files in MSDOS. I’m using Borland C++ 3.1 in this moment. To...
[1 reply] : ... (by Zaita)
Simple window basics
Although this is a beginner question, I didn't know whether to put it here in the beginner forum, so i just put it here. So I just made a simple window using an...
[5 replies] Last: Oh, I understand your confusion. Yes, every time you have function... (by Duthomhas)
Virtual Files
Can someone tell me if it would be possible to open a file which actually just exists in the RAM memory? As an example, would it be possible to open a notepad ...
[8 replies] Last: Boost Library has a few different IPC methods you can use :) Quite sim... (by Zaita)
VS2005 compile error after upgrades
Hi, A couple of weeks ago I enabled XP's automatic updates (it hadn't been upgraded since I installed XP SP1 a year ago). After the upgrade (it also did som...
[1 reply] : I Guess there may be some corruption in the files,Simply reinstall th... (by KDevloper)
by OHTina
Centralize log clearing ,
Hello all. Here is quesion remove log, 1) If i want to check folder "c:/log_file" every 24 hr. in localhost(server) from clients 'log file. how can i write ...
[1 reply] : (by Zaita)
my first topic!
Hello everyone, I'm brand new to this forum and I need your help already! When I run my program, I get these errors: 33 C:\Dev-Cpp\Lab 7.cpp expected constr...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your help! I got it to work :) (by shakethatmoney)
by Nandor
calling function from dll
I have a function in my program: void tables() { BOOL freeResult, runTimeLinkSuccess = FALSE; HINSTANCE dllHandle = NULL; table...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks for your help (by Nandor)
by SpeedX
Get Meta-Data
Hello I've got a problem! I need to know the exact time when a txt-file was created. The txt-file contains temporary data from an other programm, but I don't...
[5 replies] Last: The environment is MS Visual Studio C++, with Framework 3.0 and yes, ... (by SpeedX)
Can anybody please tell me the issue with the below is due to the const keyword or any other reason? the following does not work:- bool fun(const CString st...
[8 replies] Last: Hi Duoas, I have not used any abusing language here.If you do not ... (by KDevloper)
Hi I m NEW.....
Hello evryone i m new to this forums... i want a favour from u guys n gals... can u tell me which software is used in GAME PROGRAMMINg?? and can i start game...
[4 replies] Last: is another good one. But all of these require a profici... (by Zaita)
by Marj
Dialog box problem
Hey all, i am a little new to programing and cant seem to build a dialog box. I want to make for example when you click on "botton1" it display's a dialog box ...
[1 reply] : What IDE are you using? (by Zaita)
by tgd
How to retrieve device information?
Hi. I want to retrieve some device information using C++. For example: information about installed AGP card such as Name, Manufacturer, Chip type, driver versi...
[1 reply] : It's a usenet FAQ (see mainly news:// (by george135)
by rani
tab flow control
hi i'm creating an application with tab control in wxwidgets.i've a dialog with 4 buttons like start,stop,pause and close.if i close the dialog and reopen t...
[6 replies] Last: hi Thanks to all i've resolved that problem.but now i've new one. ... (by rani)
by mrkmrk
euler's method to determine water height
The C++ project that I have been assigned states: Write a program that determines the water height h, as a function of time. The volume in the tank is V...
[3 replies] Last: mrkmrk: you could try doing your own homework :P This forum (like most... (by Zaita)
good books for c++
hi im new in all can somebody recomend good book for programing in c++ where i can find all ,to don't runing from one to onether book like this . byu.
[11 replies] Last: I propose that you use "c++ programming language" by bjarne stroupus b... (by charlie)
by jrohde
MessageBox, Vista, and WM_PAINT
Hi - Has anyone else noticed this? In Vista, there are times when using win32 MessageBox() that the message box is not displayed topmost, which should be au...
[2 replies] Last: Good suggestion. Unfortunately, it didn't work when I tried varying t... (by jrohde)
by jrohde
Transparent Bitmap on Button Control?
Hello - I'm having an issue placing a transparent bitmap on a button control. Below is the current code. At one point, I was able to put a loaded bitma...
[5 replies] Last: I would consider that you know something I don't, if in fact you had... (by jrohde)
I need a program that gives me tha names of all files in a given directory
Helo, the title pretty much says it all. However, i don't need a whole program, i just want to ask you, what kind of commands i need to make such a program, ...
[2 replies] Last: Or lookup the Boost::FileSystem :) (by Zaita)
shutdown event
Hi all, Is there an event that's fired when a user is logging out or shutting down Windows?, I'd like to capture the event in the log of my application Th...
[1 reply] : WM_ENDSESSION Message might be what you ar elooking for: http://msd... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
July 2008 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [jun2008] [aug2008]

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